Ketchikan has a race, with Leslie Becker now in position to win House seat from Ortiz


The race for House District 36 in Ketchikan didn’t look that promising for conservatives. It’s been tough for Republicans in that red district (they love Donald Trump in Ketchikan) to bump off Rep. Dan Ortiz — the House member who pretends to be a nonpartisan, but aligns with the Democrats nearly every single time on every single vote in Juneau.

Then Must Read Alaska saw the polling and discovered this seat is in play. When people are told about Ortiz’ voting record, they switch to Leslie Becker, the Republican challenging incumbent Ortiz.

The latest polling conducted by Remington Research Group shows strong local support for a fully funded Permanent Fund Dividend and demonstrates that Ortiz is vulnerable.

In the survey 69 percent of the likely voters supported a fully funded PFD with 25 percent supporting a reduced PFD to support government. Undecided on the issue stands at 6 percent.

The poll asked the question:

If the November General Election for State House were held today, would you vote for the Republican Leslie Becker or the Independent Dan Ortiz? The result:

  • Dan Ortiz: 47%
  • Leslie Becker: 43%
  • Undecided: 10%

That puts Becker near the margin of error in general election voters.

However, after telling voters that Ortiz caucuses and votes with the Democrats over 90% the people asked changed; Becker pulled ahead.

  • Leslie Becker: 46%
  • Dan Ortiz: 43%
  • Undecided: 11%

This will be a race to watch.


  1. Suzanne,

    Thank you for this encouraging article on Leslie Becker. I absolutely know that she stands for the very best use of all the wonderful natural resources in Alaska to the benefit of all the population living there without apology.

    Your State is blessed beyond belief to have such a clear thinks and thoughtful woman running for The House in District 36!!
    Leslie deserves your vote!

  2. Ketchikan people deserve and need better representation than Dan Ortiz. The incoming legislature will be very different; the outgoing organization was a very much bastardized and unusual outfit. It was tremendously ineffective and poorly led, to say the least. Therefore the new freshman class will have an unusual number of leadership positions up for grabs. Ketchikan will miss out if they send Ortiz back to Juneau. And apart from all that, Ortiz doesn’t realize how small the building is; he works against Dunleavy’s platform to balance budget while the Alaska economy recovers but he thinks no one outside his little circle of Democrats knows that.

  3. Those that took part in the unconstitutional feeding frenzy on the stolen PFD,s have to go. Those in the Senate and Legislature that thought that removing a Representatives ability to represent those in their district by using the tyrannical tool called a BINDING CAUCUS have to go!!!! As the primary has demonstrated the people are waking to see the abuse and criminality they have been subjected to.The Senate chair Cathy Giessel and her inner circle all felt the wrath of the voters and have been thrown from the floor for their arrogance,, Please vote for ALASKA and the rule of Law when you cast your ballot. Economically Southeast has been devastated by this year called 2020 but the slap in the face we took where our PFD fully funded would have eased the pain but our Legislators would not do the right thing and help their Constituents.. Its time to show our elected the door. Best to you Leslie and in Petersburg I am writing in Mike Sheldon for Senator as you can also. Incumbents that did not follow the written law according to any changes to the PFD where any changes to the structure of the PFD would be made by the vote of the people and to lamely use the excuse that a Judge made a ruling have just passed the buck and that is unacceptable they forfeited any claim to represent by lying down when they should have fought if not for their Constituents then at least for the written PFD statute.

  4. Thank God there is a bit of hope down there. Wrangell and Ketchikan are the last conservative bastions left in SE AK and it has been tough for them to hold on to that. Both former mill towns, they got wiped out. Ketchikan has banked on tourism now for years, mostly through the cruise industry. Wrangell more so on the independent traveler. Senator Bert Stedman (Sitka), needs to get it together. He’s losing friends down rapidly down in south-southeast.

  5. Great job reporting across the state of Alaska. Keep it up. I enjoy reading your perspective.

    Yes Ortiz is a Democrat
    Yes Ortiz wants to continue to pull the wool under our eyes and dip more into the PDF
    Yes Ortiz supports a Biden/ Harris President thus Ballot Measure #1 would be a moot point because there would no longer be any oil revenue to tax.

    We now know Biden/Harris want to eliminate all oil and gas production in the country.

    I guess we will just have to grow wings and fly because last I knew all major airlines use jet fuel, trains use diesel, Ferries and cargo barges use petroleum product too.

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