House Republicans send letter of apology to Sen. Sullivan for House Democrats’ obnoxious behavior

Rep. Sara Hannan of Juneau goes on the attack against Sen. Dan Sullivan on March 20, 2025.

House Republicans in Juneau were appalled at the behavior of the House Democrats in the question-and-answer portion of US Sen. Dan Sullivan’s speech to a joint session of the Legislature on Thursday.

Democrats rudely addressed the senator in a display that appeared to be coordinated attack with Speaker Bryce Edgmon. The Democrats did not treat Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the same way when she spoke to the body on Tuesday. They mainly gave her a pass, clapping softly, while Republicans sat quiet during Murkowski’s speech.

For Sullivan, the Democrats all took a card from the deck of ever-shrill US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, making wild claims filled with misinformation as they peppered Sullivan, who took it all in stride. They did not faze the senator, who was once the attorney general for Alaska and is a subject expert on every question they lobbed his way.

But so dismayed were the Republicans in the House about the attack on Sullivan that they quickly wrote a letter of apology to the senator for their colleagues’ misbehavior.

The letter started out by thanking Sullivan for coming to the Legislature and addressing the joint session.

“On behalf of the House Republican Caucus of the Alaska State Legislature, we wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your compelling and insightful speech delivered to our body today. Your address was both impactful and informative, shining a much-needed spotlight on the pressing issues facing Alaska. We deeply appreciate the dedication you and your staff have shown in tackling these challenges head-on—crashing through that proverbial brick wall, as it were. Thanks to your efforts, we are finally witnessing tangible progress for Alaska, and we join together in celebrating this momentum. It is nothing short of fantastic,” the letter stated.

Indeed, the speech Sullivan delivered got rave reviews. He brought ample good news for Alaska, from oil and gas production to military and national security improvements. But the Democrats came loaded for bear.

“Beyond our appreciation, however, we feel compelled to address a matter of significant concern and disappointment. It is with sincere regret that we write to apologize for the discourteous treatment you endured from some of our colleagues during the question-and-answer session following your remarks. The tone and manner of certain inquiries—preceded by what can only be described as unnecessary grilling and regrettable rhetoric — fell far short of the respect and decorum you deserve as a United States Senator who graciously accepted our invitation to speak. To say we were merely disappointed would understate the depth of our dismay. Alaska’s legislative body is better than this, and most of us recognize that such conduct does not reflect our values or the esteem in which we hold you,” the lawmakers said.

Some House members noted privately that when Rep. Mary Peltola spoke to the Legislature last year, the Republicans treated her with respect — unlike what happened on Thursday with the coordinated attack that Democrats staged, with the consent of the two Republicans who have joined the Democrat-led caucus, Rep. Louise Stutes and Rep. Chuck Kopp.

“Please accept our sincere apologies for this lapse. Know that we have the utmost respect for your leadership, your service, your Alaska centric focus, and the dignity you bring to your office. While we would fully understand if this experience left you hesitant to return, we earnestly hope it will not deter you from gracing us with your presence and wisdom in the future. We look forward to welcoming you back with the courtesy and appreciation you so richly merit,” the Republican lawmakers wrote.

The letter was signed by Republican Minority Leader Mia Costello, Republican Minority Whip Cathy Tilton, and Representatives Jamie Allard, Julie Coulombe, Jeremy Bynum, Bill Elam, DeLena Johnson, Kevin McCabe, Elexie Moore, David Nelson, Mike Prax, George Rauscher, Justin Ruffridge, Dan Saddler, Rebecca Schwanke, Will Stapp, Frank Tomaszewski, Jubilee Underwood, and Sarah Vance.

Here’s the letter:


  1. And the Democrats will laugh because they know two things.

    Nothing will come of this.
    The AK GOP is feckless and impotent

  2. Stutes and Kopp should be kicked out of the republican party. If the Alaskan GOP doesn’t get their head out of their a$$ and start showing some leadership the corrupt democrats are going to keep the majority. We need a Laura Trump.

  3. These Democrats and their partner RINOs are all catastrophically afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Clinical studies are indicating that it has settled in and is leaving in it’s wake, a huge psychological impact in their well-being. Among psychiatrists it’s amusingly referred to as “long Trump.” An appropriate reference, and it’s only going to get longer.

  4. The Senator dishes out the vitriol and then withers under predictable criticism from his political opponents. This letter is sycophantic to a North Korean level of bootlicking. Independent Alaskans (the majority of us) are fed up with the feckless whining of democrats and the brainwashed nonsense of republicans. Keep DC politics and party rhetoric out of our great state.

  5. And when we vote out a Wilson, we get a YUNDT. Or a Dirty KOPP. Or a Monster like Giessel or Merrick. How can we win, if we keep voting for Liar’s. Thank You all good and Honest Republicans who signed the above letter to Senator Sullivan. Your names will not be forgotten.

  6. Will our politicians will ever cease the endless, childish political wars in which they are engaged, being waged solely for the twisted purposes of schadenfreude and revenge, and focus instead on working cooperatively to govern and advance our society?

    People enter politics either to do something or to be someone, and there are many more of the latter than the former. All however, with few exceptions, are eventually drawn into the adversarial sh*tshow in order to fit in and be accepted by their political peers.

    It’s time for both sides to act like adults, to put away the schoolyard behaviors, and to work cooperatively to provide real solutions to real problems. Compromise. Give a little to get a little. Stop the DOGE cancel culture. Stop burning Teslas. Stop treating deportees like animals going to slaughter just for show. Behave like your mother taught you to. Show a little respect for each other. Follow the Golden Rule.

    Mankind’s progress is far more attributable to Homo Sapiens’ unique capability to cooperate than it is to the endless destructive wars it wages. Hopefully someday soon we’ll be able to say the same thing about political achievement as well.

    Enough already. Really. Grow up everybody. Politicians. Citizens. News media. Yes, everybody.


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