Letter: A time to rebuild


Hello and Happy New Year to friends, neighbors, and constituents,

With 2020 in our rearview mirror, we can see the New Year as a chance to rebuild what has been dismantled through a combination of illness and poor public policy. 

Vaccines will be a game-changer here in Anchorage in the coming weeks. With our most vulnerable vaccinated, there should be no reason we cannot get our commercial and education sectors fully open, and very soon. We cannot let perfection become the enemy of progress. As always, I will support people’s right to choose whether a vaccine is right for them.

My goals for the coming year will focus on our economy in Anchorage. Government normally should be careful about trying to “create” an economy, when the creativity of the private sector is always much better. But this year is different, with government policies having had such a big part in our current situation. There may be better ways that local government can operate, and I’m open to hearing about them, and bringing them to the Assembly for consideration.

Thus, I’ll be hosting small-group meetings throughout the New Year and will be seeking your ideas about how we can kickstart our economy in Anchorage. Please put on your thinking cap and let’s work this problem together: How can we best get our economy back on its feet, and how can we get our children back to school? What are other communities doing that are practices we can quickly adopt?

I’m proud to represent Chugiak – Eagle River on the Anchorage Assembly. Since being sworn in on April 21, these months — during the worst period of our city’s history — have taught me so much, especially that local government needs all of us to get involved, so lawmakers don’t go off the rails and become overbearing in people’s lives.

I’m optimistic that here in Chugiak – Eagle River , we will weather this storm. I’m so proud of all of our residents for standing strong, for helping our neighbors in need, and for being the best of what Alaska represents. This is the year we in Chugiak – Eagle River will shine and lead the way.

May God bless you with prosperity and much happiness in the New Year! (Please drive safely and be sure to return home to your family in one piece!)



  1. You “GO” Jamie! Thanks for all you’ve done standing against liberals on the Assembly and in Mayor office dead set on dismantling Anchorage.

  2. “We cannot let perfection become the enemy of progress.” Jamie

    Some Russian Admiral is credited with saying “Perfect is the enemy of good enough.”

  3. Happy New Year ??? Jamie and please continue to be the voice of reason on the assembly. We support your efforts and have your back. It takes great courage to confront the jackals on the assembly and speak forcefully for what is right for all the citizens of Anchorage and especially for Chugiak/Eagle River citizens. EXITEAGLE RIVER maybe our best hope for the future. Keep fighting!

  4. Thank you for your leadership in your attempts to preserve and protect liberty and freedom in the MOA.

    Don’t let the b@5tards get you down! You’re very well thought of, admired and respected in the Anchorage community. I hope you’ll continue to be a P.I.T.A. for the liberal members of the Assembly and the Acting Mayor.

    God bless you and yours in 2021!

  5. Jamie… don’t waste your time (and ours) in “small groups” trying to “kick start” what Anchorage’s Fraudulent Hyphenated-Mayor and its code-enforcement bunnies are dedicated to ‘kick stopping”.
    Kind of dumb to “rebuild” before the storm’s over, don’t you think?
    Storm will get worse while the Fraudulent Hyphenated-Mayor and friends are still in office, fortified by the Assembly’s easily corruptible mail-in vote system.
    Surely, you’re not talking about a group hug, kind words, some sort of peace offering with the very bast… (oops! can’t say that!) who weaponized China flu to destroy the economy, demoralize people, shove them into a new post-Constitutional order?
    Concentrate on Eaglexit. That’s the “kick start” off this derelict for you and your friends.
    Make Eaglexit happen and the Evil Empire should capsize… won’t be enough productive residents left to keep it upright.
    If the Empire collapses, productive residents may even find it within themselves to run off their Fraudulent Hyphenated-Mayor and its friends
    … and rebuild Anchorage’s government, education system, and economy into something more economical and user friendly, with a trustworthy, traditional voting system,
    … in small, medium large, or huge groups, whatever works for them; China flu be damned.

  6. Nebulous pap. Basically, the writer is saying nothing. Comments such as, “We cannot let perfection become the enemy of progress,” and “There may be better ways that local government can operate…” are open ended and say nothing other than that the writer has no definite idea of where she is going and how she intends to get there. I hope I am wrong about this. Time will tell, but I have heard stuff like this for 70 years and it usually is smoke and mirrors signifying nothing.

    • Greg,
      Lighten up a bit. Nothing wrong with a positive message from a conservative community leader. You always seem to have issues with conservatives trying to stop the muni progressives from further damaging our city. Fact is Jamie represents a whole lot of us who are tired of the direction Anchorage is going and she is leading towards a more open, democratic, and ethical local government. Maybe in the future you could write an opinion piece in MRK outlining how you would improve our great city. I know I, for one, would be interested in reading your solution. Happy New Years, Craig

  7. I’ll settle simply for a time of sanity, which we are demonstrably NOT enjoying today — both from our autocratic and out-of-touch overlords on the municipal ass-embly, as well as from the mass of Anchorage residents in their hysterical, virtue-signaling, corporate-media-induced panic over a very mild pandemic.

  8. Still don’t recognize that you can’t defeat a Bolshevik Revolution with niceties and assisted death by vaccination. Geez, when will Americans wake the hell up?

  9. Hello Comrades
    It would be nice for a list of the conservative businesses. With that list I can choose which busisness I can support. Never will I patronize any Berkowitz owned shops.
    The Bolshevics used lists. No let me see your papers.0

  10. We need more rep’s like you Jamie, hopefully we will be successful in our EaglExit endeavors and no longer have to bow to the will of the city leaders of Anchorage.

  11. OTOH, based on recent trends, Anchorage will soon become one massive homeless camp and shelter, with a bunch of folks working to house, feed and otherwise tend to the needs of the homeless. We don’t need no stinkin’ private sector here. We got the government.

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