Kenai trends left in local races



The more liberal candidates prevailed in the Kenai Borough races, but voters turned down the idea of creating a “manager” form of government for the borough, which now has a mayoral form of government.

Jesse Bjorkman resoundingly won for Assembly District 3, with 58 percent. Joseph Ross and John Quick split the remaining votes. Bjorkman was the lead negotiator for the teachers during the recent strike on the Kenai.

Tyson Cox won Assembly District 4 with 59 percent and Henry Rose coming in second with 40.58 percent.

Brent Johnson won Assembly District 7 against Holly Odd, 56.4 to 42.8 percent.

For school board, Patricia Truesdell is the apparent winner in a three-way race, and Martha Fleming and John “Zen” Kelly both won their seats, and were running unopposed.

The Borough’s Prop. 1 would change the borough’s form of government to one that would be headed up by a manager hired by the Assembly, rather than a strong mayor form of government, which now exists. That prop went down 56.78 percent, with all but one precinct reporting.

The Borough’s Prop. 2, the sales tax cap, failed 54.57 to 45.43 percent.

Brian Gabriel, running for City of Kenai mayor, won, and was unopposed.

On the Kenai City Council, Jim Glendening is the apparent winner over Glenese Pettey. Prop. A failed and Prop. B passed.

In Seward, Christy Terry won for mayor over David Squires and Sue McClure won for City Council over Brad Snowden, and Dale Butts and Antony Baclaan also prevailed.

8,938 votes were counted — 17.75 percent turnout — for this MRAK report, but more will come in as one precinct was slow and the absentees and questioned ballots have not been added.


  1. 16% showed up in fairbanks. Conservatives credited alaska family action. Sad day for the average resident. Cuts both ways Ed. If you want to be represented vote and get like minded to vote also. Probably hard in kenai when your conservative choice was John Quick

  2. Unfortunately many of the supposed conservative candidates on the Kenai ran flawed races and decided not to attend public events to let their views be known. I suspect that due to the Knopp effect of having been lied to by elected officials the voting public is suspicious of people running for elected office who will not answer questions. All of the various controversies around John Quick did not help him whether deserved or not. Sometimes people vote for who they believe will best represent them and when a candidate doesn’t get their message out or they are surrounded by controversy it makes it hard to trust that candidate.

  3. The rest of the time they vote party line, or because they know the person, or because a person they know knows the person, or they dislike the other person, or because a sign on a front yard or in feont of a business, or an ad on the radio or television, any number of other reasons.

    I suppose I could have been more clear, sometimes people vote for a candidate that they do not completely agree with because that candidate will better represent them than the candidate they align more with due to that candidates flaws overpowering their shared beliefs.

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