Homer is picture perfect: Trump rally was several miles long on the Spit


The vehicle convoy in Homer started at 2 pm on Sunday, but those in the back of the line said they didn’t start moving until 3 pm, because the line was just that long for the Trump truck rally.

They circled town on a 10-mile circle with lots of people along the side of the road waving.

The Russian-Americans came out in droves to support the president. They told our citizen reporter in Homer that they know what it’s like to live under socialism and communism, and they want nothing to do with it. The entire event was organized by a son of immigrants, and publicized just a few days ago on the Chris Story radio show.

People from Homer lined Kachemak Drive, especially near the Gear Shed, at the base of Spit and along the Spit. “People who couldn’t be in it were happy to be waving at us,” said one participant.

“We had a few people flip us off going the other direction, but we love the haters,” he said.

Citizen journalists told Must Read Alaska that 217 vehicles took part in the parade on a very windy but clear afternoon. The wind was so brisk the flags were literally snapping in response.

Were you are the Homer road rally? Add your comments below.


  1. I filmed the whole line of vehicles as they left the staging area and then joined at the end. What an energetic bunch! Despite the cold and wind, the positive atmosphere was obvious. Smiling supporters filed past me with honking and waving. I hope this excitement translates into a landslide for President Trump.

  2. It was Great fun and all the flags looked fantastic with our mountain backdrop. Thank you to the organizers.

  3. This was a beautiful and exciting event today ! My truck was small but proudly has a bumper sticker from 2016 and her first Trump rally! It was wonderful to see all those flags flying today and great to see all the support our President has!

  4. You are a damn fool. We support Trump because he supports us and has shown us all the quality of man he is. You are out of your mind if you think the other option is a better man. While our country was going through the great recession and our families were losing jobs and money, Biden was getting rich from our foreign adversaries.

  5. I lost count of trucks at 177. Even saw a Teachers For Trump sign if you can believe it! No violence, no hate , and no litter! Dems must be frantic by now.

  6. So these are the “hateful” and “violent” Trump supporters we’ve all been told, and told, and told, and told to expect? Are these the mindless, goose-stepping misogynist nazis, lead by imaginary Russians, that we’ve been promised all day, every day, for four and a half years?!
    If these folks were going for violent, totalitarian oppression, they’re doing it wrong.
    Nothing looted, nothing burned, no one assaulted, not even any litter on the streets – it’s almost like democrats are a bunch of projectionist liars and flaming hypocrites, isn’t it.

  7. The religion of Trump in action. Fall down and bow before the golden calf. Please change back to true conservative values, leave the cult of Trump.

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