Joe Walsh jumps in with GOP bid



Former Rep. Joe Walsh, an Illinois Republican, announced a primary challenge to President Trump on ABC’s “This Week,” on Sunday. He joins former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld in positioning for a chance to knock Trump off the nomination. Walsh told ABC:

“We got a guy in the White House who’s unfit, completely unfit to be president, and it stuns me that nobody stepped up, nobody in the Republican Party stepped up. Because I’ll tell you what, George, everybody in the Republican Party, everybody believes he’s unfit.”

Trump has an 80-90 percent approval rating among Republicans, which makes Walsh and Weld long shots. Trump’s overall approval rating, according to Gallup, is 41 percent. For comparison, during the same period of Barack Obama’s presidency, in August of 2011, his approval rating was 41 percent as well.

Trump won the General Election in Alaska with 51.28 percent to Hillary Clinton’s 36.55 percent of the vote. But according to Morning Consult, his popularity has weakened with 46 percent approving and 48 percent disapproving of how he is doing.

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  1. Jeesh, another GOPidiot. Trump’s The MAN, and I do mean that is a very X-Y chromosomal way, it’s Settled Science, y’know. Really. Have fun spending money Joe Walsh, on nothing.

    • I was really hoping it would be the other Joe Walsh. He “ran” for the office in 1980 (technically a joke campaign, since at 33 he was ineligible). His big hit song that year was “All Night Long”, certainly a better campaign theme than most I’ve heard.
      And because people dwell excessively on any little thing remotely connected to this office, I’m coming across discussions about a Hulk Hogan campaign, whether joke or not. Makes me wonder if Libby Baklava’s Twitter sycophant “Brother Theresa” has anything to say about it.

  2. He is not a marshmallow republican or RINO like what we have in the Senate we will need to flush the house and get more David Eastman type politicians in the Senate. These Vinella pro bigger government folks have to go. We need politicians that represent the people, all of the people and less of our shared resources to pick winners and losers from and more maximum benefit for all the people like a full non capped PFD..

  3. I am definitely not a Trump supporter and welcome any GOP challenger, but — BUT — his coordination with Bill Weld who is a liberal RINO was an immediate red flag to me and Joe Walsh has favored a pro-abortion and pro-gun control stance in the past, though he seems to have stepped toward more conservative stances in the 13 years since his failed 1996 congressional bid. He also comes off as a warmonger in his support of Israel (I support Israel’s right to exist, but I’m not willing to send American soldiers to die for the country and I also think the Palestinians have a right to their own land as well, provided they stop lobbing rockets into Israel). So, I do welcome him as a primary challenger, but would I vote for him? In the primary, maybe.

  4. The Eagles were a better band before he joined and he was better in the James Gang. Some things look fine on paper but are just not meant to be.

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