It was pure Americana on the Kenai Peninsula for hundreds who took part in the motorcycle, truck and car road rally for President Donald Trump on Saturday.
Photographer Jacqueline Bock was on her way to another event when she pulled over and captured these photos, which communicated the exuberant spirit of the event being replicated all over the state.
The convoy started in the Walmart parking lot, then went through Soldotna, to K-Beach Road and Bridge Access, she said.

“The trucks just kept on coming,” Bock said. Participants described the convoy as four to five miles long.
Another citizen journalist provided this video:
Were you there? Add your thoughts about the event in the comment section below.
My husband and I participated in the Kenai Trump rally. It was heart warming to see how many vehicles were in the parking lot when we arrived. I can say without a doubt the Kenai Peninsula will vote for the return of a Trump presidency.
Proud of those folks for standing up, standing tall!
Standing up for what? Standing tall for what? I’m not saying for WHO (we can all see the bright red hats and excessive flags)… but WHAT. What objectives, policies, or ideals?
I yearn for an America that stops focusing on cults of personality. An America that considers critically each candidate on their merits and platform, not by merely the letter next to their name.
My buddy works on the oil fields with a lot of conservative people. He’s a sharp guy, and he and his colleagues have a lot of time together. Time and time again, when he presses them with facts, evidence, and critical thinking, he is able to convince one after another how they’ve voted against their self-interests, their personal ideologies, and against the betterment of their country or community. That who they are and who they side with politically are a square that can’t be circled. Because they’ve been convinced that being republican is the only good there is.
I have a serious suspicion that a majority of those drivers love Trump and demonize the left because they’ve been taught to. Taught by the media they consume, the family they grew up with, and the people they fraternize with. And that if pressed with evidence, critical thinking, and the reality of objective truth (not the truth of what one believes), they’d have a serious identity crisis. Or have to equip the greatest level of denial to continue their status quo.
There are a lot of wonderful things about conservatism and the political right that I have voted for in the past. But you’re fooling yourself if you think those are the things that the modern republican party stands for in action and reality. A critical eye sees the republican party’s efforts to LIMIT voter turnout and to LIMIT the freedoms and democratic values our country stands for. To take from the poor and middle. To give to the super rich. Not just wealth and power, but access and voice.
To consolidate power in the hands of a select few and restrict access to all they see as “other”.
Do yourself a favor. Start thinking about your own biases more often than your seek to point your finger at others as your enemy. Some close, critical reflection and you might realize that you have been your own enemy more than all those you pointed to in fear.
I’ve heard similar lamentations to “they’ve voted against their self-interests” from the left over the years. I always find it ironic that those on the left only vote for their own self interest as if that’s a good thing. I guess having folks on the right who vote for the good of their friends and neighbors, for the good of their borough or county, for their state and country is a bad thing to the self interested left. Some of us are able to vote for the interest of others and it’s not those on the left.
I participated yesterday and some estimates say 300-500 vehicles participated. We did another rally today and probably close to 700 vehicles participated. The parade was probably 6 miles long.
Great Trump rallies all over Alaska this weekend.!!!!!
Trucks for Trump!
Pretty impressive
Didn’t Trump just a couple days ago make FUN of Biden’s vehicle rallies? And isn’t the FBI investigating a bunch of Trump supporters who harassed and surrounded a Biden campaign bus in Texas? Sounds a little too close to voter intimidation to me.
Are these optics worth striving for? Or does the blind adoration of your fearless leader trump everything else? (bad pun intended)
I saw the line of mostly trucks today. Impressive wasn’t the word for me.
Most of Biden’s vehicles, all 15 of them, are parked in a drive-in and honk their horns on cue. I think this is a little bit different.
My family and I participated in the Trump rally on Saturday! My kids thought it was a blast! We decorated our van, waved flags, played patriotic music, and honked at the hundreds of people that waved at us! We were surprised and encouraged by the great turnout! God bless the USA! God bless our president!!!
Fantastic turn out on both Saturday and Sunday. Our familiy proudly had two vehicles in the line up today. It meant so much to be able to be part of such a large showing to support our President. Thank you to the event coordinators, and to all who showed up!
Swa’eet! That’s my Fam in the silver Dodge ????
We participated Saturday and Sunday and there was very much strong American Pride ~ #Trump2020????
Thank you for sharing this…
Participated both days. Great community support and pride!!
I was flabbergasted at such a huge turnout for the Trump Train Rally Parade! Amazing support for a most amazing President. Trump is the best president for the hour in which we live. Biden/Harris will drag this country into an abyss again. Trump has gotten rid of so many snakes in the White House, Congress, and Senate etc. We can’t go back to our country being sold out and enslaving the American people again. Let’s vote life today. Let’s vote freedom today. Let’s vote Trump today!
What an awesome show of support from our community! True Patriotism!!!
Great fun with like minded people showing our support of President Trump. A gathering of people who just went with the flow. My 79 year old mom felt better about the world, even though she feels completely safe down here. I sighed with relief and happiness when Trump took the presidency in 2016, I fully expect another great four more years. Thank you to the great people of the Kenai Peninsula for putting together and participating in this most uplifting event.
Have never seen enthusiasm like this for a POTUS election in my life.
Beautiful picture of the young lady on top of the pickup waving the flag
We participated Saturday and it was heartwarming to see so many patriots supporting our President and our freedoms!!???????????????? VOTE!!
You mean there was no vandalism or looting?
I could not have done this without the support of my husband. I wasn’t sure if anyone would even show up. Even as we parked in the parking lot waiting I was nervous about the outcome. Then as people started to pour in I became emotional and I realized what was about to happen. Our community came alive and it was monumental on an epic scale. It was a very humbling experience to say the least. My sincere thanks to everyone who made this happen.
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