Legislative leadership polling lawmakers on location of special session


Maybe the next special session won’t be in Wasilla after all.

Must Read Alaska has learned that legislative leaders in the House and Senate are polling members to determine whether they want to hold a special session in Wasilla, as has been called for by Gov. Michael Dunleavy by proclamation Or maybe they’ll just call their own special session in advance of July 8.

If they can get 40 votes between the House and Senate, they could move it to Anchorage or reconvene the special session in Juneau, where nearly all of them can continue to receive up to $285 a day in per diem.

House and Senate Majorities gaveled out of the first special session today, and Gov. Michael Dunleavy called them into a second special session to deal with the Permanent Fund dividend, which they have not been able to decide on in the 149 days they have been in session and special session.

One of the options on the table is to call themselves into special session preemptively, before the governor’s chosen date of July 8.

In 2015, the Alaska Legislature moved its business to Anchorage after having been called into special session in Juneau by Gov. Bill Walker.

At the time, the Legislature’s own attorney said that the move could be unconstitutional. The Walker Administration did not challenge the constitutionality of the maneuver, however.


  1. Calling BS on another session in JNU. Calling out all the Legislature to show up in front of your Constituents and be counted. You want to steal our PFD. Give us our PFD or our mineral rights!

  2. They are chicken sh*ts, that’s why. God help them if they have to face live, human constituents every day. We should greet them by sitting on all overpasses on the way out to the valley, holding banjos. Isn’t that what they are all thinking? They’re scared to death. Poor dears……..
    Thanks, Knopp….

  3. Election Day is coming and everyone of they that voted against the Alaska people in their attempt to continue stealing the PFD for more of their frivolous squandering will be remembered at the polls, they will all get to do the WALKER!!!!

    • Much as I’d like to think you’re right, past performance of the electorate doesnt bode well for changes anytime soon. The losers to be,such as Knopp, are probably already planning their reelection lies and lining up other liars to run. The swamp will never give up. Dunleavy should call the special session for tomorrow.

      • Any word on recall for Knopp? Last I heard, needed 1000 to the LtGov, then 3,000 total to recall. Haven’t seen any reporting on this.

  4. So long as they can stay together. 15 No in House and 6 in Senate. That only gets 39 for move. Can we keep all 21? Sure hope so!

  5. Wow. The legislature is really working now. Like holding proceedings in a Junior High are going to facilitate sound discussions and resolution of the PFD issue.

    Just move the session to Anchorage for a bit and get the job done.

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