Assembly member Jamie Allard is showing us how it’s done when it comes to battling extreme, crazy, tyrannically bent leftists. Never in the history of Anchorage has the city been run by such hard-core radicals.
The agenda they’ve been and will continue to push is rapidly causing Alaska’s largest city to resemble Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco. Out of control vagrants, lawlessness, wasteful government spending, huge tax increases, and an all-out war on the city’s business owners.

Now is not the time for go along to get along. Allard gets that and even though she’s greatly outnumbered within the bowels of city government, she’s putting up a heroic fight.
The Assembly and mayor have become so arrogant and emboldened, they’ve locked the public out of chambers to testify. If a Republican-controlled government did that, the heads of each and every journalist at The Anchorage Daily News and KTUU would literally explode. Literally, not figuratively.
Allard says her colleagues on the Assembly and the mayor are violating open meeting laws by refusing to let citizens into chambers to testify in person.
Before Tuesday’s meeting, Allard will have forms available outside Assembly chambers for constituents to sign demanding access to the meeting.
Once they’re denied, Allard will take their names and on Wednesday file a lawsuit on their behalf demanding the Assembly stop breaking open meeting laws.
“It’s not okay for Americans not to be able to face their government and to testify on a personal agenda that individuals are trying to pass,” said Allard.
How this must infuriate the tyrant mayor and his enablers on the Assembly.
But there’s more. Allard also plans on introducing an ordinance that reads in part: “Recognizing honoring and thanking the Anchorage Police Department for their dedicated and selfless service to the residents of the municipality of Anchorage.”
The ordinance also goes on to read: “The Anchorage Police Department has taken the high road in protection of human rights in the face of a variety of protests, some against the Department itself. Officers have at times been subject to disrespectful words and actions in public from some people, yet stood calm, professional and often compassionate in response.”
This is the type of ordinance that must drive the anti-cop leftists on the Assembly crazy. Some of them have already pushed for a change in the law making it more difficult for cops to do their jobs.
We know Berkowitz abandoned his stringent social distancing rules he imposes on businesses to join and praise anti-cop protesters this summer. Allard knows how to hit the wacky left where it hurts the most.
The Left often employs unconventional methods in promoting or disguising their agenda which is typically not politically palatable for most. Allard gets that and isn’t afraid to strike back at their deception and tyranny by taking dead aim at the heart of what motivates them. It’s a beautiful thing to watch.
Dan Fagan hosts a radio show weekday mornings on Newsradio 650 KENI.
I fully support and defend my Assembly Member Allard in this quest to reign in the out of control Mayor and Assembly. If not for being out of state for work I would gladly sign the petition to open the meetings as required by law.
The assembly doesn’t give a care about the people in Anchorage paying the bill. It is all about their agenda to impoverish the city. Eagle River should get out while they can.
Wow! Go Jamie!! It takes courage to DO SOMETHING!! I read and hear lots of frustrations about the mayor and assembly (excluding ER reps) and suggestions about how to intervene in the abuse of power but this is progress. Thank you!!
Thanks Dan Fagan and Suzanne! Your informative writing keeps those who don’t want to be deceived Fully informed!
Eagle River’s needs are ignored by the Anchorage Assembly causing many of its residents to search for a separation from Anchorage. Perhaps a better strategy would be for the Anchorage city and borough to get a divorce. The Anchorage Borough has been short changed ever since the merger with the city.
Jamie Allard for Mayor !!
YES!! Jamie Allard for Mayor! I was just about to post that same comment! Berkowitz and those 6 enablers on the Assembly are partners in crime and I’m willing to bet those crimes involve human trafficking and pedophilia.
Here’s the problem, the courts are loaded with Leftist Judges who will rule against her in her lawsuit that will be slow walked by the courts. You have to force your way into the chambers and shut their illegal meeting down.
We love Assemblywoman Allard. Hit em hard, girl.
Jamie Allard makes me regret buying a house in Anchorage and not Eagle River.
Bout time someone remembers the Assembly is supposed to represent the people, not just rubber stamp the Mayor’s wish list.
My hero!
Leftist Judges are indeed a major problem in the Muni and the State.
Anyone review the State Constitution and notice that their is an “Illegal” requirement for the Governor to only select Judges for the Supreme Court from a list provided by the Bar Association ?
A private business group in charge of the Supreme Court Nominees ?
Of course that is completely unconstitutional ?
Why has it not been deleted ?
There is the little matter of the global pandemic. It’s been very convenient to email testimony to the assembly, which I would much rather do than go in person.
Jamie Allard, ‘full marks’ for your gumption and dedication to the populus of Anchorage.
I must honor you with my vote.
Carry on! Carry on!
Another frivilous lawsuit that will get tossed, the Courts have consistently ruled in favor of EO’s during a pandemic. We will all be better off when Conservatives help more in stemming Covid and stop being divisive.
Locking the doors and not following Alaska State Statute’s is not frivolous. The Division is coming from the Left not Conservatives. If you feel threatened in public from an Illegal Mask Mandate stay the he double hockey sticks home.
Division is the Left not Conservatives. If you are worried stay the He Double Hockey stick Home. Not a Frivolous Law suit they are in Direct Violation of Alaska Statue in having open meetings where we the Citizens can address the Assembly. If you think Citizen Voices shouldn’t be heard go to Venezuela.
Locking the doors and not following Alaska State Statute’s is not frivolous. The Division is coming from the Left not Conservatives. If you feel threatened in public from an Illegal Mask Mandate stay the he double hockey sticks home.
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