Although the Alaska Senate is made up of 11 elected Republicans and nine Democrats out of the 20-member body, the Democrats are in charge in 2025 once again because of the recent “transRepublican” phenomenon in Alaska, where GOP members align with the opposite party to form a power base.
The Alaska Senate Majority has announced committee chairs for the 34th Alaska State Legislature. That list shows that Sen. James Kaufman of Anchorage, a Republican, is not staying with the 14-member Democrat-led majority this time, as he did when it formed up in 2020.
Other Republicans decided to stay with the Democrats, including Senators Gary Stevens, Cathy Giessel, Kelly Merrick, Jesse Bjorkman, and Bert Stedman.
Bjorkman of North Kenai-Nikiski, Merrick of Eagle River, and Stevens of Kodiak were recently reelected by their districts, which are usual Republican strongholds, but voters did not punish them for staying with the Democrats. Voters also reelected Kaufman of Anchorage this time around, even though he was playing on the Democrat team; he left for reasons of his own, likely due to policy differences involving defined benefits and the binding caucus rule to keep the majority together on the budget vote. Must Read Alaska attempted to reach Kaufman but he is out of the country.
Republicans Stevens will continue as president, Giessel of Anchorage, will continue as majority leader, and Merrick of Eagle River will be majority whip. Finance co-chairs will be split between Democrats Lyman Hoffman of Bethel, Donny Olson of Golovin, and Republican Stedman of Sitka. Democrat Elvi Gray-Jackson of Anchorage will chair the Joint Legislative Budget and Audit Committee. Democrat Bill Wielechowski of Anchorage will continue to be Rules Committee chair. Those make up the leadership positions.
The Republican minority has doubled in size as a result of election of Mike Cronk and Rob Yundt, as well as Kaufman moving back over. It now is made up of six members, rather than the three (Hughes, Shower, Myers), which was such a small super-minority it did not even quality as a minority, under Senate rules.
The new Republican minority consists of:
- Sen. Shelley Hughes, Republican of MatSu
- Sen. Mike Shower, Republican of Wasilla
- Sen. Robert Myers, Republican of Fairbanks
- Sen. James Kaufman, Republican of Anchorage
- Sen.-elect Mike Cronk, Republican of Interior
- Sen.-elect Rob Yundt, Republican of Wasilla
Unlike the last four years, the group will at least have a couple of staff members budgeted to them, likely press and communications people.
Committee chairs for the 34th Alaska State Legislature:
- Community & Regional Affairs: Sen. Kelly Merrick (R-Eagle River)
- Education: Sen. Löki Tobin (D-Anchorage)
- Health & Social Services: Sen. Forrest Dunbar (D-Anchorage)
- Judiciary: Sen. Matt Claman (D-Anchorage)
- Labor & Commerce: Sen. Jesse Bjorkman (R-Nikiski)
- Resources: Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage)
- State Affairs: Sen. Scott Kawasaki (D-Fairbanks)
- Transportation: Sen. Jesse Bjorkman (R-Nikiski)
- Legislative Budget & Audit: Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson (D-Anchorage)
- Legislative Council: Vice-Chair, Sen. Gary Stevens (R-Kodiak)
- Joint Armed Services: Co-Chair – Sen. Scott Kawasaki (D-Fairbanks)
- Special Committee on World Trade: Sen. Gary Stevens (R-Kodiak), Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage)
- Special Committee on Arctic Affairs: Sen. Gary Stevens (R-Kodiak), Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage)
- Full committee membership will be released on the first day of the legislative session once the Committee on Committees finalizes the committee report, the caucus said.
Obviously, I didn’t do my homework on the election of Bjorkman because I never would have voted for him as I do not approve of dems policies. Would someone explain to me this “staying with the Democrats” garbage. If I would have wanted a democrat, I would have voted for one. I feel very duped by Bjorkman!
It’s unfortunate that there are so many uninformed voters, please let this be a lesson for you in the future and make sure you are informed before casting a vote for any candidates.
Steve-O, spot on. Do not vote if you are not informed.
Jesse Bjorkman represents the teachers’ unions. He is a full-time teacher in the Kenai Borough School District and may be on a sabbatical. But he really represents the NEA/AFT unions. Pay attention.
I wrote a full explanation for you on this website a few weeks ago. Many thanked me for the insight. Sorry you missed it. Bjorkman ALWAYS made excuses for the late Gary Knopp’s switcheroo while with me on the air, as well as the binding caucus and RCV (which he has since tepidly disowned). Look it up and learn the other details.
You sure did a great job explaining Bjorkman. Thanks for that, Bob.
Speaking of the late Gary Knopp, did his widow get cleaned-out in the lawsuits against him by the innocent party’s estates?
Here’s the short version, They are called RINO’S
Cindy, I spent tens of thousands of dollars on radio, digital, and print ads pointing out that Bjorkman and the NEA were lying to you. I hosted townhall events and weekly morning coffee meetings and evening virtual forums trying to help you see the truth. Your fellow KP residents spent their own money independent of my campaign trying to inform you. Today, you’re suffering from buyers remorse and you’re correct. You didn’t do your homework even though it was already done for you. It will come as no consolation to know that you’re not alone. We are all going to suffer because not enough of you did your homework.
Well Ben,
Quite possibly you lost the election because many voters wanted the lesser of 2 evils
Your lack of conviction (courage) to override dunleavys veto on the education bill which you voted for, your hiring Arduin at $45 per hour after her and Babcock almost caused Dunleavy to be thrown out of office, your support of a state sales tax, which unfairly taxes rural residents at a greater rate due to the increased cost of commodities in Bush Alaska just to name a few.
Gunner, your ignorance is showing. We’ve never talked so you aren’t getting your information from me, which means you’re letting others do your thinking for you, or you’re making assumptions. And that sums up the state of our nation nicely. If voters prefer the candidate who speaks in pleasant half-truths, and are unwilling to do their homework to confirm what they are being told, then they will continue to be deceived. What is saddest, is that the education lobby is the chief proponent of the deception. Good teachers and good parents place their trust in educators and administrators and are being deceived by a few. One simple conversation can easily defeat the lies.
Ben, your evasiveness is showing. Do you deny hiring Arduin at $45. per hour?
Do you deny that you chose not to override Dunleavy’s veto on the education bill,which you supported? Do you deny your support for a state sales tax, which unfairly taxes Alaskan residents that live in rural Alaska at a higher rate than those that live on the road system?
Don’t tell me I am ignorant, you are a sore loser.
Gunner, I have nothing to evade; you have until now never asked a question. Would have been more pertinent to do so before the election but I cherish the opportunity to educate you now.
I do not support a sales tax. I do support a comprehensive political compromise modeled after the 2021 fiscal policy working group recommendations that includes a functional spending limit, a statutory PFD, and then, and only then, a low broad based sales tax. Most Alaskans would have more money in their pockets with the plan than they do now paying for government with their PFD. None of those components can be accomplished separately in our current political environment. The working group recognized that a comprehensive compromise would be necessary because unscrupulous people like Bjorkman would make individual components a political reelection strategy and nothing constructive would ever get done. Like where we are today. Saying I support a sales tax without acknowledging the rest of the plan is a sneaky, immature, disingenuous lie that takes advantage of the ignorance of voters and is actually extremely disrespectful to voters.
As for the education bill, Gov Dunleavy needed to veto that bill to be taken seriously. The partisan politics and anti-Dunleavy agenda needed to be addressed. The education lobby stripped out the compromise part of the bill, a major accountability measure that would allow parents another path to create a charter school when a local school district refuses to change their policies or actively prevent a charter school from being approved. School districts and the lobby just want more money. They don’t want more accountability but that’s exactly what parents want and exactly what will lead to better outcomes. I supported more accountability and supported the veto when the accountability was removed. You and your education lobby can try to hide behind that bill, but the reality is you have no solution for attracting parents back to the school district which is necessary for improved education funding. Without greater parental participation the quality of education will continue to suffer.
Ms. Arduin has more experience improving state budgets than any other staff member currently serving in the legislature. Any policy she worked on was at my direction and my responsibility. She was hired at the same pay scale as any other legislative staff member with commensurate experience and responsibilities. Her compensation is in order. It is nothing more than petty politics to criticize her or her pay.
So you did support a State sales tax, you did vote not to override the governors veto, and you did hire arduin. Thank you for admitting this. I guess I am not so ignorant after all.
$45/hr isn’t that much money, tbh
You need to call his office then and complain. This behavior will not stop until constituents complain and punish them by not re-electing them. Uninformed “duped” voters seem to be the norm now unfortunately.
You and the rest of the NeoCons that blindly vote for returning “establishment” Republicans – over and over.
That’s why Murky is senator – you’ve voted for her – over and over.
That’s two more in the minority than last year.
The next plus is Hoffman retires in two years.
Good riddance to Lying Hoffman !
Yea, Jessie can spell Republican but he only is a conservative Republican during campaigning time. Those who during the campaign time shouted it out were labeled as liars. You could have BEN CARPENTER.
Tip if the Democrats Fail to find a candidate to run and you have 2 Republican running….odd are one of the candidate is the Democrats pick. That saves a lot of money for the Democratic party.
In D8 we held many meet and greets for Carpenter where he clearly stated he would never caucus with the Dems. Jesse clearly explained he would caucus with whichever side had the most Republicans. Now the minority has 6 of the 11 Mr. Bjorkman, I am glad you are a man of your word and will step back across the isle. A 7 member minority is recognized, and can have a strong influence.Be courageous, be truthful Senator Bjorkman we implore you.
Senator Kaufman, thanks for lining up with the minority. You can do good things helping short stop Defined Benefits. What will be the long-term costs to Alaskans?
I didnt vote for Kaufman on account of his choices He made in 2020 hanging on to Democrats shirt tails.
Why haven’t these four individuals been told not to use the Republican name in seeking office or under any other capacity. These people should Republican Party should eject them from the party.
Tom, some of us in the R party tried to set up just exactly that scenario but once again RCV makes it even more difficult. Per the RCV law anyone who is willing to register as an R can represent themselves on ballot as such. That applies to any party. So it is illegal to try and limit party affiliation noted on the ballot. A party can publicly proclaim who they endorse but that has no effect on how people are listed on ballot. At one point I thought it would be good if a party can ask for a gold star (or similar) next to a name on the ballot indicating endorsement but right now that would be illegal. Push your elected reps to repeal RCV or at least amend it. The tools were introduced into the Alaska Republican Party rules 2 years ago but the law needs to change to invoke them.
I believe a closed primary would have rejected Merrick.
Gary Stevens is a disgrace to Kodiak. Please someone primary him. He is vulnerable.
Micah: Do your homework dude. Alaska has an open primary system. It’s not closed anymore.
It’s not possible to “primary” someone, as you suggested.
Politics is a contact sport where facts still matter. Stay on the sideline Ned if you can’t grasp reality.
Joe Blow reports.
Joe is “Pedantics are us”, though I’m sure he feels very smart.
Typical leftist or rino behavior- as there is no difference between the two.
From a practical standpoint, there is one less gullet to fill! That’s easily accommodated!
Sen Jesse “the Joiner” Bjorkman is fundamentally dishonest
Tell us: “I will caucus with whichever group has the most Republicans”
He’s either a liar or he’s even worse at math than I thought….
Likely an ASD graduate.
Reading and Math requirements are not needed for a diploma.
The Republican minority is to be commended for being principled. The other Republicans are RINOs. They have no principles.
The spineless republicans in the Alaska legislature. What a disgrace. They should remove all pretenses and move over to the socialist party that they continue to support.
It is time to no longer re elect incumbents, as they have proven to be opposed to operating in the best interests of the majority of Alaskans. This cabal of self serving bureaucrats has made it their sole mission to award those that benefit them financially with millions of state money and robbing the common citizen in order to do it.
Kaufman left because he was relegated to the back bench in the majority caucus for not supporting Dunleavy’s BSA veto over ride. He went to the minority losers bench.
I really really didn’t want to vote for Kaufman and I didn’t in the spring….but until someone better than crazy Nancy comes along to challenge Kaufman we’re kind of stuck with him, turncoat that he is.
For basically being a short timer, Bjorkman sure seems to have learned awfully fast how to be a political snake oil salesman and live by absolutely no standards or ethics at all,
which is really no surprise at all when you consider he’s still a product of the current day DOE. Unfortunately This is what happens when STUPiD people are aloud to vote, and unfortunately about half the people nowdays are Stupid, and about 10 percent just check boxes and aren’t paying enough attention to the world they live in.. . That leaves about 40 percent of the people who are paying attention to make the right choices for 100
Percent of the people…All the more reason there really should be a basic common sense intelligence test to cast any ballot! If You fail a driving test you don’t get a license drive, but if you are totally ignorant and fail a basic common sense intelligence test they will register you to vote , and the chances are now-days you don’t even need to show a dam ID… It’s all seems
Backwards and Insane!
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