Kelly Tshibaka: Lisa Murkowski and Elvi Gray-Jackson make two Biden Democrats to choose from on the ballot



With the entrance of State Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson into the Alaska U.S. Senate race, there are now effectively two prominent Democrats for voters to consider in the August primary election. Gray-Jackson’s record shows that she is reliably progressive, while incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski is a dependable vote for President Joe Biden and Sen. Chuck Schumer’s Democrats in the Senate.

On issue after issue, Gray-Jackson and Murkowski are in alignment, and together they are out of step with most Alaskans.

There should be no question that Gray-Jackson would be a rubber stamp for every radical nominee that Biden sends to the Senate. The extremists who already have been confirmed have enacted numerous policies that directly target Alaska, our economy, and our workers.

Murkowski, meanwhile, has voted to confirm more than 90 percent of Biden’s nominees, including casting the tie-breaking vote to advance the nomination of Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, who is spearheading the Biden plan to gut Alaska’s energy industries. Haaland’s policies line up perfectly with Gray-Jackson, who last year co-sponsored legislation that would increase taxes on Alaska employers and oil producers.

For her part, Murkowski also voted for Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who blocked all access to the Tongass National Forest for timber production and tourism.

The two are also disastrous on public safety, siding with radicals who call for defunding police and weakening law enforcement officers in our communities. Gray-Jackson has sponsored a number of bills in the state legislature that can fairly be described as anti-police, and which would make it more difficult for officers to do their jobs to protect our communities.

Murkowski was the only “Republican” to vote for the confirmation of Vanita Gupta as a Biden nominee at the Department of Justice, even though Gupta previously testified in the Senate in support of the “Defund the Police” movement. Gupta now oversees the allocation of federal funds (or lack thereof) to local police departments.

Perhaps the most impactful votes a senator will ever cast are those on nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court. Again, Gray-Jackson would be expected to toe the line for Biden and Schumer, while Murkowski has already shown that she opposes originalist, constitutionalist judges.

Murkowski opposed the nominations of Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, after being bullied by Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein into doing so. Yet, Murkowski voted to confirm federal Judge Sharon Gleason, a judicial activist and radical environmentalist who went on to kill both the life-saving King Cove Road and the multi-billion-dollar Willow oil and gas project.

On immigration, Gray-Jackson could be counted on to back liberals’ plans to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants and excuse Biden’s failure to enforce our southern border. Murkowski actually voted for legislation that allows millions of illegal immigrants to remain in this country, even if they commit multiple crimes against U.S. citizens .

And on abortion, there is no daylight whatsoever between Gray-Jackson and Murkowski. The former has been endorsed in the past by abortion provider Planned Parenthood, which promotes abortion up to the moment of birth, while Murkowski is famously and undeniably pro-abortion – even boasting on social media, “I have long supported Planned Parenthood.”

It’s clear that Murkowski believes that she and Gray-Jackson are playing on the same field, as she has begun to accumulate endorsements from national and Alaska Democrats.

This makes sense because incredibly, since Biden has been President, Murkowski has voted with self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders more than half of the time and with Biden’s position nearly three-quarters of the time.

The Alaska Republican Party has censured Murkowski and gone as far as instructing her not to refer to herself as a Republican in Alaska anymore. She no longer has a home in the party in Alaska and clearly is looking to Democrats to rescue her.

Indeed, Murkowski’s own campaign manager issued a statement warmly embracing Gray-Jackson’s entry in the race, when he claimed “there are now two candidates, Sen. Murkowski and Elvi Gray-Jackson, in this race with decades of public service to Alaska.”

This shows that Murkowski believes that she and Gray-Jackson are competing for the same Democratic voters.

Alaskans want a leader who represents our values and will fight for them in Washington, D.C. We want a Senator who understands this is about serving the public, not being a career politician. I have two decades of public service experience in making government work for the people. And I will always fight for Alaska and our shared principles when I am the next U.S. senator.Kelly Tshibaka is a born-and-raised Alaskan, and a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Alaska who is endorsed by former President Donald Trump and the Alaska Republican Party.


  1. Lisa has already played her hand and now we have ranked choice from ranked Lisa. The other one is a soros backed clown and I for one have had enough of the we been wronged cry babies democrat clowns. Trump showed us all his integrity for the people and I ask all Alaskans to back Kelly 100% as she will us please support Kelly oath integrity is needed immediately.

  2. Murkowski is clearly the better Left-wing Democrat. Why she continues to be a complete fraud and call herself a Republican is a mystery.
    Maybe she thinks she is smarter than Alaskans, or, maybe she feels she is entitled by her royal blood. But personally, I think her proclivity for professional fraud can be traced back to the Bar Exam, where she got the exam questions prior to taking the Exam after numerous previous failures. Everything else in her life, including getting a US Senate seat, are fortuitous and not in any way related to merit or professional accomplishment. Lisa Murkowski is a product of political happenstance, lies, and fraud.

  3. Lisa Murkowski, a practicing Catholic (kind of like how one practices law and/or medicine…), is a firm believer in the defense of abortion “rights”. Anybody that professes to believe in God, particularly someone who very well should have the capacity to understand EXACTLY what that implies, and then defends abortion at the same time, is MORALLY CORRUPT. Once an individual crosses that chasm, there is absolutely zero chance that they can be relied upon to differentiate between right/wrong on a regular basis. It would be patently unwise to not recognize this fact that they will not stand for all that is good, in service to those for whom they requested the privilege to serve, under God.

    The only thing more deserving than Lisa of release from this horrendous travail, is us.

    • Pro-choice people generally believe murder is a reprehensible act. However, they want to believe morality and virtue are constructs of mankind; and that mankind merely “evolved” from lower orders of animals. Because they view themselves to be in the most elite strata of this highest order, they are self-justified in assuming the mantle of demigods among the unwashed masses. They alone define morality and virtue. To murder a human for convenience they only need to redefine the human in non-human terms–fetus, embryo, etc, etc. Make no mistake; it is for convenience; selfishness. I myself am guilty of this.

      There is no such thing as an atheist. Those who wear that label actually know the Creator exists because He instilled a sense of understanding within all men’s hearts. They are merely in rebellion against Him. Even the simplest of men realize something cannot come from nothing. He commands us to pray for these.

  4. The republic and freedom is defended only by conservatives. Democrats love globalists and communism these days. Yay Tschibaka for Senate!

  5. Good article, Kelly T. Lisa Murkowski is dumber than a box of rocks. She backs Biden and wacko Democrats who severed the XL Pipeline and ANWR. With the Ukraine conflict, …Americans, Canadians and Europeans can expect gas prices to soar as Russian oil markets will be cut off. The world has been dependent on Russian supplied energy. Alaska should be increasing oil production output, especially now, but Biden’s wackos don’t like fossil fuels. And Lisa backs Biden’s wackos. We CANNOT any longer have someone with the brain-dead credibility as Lisa Murkowski making critical votes in the US Senate. Our state, and our country, depend on
    you winning and getting rid of these Miserable Murkowskis, once and for all. Go Kelly!!

  6. It would be interesting to see Lisa’s financials since pairing up with the Democrats. I imagine she profits handsomely from the “infrastructure” and “Build Back Better” money grabs. Her net worth before and after I imagine is staggering, but it’s all hidden I’m sure.

  7. In this coming general election using the rank-choice voting system, Gray-Jackson is going to give left leaning voters a reason to go to the polls. Once there, the left is hoping these left leaning voters will also choose Lisa Murkowski as their second, third or fourth choice. Thus accumulating more votes hoping to push Sen Murkowski over 50%.
    (St. Sen. Gray-Jackson also gets to build a nice federal campaign slush fund to distribute to other candidates throughout her retirement years, but that’s another story.)
    If one is a right-to-life voter one presumably is sufficiently well informed about ranked choice voting to not select either of these two as your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th choice. Voters now have to be aware their second, third,, or fourth place choices are votes.
    The key is to be sure the candidate you support gets over 50% in the first round.

    • That’s really the whole point. In actuality, the vast majority of elections are decided with 50+% of the vote. Whether that will continue to be the case now that four people HAVE to be on the general election ballot (assuming at least four people run in the primary that is) I don’t know for sure, but I would guess that it still will be more often than not. I seriously doubt we will need to get past the second round.

    • Dad says there a way to beat that Rank Choice voting scheme but, it will depend upon … 1) Conservative voters need to turn out en-masse to cast their ballot and, 2) there’s a specific sequence in choosing the correct sequence of choices so as to beat Ski and Elvie GJ.

    • I suppose you’re right, Elvi may be more honest. Still the result will be the same: We being coerced into working more for “them” than for ourselves and our posterity. I don’t know what’s respectful about that.

  8. For the last six months, I have asked Senator Murkowski’s office for help in remedying a problem I with the Small Business Administration and their processing of my EIDL loan application. In the last six months, SBA has requested that I compete, scan, and return a particular IRS form AND I have complied with these instructions SIX times. SBA continues to request this form and refuses to tell me why the completed forms submitted are unacceptable. And the SBA has “offered” loans to me in three widely different amounts, but never managed to “close the deal” on any of them. I have asked Sherry in the Anchorage office and Dana in the Juneau office for help, but they have been no help at all. Yesterday I received an email from SBA telling me my loan has been denied because I did not provide the appropriate paperwork. HOWEVER I did provide all the appropriate paperwork AND was offered loans in thee different amounts. So what is going on? Can anybody offer any suggestions as to what I can do to actually communicate with somebody at SBA HQ and get the loan (in the highest amount offered) that I actually need? And for the record, Lisa had my vote until this fiasco.

  9. 2 neocons one who loves the patriot act and another who probably had a hand in writing it both deep in the D.C. swamp. then theres gray-jackson dont know much about her other than everytime I see her on a plane to juneau she’s in first class which has been about 5 times, great use of tax dollars so hard pass on all 3

  10. Barbara, many of the government program applications now have built in algorithms. You’re pulling up some red flags so you will be lost in the shuffle until you give up. Don’t expect Murki to help you, she won’t. I might suggest you put in a different race or ethnicity, you can always “identify” as whatever you want. This includes gender and sexual preference.

  11. Kelly, sadly, you just outlined your loss. Those wanting Elvi Jackson will vote her as choice-1 and Murkowski as choice-2. Those wanting you will vote you as choice-1 and Murkowski as choice-2. That way, Murkowski wins as the biggest vote-getter by harvesting all second choices from the two leaders. We can only hope I’m wrong; but I doubt it.

  12. Neither one of these half-wit Democrats is worth a crap. Murkowski has highly contributed to wrecking Alaska by voting for bills that have destroyed Alaska’s economy. She is in bed with Democrats, but claims she is a Republican… kind of like Cheney! Jackson equates to checking the boxes for the Biden agenda concerning her(?) “gender”, “LGBQ”, “black” and God knows what else! If you want to continue to destroy Alaska as well as the rest of America, then Jackson and Murkowski are your candidates. Both are quotas and will likely side with the radical left. Kelly Tshibaka is clearly the Choice-1 vote to bring back Alaska and the country to what it used to be. Murkowski and Jackson have both proven that they agendas are self-focused… NOT for the good of Alaska, nor the country. Both are a waste of time and twist their words to make voters believe their motives… kind of like Biden only with more slime.

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