Interior Department’s top deputy Tommy Beaudreau steps down


The second-highest official at the Department of Interior, Deputy Secretary Tommy Beaudreau, is stepping down.

Born in Colorado and raised in Alaska, Beaudreau is an energy lawyer who served in the department under President Barack Obama and again under President Joe Biden. He was the one person in senior leadership in the Biden Administration who seems to understand Alaska. And he was the person who signed off on the Willow project for ConocoPhilllips. Beaudreau said he wants to spend more time with his family.

“I love the Interior Department, and it has been the greatest honor and responsibility of my career to serve as Secretary [Deb] Haaland’s deputy in the Biden-Harris administration,” Beaudreau wrote in a statement. “I will always cherish the opportunities I’ve had to work with the best career staff in federal service.”

Beaudreau was the first director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, was Acting Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management, and Chief of Staff to Secretary Sally Jewell. He has extensive experience in energy development, environmental conservation, and tribal consultation.


  1. It’s no wonder he stepped down. This guy completely be-clowned himself before Congress the other day. It was painful to watch.

    • He’s certainly accomplished a lot in his life, instead of berating him why don’t you thank him for his service instead ?

      • It would appear that you haven’t seen much of the top DOI bureaucracy in action. I have seen a bit. There ain’t much sacrifice involved other than living on the Potomac. Suck yourself into the system, do what you or your friends want and then figure out how to cash in. Maybe Mr. Beaudreau is a fine fellow but I suspect he has little in common with Alaskans. At least not anymore.

  2. Some at one of Anchorage’s still-being-printed newspapers would have us believe this fella is so Alaskan that he is going to move to Anchorage and start working as a teacher’s aide at Service High School (if he could remember where it is) and volunteering at the Iditarod start. Yeah, right…

    You can take the creature out of the Swamp but you can’t take the Swamp out of the creature.

  3. I didn’t pay much attention to this article until I saw Josh Hawley tear Beaudreau a new a##hole on a televised Congressional hearing yesterday. No wonder he quit!

  4. Please view YouTube video:

    ‘You Are Making Us Dependent On China’: Josh Hawley Rails Against

    Forbes Breaking News

    Senator Hawley undresses Mr. Beaudreau in committee. I feel sorry fir him. If I was him, I’d resign, too.

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