Is this a military ‘me too’ costume?



Gov. Bill Walker signed an administrative order, piggy backing it as a ceremony during the return of Last Frontier Honor Flight veterans who went to Washington, D.C. to visit the war memorials.

The event took place at the Ted Stevens International Airport, where veterans disembarked from the 10th Honor Flight and were wheeled in to the front of the pop-up event to be included in the picture.

In front of men and women who were wearing medals earned through service, and wearing his military-style incident command jacket, Walker wielded his pen while highlighting his role as commander in chief.

It was a contrast with U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, a lieutenant colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserves, who had greeted the Honor Flight veterans in D.C. in his civilian suit and tie. No need to pull rank on these heroic veterans.

Senator Dan Sullivan greets a group of Alaska World War II, Korean and Vietnam veterans visiting Washington, D.C. as part of the The Last Frontier Honor Flight, Inc. The flight – the 10th since the Alaska Honor Flight was founded – brought the 275th Alaska veteran (125th from our Greatest Generation) to visit and experience the monuments and memorials built in honor of their service and sacrifice. “On behalf of a grateful state and nation, I say thank you,” Sullivan said.

Was Gov. Walker, who has not served in the military, borrowing glory from the heroes of World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War?

Were they being used as props for a photo op for the governor, who faces a tough re-election battle?

It’s a question for the veterans among us.

Normally, governors are issued incident command jackets by the U.S. Army National Guard to wear during disasters in the incident command environment, since constitutionally the governor is the commander in chief for the Army and Air Guard.

They are not typically worn during civilian events, although a governor can wear it whenever he chooses. The patches are merely decorative to inform everyone who the governor is in the hierarchy of command.

Back in 2007, Gov. Sarah Palin visited Alaska Air National Guard troops at Camp Virginia, Kuwait, and wore a loose-fitting T-shirt.

Gov. Sarah Palin looks over a squad from her state during a visit to Camp Virginia, Kuwait in 2007. The tour of the desert camp culminated at lunch with her Alaska National Guard Soldiers in the dining facility. Wikimedia photo.


Administrative Order No. 293 creates an 11-member task force to research and coordinate efforts, collect histories and artifacts, research funding and propose possible sites.

“Alaska has a rich and complicated relationship with the U.S. military,” states the administrative order.

Major components of that history currently go unrecognized. The internment of Alaska Native people in Southeast Alaska during WWII. The role African-American soldiers played in the building of the Alcan, referred to as the “Road to Integration” in the Army. The Aleutian Islands’ role as the only part of North America to endure prolonged enemy occupation by Japan during World War II.”

“Alaska has more veterans per capita than any other state in the country, and Alaska Native people serve the armed forces in higher proportions than any other demographic. It is important to recognize this history, and honor those who sacrifice, those who continue to serve, and those who will serve the future,” the order says.

The task force, which will be appointed by the governor, is to produce an initial report by Oct. 1.


  1. Well played, Suzanne, on the Walker “cosplay” title. Walker really is an empty suit using everyone around him to appear to legitimize his theft, of valor, of PFDs, and God only knows what other ripoffs of the Alaskan people he has planned before we can kick his sorry ass out the door. When do Alaskans stop falling for these lying bastards? I’d like to know his net worth before the governorship and after.

  2. I dont understand the purpose of the commission. Anyone with a modicum of interest in Alaska history knows that African Americans played a significant role in building the Alcan, and that Native Alaskans were interred in SE Alaska due to the Japanese invasion threat.

    • Yep… we could. Not saying we will… but we could. Not sure if the word ignorant comes into play but we can only hope that Alaskans will be thoughtful in the next election. Easy there Kate..ignorant is a strong word.

  3. And what about the Prince William Sound Museum started by and populated by Ted Spencer…this museum is the gem of Whittier with excellent exhibits with lots of military information and history. Spencer’s museum captures the essence of the military and is well rounded. Ted founded the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum and is considered the Godfather of Alaska aviation history, and that includes the military’s efforts as well.

  4. Interesting. Walker wears military style clothing when dealing with Vets and the wears kuspuks when dealing with Alaska Natives. Gee…what could be his motive?

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