Juneau’s new mascot for combined football team is…uh-oh


The Crimson Bear mascot for Juneau-Douglas High School and the Falcon for Thunder Mountain High School will remain for most sports, but the football mascot for the new combined school team?

Students at JDHS, Thunder Mountain, and Yaakoosge Daakahidi High School were offered a chance to vote on three names: Thunder Bears. Capital City Senators and Orcas.

The response was overwhelming for Thunder Bear.

Evidently school administrators did not check the Urban Dictionary:

Bridgett Weiss, the Director of Student Services at the Juneau School District, told the Juneau Empire that it was a “very strong voice” for the Thunder Bears.

Likely because the students did check the Urban Dictionary.


  1. Urban dictionary is built with user-submitted content. There is no serious review process for proposed definitions, and anyone can provide a definition for anything. This definition could have been submitted by anyone including a student pulling a prank. It certainly isn’t a well-known term. I say make Thunderbear great again!

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