Kelly Tshibaka: Bold insights from Larry Elder



Larry Elder, a prominent conservative commentator and political figure, has been vocal about his views on various issues affecting the black community in the United States. While opinions on Elder’s proposed solutions may differ, it is essential to examine his perspectives, particularly in light of his formative life experiences. 

In Elder’s recent interview on the podcast show STAND with Kelly & Niki Tshibaka, he shared how his policy views were significantly shaped by witnessing how his parents overcame significant discrimination and poverty. Elder took the audience along his father’s inspiring journey from the Jim Crow South to the Marines and eventually to Los Angeles. Larry’s father, a symbol of perseverance, faced racial discrimination yet remained steadfast in providing for his family.

One of Larry Elder’s key pillars is the concept of personal responsibility. He argues that individuals, regardless of their race, must take responsibility for their actions and choices. Elder contended that systemic racism does not hold people back. Rather, he said the formula for success is to: a) wait to have kids until after 20 years old, b) get a job, c) don’t leave the job until you have another job, and d) avoid the criminal justice system. 

Elder then placed personal responsibility for the conditions faced by black Americans on the black community itself. He dropped these points in rapid fire:

  • – 70% of black kids enter the world without a father in the home married to the mother.
  • – The top cause of preventable death for a black person age 19 and under is homicide, almost always at the hands of another person age 19 and under
  • – There is a 50% urban dropout rate in many urban schools, like Milwaukee where 13 public high schools have 0% of the students who can do math at grade level

Elder also strongly advocated for school choice, believing that empowering parents to choose the best educational environment for their children is crucial. He argued that providing alternatives to underperforming public schools, such as charter schools, private schools, or homeschooling, can help break the cycle of poor education outcomes often observed in disadvantaged communities.

He criticized the Democrat Party for not supporting school choice and other solutions that would genuinely help the Black Community. Instead he said the Democrats intentionally mislead voters “because they want Black people to go in there and pull that lever for the Democratic party.” He called out the Democrat party for being the party of slavery, the party of the Confederacy, the party of Jim Crow, the party of Dred Scott, the party of the KKK, and the party that destroyed the family.

Larry Elder’s proposed solutions for the Black community revolve around principles of personal responsibility, education reform, economic empowerment, and the promotion of stable family structures. While his ideas may spark important discussions, it is crucial to consider a diverse range of perspectives and approaches to address the complex challenges faced by the Black community. Ultimately, a comprehensive and collaborative effort is needed to create meaningful and lasting change.

Kelly Tshibaka is the host of the podcast, TV, and radio show STAND, and the 2022 Alaska Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. She co-hosts the show with her husband, Niki Tshibaka.


      • Thank you so much. It’s people like you who I can thank personally for not having to re-open my noodle stand and not having to ever work a day in my life. Being a Murkowski is such the easy life.

        • If you’re going to continue your mean spirited third party nonsense you should also make an attempt to be funny. Try it.

  1. Its really the same for All communities not only the black community. Personal accountability is not possible if there is not an Absolute to measure yourself to it. That Absolute is God. Because of God’s holiness He holds us accountable. We see how fallen short we fall to his son’s righteousness and what is capable of us. I bet his dad was a Christian man. He being devoted to church on sundays, the pastor was devoted to teaching the Word every Sunday. Cause the Bible does tell us how to live and looks by this man’s memory’s of his dad that his dad was living out scripture.

  2. And David said, “ I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread “ psalm 37:25. What give me as a mother Hope is the ending “…or his children begging for bread” God looks after the righteous’ children after their parents death but also while the parent was alive they did what they could to teach their children accountability and discipline so they can experience the blessing in full what God plans for our lives if we follow him listening to his instructions, discipline, correction, and direction through His Word. If their children follow the paren’t example putting God first like their parents did.

  3. While the life story is unshakable, the conclusions don’t necessarily sync. What business does he have heaping praise on the manufactured solution of ‘school choice’? Why wouldn’t concessions to a foundation of the ideals of strong family support work for any member of society? I mean, are the Tshibakas under the delusion that most Americans don’t want this for their families, and definitely folks of any color ascribe to another whole different of goals in life. Maybe this is just the way I’m taking this, or maybe it’s a summary devoid of interesting anecdotes, but it does come across as ‘missing’ something, in an effort to prop up the notion of something that doesn’t quite fit with reality in Alaska.

    • “What business does he have heaping praise on the manufactured solution of ‘school choice’?” I believe he’d argue that since he wants a better future for us, individually and jointly, that we should push towards education systems the out perform our public schools at EVERY turn.

      Mrs N. Perhaps you missed this sentence: “He argues that individuals, regardless of their race, must take responsibility for their actions and choices.” This as a route to an improved society.

  4. The converse of Mr. Elder’s focus on personal responsibility (which is only common sense) is the LACK of so-called “collective responsibility”, as well as collective guilt, both of which feed the current ‘woke’ insanity, which at its heart is completely about collectivism and not individualism.

  5. Blacks must start voting republican and start standing for family strength.

    Economics is what’s destroying them .
    Democrat policies

  6. Fantastic! Our family loves having Kelly Tshibaka write articles for MRAK. She’s so lovely and so much better than Lisa Murkowski.

      • Honorable? Ha!
        Lisa Murkowski is an old hag who’s daddy gave her a job and a platform she never deserved. She’s a traitor to the Republican Party. The Republican Party of Alaska un-endorsed her in favor of Kelly Tshibaka.
        Lisa is an alleged Catholic who loves abortions. How many has SHE had.
        And most of all she is a dimwit. Ask the Bar Association. Many, many failures at the Bar. No track record as a lawyer either.
        Nope! Lisa Murkowski doesn’t belong in the US Senate. But she was rescued by the Democrats. She’s another unapologetic socialist/commie, thinly disguised as a RINO to appease her mommie and daddy so that the Murkowski name isn’t thoroughly trashed here in Alaska.

        • Marla……
          don’t worry about our family name. Murkowski IS thoroughly trashed here in Alaska. Even our neighbors in Wrangell thought Kelly won by a landslide.

  7. It’s not just the black community who lack a sense of personal responsibility and who want their “freedom” to make bad choices that they expect the rest of us to help them pay for.

  8. A veiled attempt to just hop in the carpet-bagger’s valise, is not typically an action that most Alaskans are enthused with. Just because everyone is jumping off the cliff doesn’t mean it’s a good, or even sound decision. I see Ms Tshibaka’s offering as nothing more than opening the door a crack to make the unfounded case for school voucher programs that’s all the rage in the red South 48. Why does Ms Tshibaka think she’s better than the rest of us. Even if she attended Steller Alternative School, it is still a public school in the ABSD and its pupils don’t have to siphon public education funding to survive. Maybe that’s been the intent all along, to protest public school library books, and make out that everyone knows better than the folks that actually have expertise in their field of study. (Joel, there are plenty of grammar and English language references available, even online if the words seem foreign.)

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