Kenai Peninsula college offers counseling over Breonna Taylor decision


Kenai Peninsula College has reached out to its student body over Facebook to let students know that counseling is available for those disturbed by the jury decision in the Breonna Taylor case in Kentucky.

Taylor was shot after her boyfriend shot at police during a raid in March, and police returned fire. She was black, and her death has led to the continuation of rioting that occurred after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis this spring.

A grand jury had been given charges against a police officer because he fired into the apartment without having a line of sight. Ms. Taylor’s boyfriend had shot and hit an officer during the exchange.

But the jury did not indict the officer who shot Taylor. Since the decision, riots in Louisville, Kentucky, have resulted in two police officers shot this week by rioters, and violence has erupted in other cities. In Portland, mobs threw firebombs at police officers during nightly riots that have become the hallmark of the city for the past four months.

Kenai Peninsula College’s response:

“In the wake of the Breonna Taylor decision, people are filled with sadness, anger, and fear. Students who are feeling overwhelmed and activated by these troubling times, please remember that Counseling and Advising is a free confidential service for students to process their feelings.” The post on Facebook gave the contact information for the counseling services.


  1. Wish I could think of something to say as it isn’t often that I am speechless. I mean, the only thing to say is “REALLY?”
    And people wonder what is wrong in our country.

    • Better idea………have the counseling service personnel at KPC watch videos of police officers in action while they go into drug-infested inner cities with arrest warrants or search warrants. Then take those same supposed counselors and have them do police ride-alongs with officers. Then, have the supposed counselors hold classes for the students at KPC and explain to them what happened during those arrests and warrants. If these supposed counselors need counseling, my psychiatrist office will be open all weekend.

    • They’ve been here for awhile. I’m convinced that the snowflake generation isn’t worth the risk of defending.

      • I’m a GenX’er myself, and I am in no way a fan of snowflakes.

        However, Boomers that live in glass houses shouldn’t cast stones.

  2. Yes the snowflakes have landed in Alaska. It’s comforting that the people of Kentucky AKA the grand jury found that everyone was innocent in her death. The only cop that was charged was the cop who fired 10 times and his rounds went into the next door apartment and he was charged for recklessness. Are you hearing me people the grand jury said everybody was innocent. The cops had a right to return fire especially when they were fired at that with body armor piercing ammunition.

  3. I would expect this left wing garbage from L.A. or San Fran or Portland or Seattle. Not from any institute of “higher learning” in Alaska. The ‘college’ response is in dispute of Grand Jury findings, according to and upholding the law. Their contraire opinion does not constitute anything but the same insane rants from leftists nationwide. The “college” does not speak for me.
    Vote these idiots out or at least cut off the public funding. Outrageous.

  4. The University of Alaska has gone beyond normal boundaries for many years. With the advent of online education, it’s time to reinvent the University, force transparency and accountability, end their waste and abuse. Start by consolidating statewide, UAA, UAS and UAF into a single management unit. If regents won’t play ball, replace the regents.

  5. Sadly the choices we make have consequences. This black woman was with a fellow who shot at police officers. Did she know that he might be a thug? Can you blame police for returning fire when they are fired upon. Seems like girls need to be careful who they hang out with!

    • Not only was she with the boyfriend who shot the cop, she, her car and her apartment were named on the warrant. A no-knock warrant. The cops knocked anyway, announced themselves and received several bullets in return. The cop charged was the wounded one and he shot through the wall, returning fire at the shooter. He was charged with public endangerment, not murder. Breonna, her house and her car were listed as a known, suspected drug dealer and apartment/house and car as premises, on the warrant. What would you do if you were one of the cops being shot at?

  6. Obviously, the budget cuts last year were not enough to deter a State supported school from engaging in such frivolous conduct. This indicates that a deeper cut is due next legislative session to prevent State education funds from being wasted.

  7. These are very extreme reactions to events that those emotionally affected have little information about and no connection to. You should be more concerned about the unstable mental processes taking place inside of them. There is something serious going on and it is becoming a serious problem but the Breonna Taylor situation is a cover for some other problem. The extreme sensitivity and tendency to automatically, emotionally react in this culture and a severe lack of resilience is what we should concern ourselves with.

  8. I assume that most of the students who attend KPC are white kids from the Peninsula. If they are even a little concerned or anxious about the treatment of black people in America they should: 1) be forced to move from Alaska; 2) shamed; 3) ignored or 4) encouraged to be healthy.

  9. I think we can move on from “BLM” and focus on “Grey Matter Matters” as it is evident that that is what is endangered.

  10. KPC failed to offer counseling after the first degree murder of a Trump supporter in Portland by an antifa POS.

  11. One so hopes from the picture that an errant seagull with remarkable accuracy dropped what seagulls drop when their tummies are full… that target impact is but a fraction of a second away.

  12. I hear this and pray for our people who did not grow with any moral compass. Her name was on the warrant as well as her boyfriend’s. Lie down with dogs, and you get up with fleas. She got caught in the crossfire. A lot of fools do not understand that you can’t account for every bullet that is fired during a firefight I don’t care how great your training is.

  13. These snowflakes need to transfer to Berkeley. But I’m sure the Alaska “college” credits wouldn’t transfer to a Junior College. Anywhere.

  14. More coddling of the ‘Timeout’ generation = more waste………
    Guess the U of A institution has more than enough money to piss away……..
    Must be room for more cuts…….

  15. Understand that these so-called “protests” are actually a communist insurgency and have nothing to do with the feigned cover reasons they are taking place.

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