Kenai passes ordinance to strengthen local election integrity


Mayor Peter Micciche’s Ordinance 2023-15, “Amending Borough Code Title 4, Elections, Regarding Declared Write-in Candidates, Canvass of Election Returns, Public Notice, and Certification of Election Results” passed the Kenai Borough Assembly unanimously at the Aug. 1 Assembly meeting.

It was co-sponsored by Assembly members Brent Johnson, Peter Ribbons and Tyson Cox.

This ordinance was designed to correct and clarify process issues that were identified during the special election in which Micciche was elected as interim mayor, which took place Feb. 14, 2023.

Mayor Micciche said, “A primary responsibility of every elected official is to not only ensure but also be able to clearly demonstrate election integrity and transparency. I have no doubt that KPB elections are secure and accurate, yet the processes were not concise and left room for question. This ordinance removes any potential for doubt that KPB election processes are clear and understood and will be followed according to borough code to satisfy the expectations of our most watchful public.”

The limited-in-scope ordinance updated and clarified borough code that will ensure that our elections continue to be safe, secure, transparent and accurate. Improvements include:

  • A clear system that sets forth the canvass board process chronologically and emphasizes that the process must be open to citizen election observers and the public.
  • Additional public notice and posting requirements to ensure that the public is aware of elections-related meeting schedules.
  • A step-by-step process of curing incomplete ballots with the individuals who voted to ensure that each legal ballot is counted in each election.
  • A requirement to hand-count ballots in at least one randomly selected precinct.
  • A clear process for write-in candidates, as well as the trigger for reporting write-in votes individually.

Mayor Micciche said, “Writing this ordinance has been a collaborative effort. We included everyone interested in better elections at the KPB, including engaged and interested members of the public, the borough clerk, legal staff, members of the canvass board, elections workers and assembly members. Working together, we have strengthened our elections and put citizens’ rights and involvement at the forefront. Serving the public’s interest after hearing from them is what good government does. These improvements to our voting process will increase confidence in our elections. Thanks to all involved in this effort, Ordinance 2023-15 does just that. The truth is, public involvement is critical to a well-run, efficient and responsive government. That is what this administration strives for as a primary objective.”


  1. That is the right approach.
    If there is something questionable, it should be clarified. Not ignored, not deemed misinformation, not considered a basis for indictment. Clarified.

  2. So, basically the opposite approach that Anchorage has taken to reassure the public that their electoral process has integrity.

  3. If Dominion Voting software is involved in the election process than there is no election integrity. Many software experts have stated & shown that Dominion machines and software can be manipulated & hacked.

  4. This was a good ordinance change completed with input from local constituents. Overall a positive development!

  5. Until the machines are removed, since it’s been proved they are easily hacked, not going to have much faith. It seems our election results have done nothing but slow down since they have started using them and I thought speed was why we wasted all that money.

  6. The true solution is to end direct democractic elections at the borough and state level, and only hold votes for federal offices. As we all know, the United States are a Republic, not a democracy. The US Constitution mandates votes for the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Presidency. There is no law requiring open elections for local and statewide positions, in fact, the US Constitution enshrines the right of states to have republican governance. No less an authority than Anton Scalia himself has said in open court that in the early days of the republic, voting was public. A caucus system in which Kenai residents were allowed to pubicaly poll by affirmation would allow the winning party to appoint the preferred candidates, and stop the nonsense idea that a majority of uninformed people can overrule the will of the actual people who participate in daily civil society. Ending democratic elections should be the true goal of constitutional conservatives.

  7. Need to get rid of mass mail in voting. Go back to only if requested. Get rid of Dominion machines that are easily hacked, for voting integrity. And ballots stored securely with guards, all night.

  8. I need to applaud Mr Robert Wall as His write in campaign vs Mayor Peter identified systematic issues with the Kenai Peninsula Boroughs ordinances and policy practices and brought them to the attention of the Mayor and Borough assembly. It’s unfortunate that Mayor Peter didn’t acknowledge how he got wind of the issues and thank Robert. A true leader would’ve done so, Peter.


  9. Robert Wall for Borough Mayor!

    Micciche’s looking for the greener pastures of Governor some day.

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