Judicial Council seeks new judge applicants


Judge applicants are being sought for the Juneau, Utqiagvik, and Anchorage Superior Courts for vacancies expected to occur with the upcoming retirements of Juneau Superior Court Judge Philip M. Pallenberg, and Utqiagvik Superior Court Judge Nelson Traverso.

A Superior Court vacancy is impending in Anchorage due to the expected appointment of one of three Anchorage Superior Court judges nominated for the Alaska Supreme Court.

Interested persons may obtain an application form by calling the Alaska Judicial Council or online at the Council’s website (www.ajc.state.ak.us).

Alaska judges must conform their conduct to the Alaska Code of Judicial Conduct and the laws of Alaska and the United States, the council wrote in its announcement. They must be familiar with Alaska law, procedure, and trial practice. A Superior Court judge must be a citizen of the United States and of the state of Alaska, a resident of Alaska for five years immediately preceding appointment, engaged in the active practice of law for not less than five years immediately preceding appointment, and at the time of appointment be licensed to practice law in Alaska.

Applications are reviewed by the Alaska Judicial Council, a seven-member citizens’ commission with three Alaska Bar Association attorneys, three non-attorneys, and the chief justice of the Alaska Supreme Court, who serves as Chair, ex officio.

The Council votes on which applicants are the most qualified based upon consideration of the applicant’s professional competence, integrity, fairness, temperament, judgment, legal and life experience, demonstrated commitment to public and community service, and demonstrated commitment to equal justice and the legal needs of the diverse communities of Alaska. The governor then has 45 days in which to appoint judges from the Council’s lists of nominees.


  1. Our govt is of the people, by the people, and for the people – not the lawyers. Judicial Council control of the judge selection process is unconstitutional IMHO.

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