Homer city councilman quits early


Homer City Councilman Joey Evensen resigned from the council on July 9. He was elected in 2019 and had one year remaining, but City Council life is not for him. Evensen said in an email that the “Council’s consistent lack of productivity and the strongly unpleasant work environment” led to his decision to quit early.

The council has 30 days to appoint a temporary replacement for the seat.

Evensen’s resignation opens up another seat for the Oct. 5 election. In addition to Evensen’s seat, two other council seats will be available. They are currently held by Homer City Council members Donna Alderhold and Heath Smith. Whoever wins Evensen’s position in October will serve through the end of the term for that seat, which is October of 2022.


  1. Maybe just a back story to it and blaming others is unacceptable. Being on city council is and should be a non partisan placement that serves the general public in the community they represent

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