Letter: Alaska Family Council’s year-end message


From the Desk of
Jim Minnery
Alaska Family Council

Fellow Alaskan,                                                                  Dec. 30th, 2020

         At a time when many are losing hope in institutions and politics in particular, our intent is to encourage Alaskans to remain engaged and active. In Scripture, it says that the people who know their God shall be strong and do great things. Daniel 11:32

         Over the past 15 years, through the prayers and support of other like-minded mission partners like you, Alaska Family Council has been established as the leading pro-family, liberty-loving public policy group in our state.  Today, we remain relentless in our pursuit of those things that the unchanging God calls right, just, and beautiful.

         While elected officials, government or even good public policy are all-important, ultimately our real hope is found in Christ and Him alone.  We strive to capture the tension between grace and law, relationships and truth, and being pastoral and prophetic.

         Alaska Family Council is the premier voice in the Great Land in defense of life, marriage, family and religious liberty.  We are honored to be ambassadors for Christ on your behalf for values that are timeless, as we speak truth to power in the legislature and in local governing bodies; to stand for Biblical precepts in the media; to educate and equip pastors; and to inspire, educate and equip the next generation. 

         On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, we thank you for partnering with us in prayer and through your investments.  As you consider your year-end donations, I want to encourage you to invest in the future of our state with a tax-deductible gift to Alaska Family Council.  History demonstrates what happens when Christians pull back from the public square. Liberties are lost. Abortion skyrockets. Families are torn apart.

         Despite the sin and despair of the world surrounding us all, we know God is sovereign. Our world, country, and state remain in the palm of His hand and we are to be faithful to the tasks He has set before us.

         Your gift now of $250, $500, $1,000 or more will fuel our mission to transform Alaska for His glory. Don’t let the Christian voice in the Great Land be silenced. Please stand with us today. CLICK HERE TO MAKE A SECURE ON-LINE GIFT NOW

         New Year’s Blessings to you and your family.

    Jim Minnery, President, Alaska Family Council



  1. Interesting. God, or as Mr. Minnery would have us believe, his surrogate, begging for money on a blog site. One would think He’d be able to fend for Himself. Perhaps the two are not as much on the same page as Mr. Minnery would like us to think.

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