House members still raising money for campaigns?



Four members of the House Democrat-led majority are in apparent violation of the law. Reps. Adam Wool, Ivy Spohnholz, Daniel Ortiz, and Tiffany Zulkosky are maintaining fundraising pages on their websites, which is against the law during the legislative session.

AS 24.60.031 says legislators and legislative staff may not solicit or accept contributions for a fundraising event during session for a campaign for state or municipal office. Soliciting includes, but is not limited to: Asking for contributions for the fundraising event; including your name on the fundraising notice; donating items to an auction.

During the legislative session, legislators are also prohibited from soliciting or accepting a contribution or a promise or pledge to make a contribution for their own campaigns, or to influence a state ballot proposition or question, or for a political party.

Adam Wool: (link live and language asking for contributions by check)
Tiffany Zulkosky: (has language asking for donations by check)
Ivy Spohnholz: (has live link and language asking for donations)
None of the Republican minority members are in violation, per a review of their campaigns websites by Must Read Alaska.


  1. Suzanne, thank you for exposing these illegal “asks” from our crooked Democrats. They finally have removed the illegal request for campaign contributions. Sanctions should be imposed on these Democrat legislators.

  2. Hell, every alcoholic drink at Wool’s bar, and every scoop served at his ice cream cone stand is a campaign contribution. Get em drunk, and get em fat. Direct path to a Democrat’s heart and wallet. Thank you, Adam

      • Don’t you think that is a little rough Mike and Paul? As a conservative, raised on the backbone of small family businesses, this comment bothers me a little bit.
        I know nothing of Adam Wool’s bar business, but to just make a blanket statement of him putting drunk drivers on the road is a little unfair. I guess you would insert the name of any owner of any establishment that serves alcohol? Every liquor store? Every restaurant with a liquor license? Or, is this just a bash on Adam Wool?
        Many bars and restaurants across the State are owned and operated by hard-working Alaskans. Many are passed on through generations. Hundreds if not thousands of Alaskans drive on our roads drunk or otherwise impaired every day after leaving their homes without ever stepping foot into a bar. We do have a terrible problem. The goal is to never allow a patron to leave an establishment and drive drunk. It is even illegal to serve an intoxicated person – (although this is very difficult to control and enforce).
        Again, I know nothing of his dealings in the bar business; however, as a supporter of legitimate, small business – businesses assaulted by tax and regulation around every corner – I find this a little rough. There are PLENTY of things to criticize Adam Wool on, but I don’t think this is one of them.

      • I respectfully disagree, Garnet. Wool’s bar, the Blue Loon, has been in operation for decades in Fairbanks. Wool has been there for 25 years. The Blue Loon has a good and bad reputation. Public events are held there that benefit the public. The Blue Loon is also a place where excessive drinking and loud, live bands play. Been there many times and seen many inebriated patrons walk out the door without being drink-checked. So, Adam Wool has sent many, many unchecked drunk drivers out of his establishment onto the Parks Hiway, a major traffic artery into Fairbanks.

    • Yeah, I’ve seen Wool strutting around the Blue Loon, like a bald peacock. He wants you to keep drinking, just like any bar owner does. Big backer of marijuana too, with all the local potheads showing up for pot rally’s at the BL. Get em drunk and stoned and signed up to vote for Wool. Then reward them with an overpriced Sunday at his icecream cone stand. What a way to make a living. Who said legislators need to be bright?

  3. Any campaign contribution made during a legislative session should be regarded as attempted bribery and the “contributor” should be charged and tried. If the contribution were accepted by a sitting legislator then said legislator ought to be charged and tried for soliciting and accepting a brige. If Alaska’s Attorney General won’t press it then what’s the mechanism for an ordinary citizen to institute the charges.

    • Call your legislator and lodge a complaint with the Ethics Committee in the legislature. You, as a citizen can report this. The Committee can conduct an investigation and recommend discipline, fines, or charges.

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