Homeland Security to construct border wall in Rio Grande Valley

Illegal immigrants pour over the U.S. southern border in August, 2023.

The Biden Administration has done a 180-degree turn on the U.S. border crisis. While in the past, Democrats have called a border wall, as was under construction in the Trump Administration, a racist policy, now U.S. Department of Homeland Security will waive 26 federal laws to complete the wall in the Rio Grande Valley.

This is the area of Starr County, Texas where Biden halted construction when he became president.

The announcement was made in the Federal Register, explaining, “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas.”

More than 1.6 million people have slipped across the border and not been apprehended by Border Patrol, which has apprehended more than 245,000 illegals through August. In August and September, nearly 100,000 have poured through the border.


  1. Makes absolutely no sense to me when they have already cut openings in the existing sections of the border wall.
    (Brother Jimmy Biden must have started a wall construction business and looking for a golden goose to lay him an egg.)
    Wouldnt it be way cheaper to charter passenger aircraft to send to all 3rd world countries so they could empty out their prisons and send them and all other undesirables who want a free ride and free life in America?
    The “Joe Biden Express” airlines. Free ride to America in exchange for votes.

  2. Yep. Biden is gearing up for campaign mode. Maybe he’ll even visit the border wall. Meanwhile, Fentynal and big city crime is out of control, thanks to Joe.

  3. There are 60 Million illegal immigrants in the US. biden had his demonrat voters so now he can pretend to be concerned about the multi decade invasion…

  4. How funny that all of a sudden, the administration is panicking on the amount of criminals that are coming in. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be that they have kept the border one for that long, and now the voters (and I think, some state officials) are finally making some noise and a vote is coming up. Even independents, fence-sitters, etc… are concerned about the influx of drugs coming in and their vote is gonna sway their pick. And let’s not forget the migrant mess, living in homeless camps (oh, what am I thinking? That’s right, the vets who were being helped with housing (you know cuz they served at the governments request and put their lives in danger for us), were just UN-housed and the “illegal migrants” are being placed there instead. Shows the love of Government Americans FOR other everyday ordinary Americans.

  5. See, Biden is serious about protecting the border! Wow, I’ll forget being called a extremist, right wing, deplorable, and racist for thinking we should have a secure border. I think he or Kamala will have my vote for sure.

  6. “There would be so many border crossers if it hadn’t been for the things Donald Trump said.”
    CMAN,Whidbey,Frank,valley chapel,Maureen,Greg,Lucinda,etc.etc.

    • You can subtract Maureen Suttman from that list, as she has recently passed away.

      As The Masked Avenger stated, I hope that she has finally found in death the peace that clearly eluded her in life.

  7. Democrats in Democrat cities and Democrat states finally getting overwhelmed by the sudden population and crime explosion? They Should had addressed this in 2021. Their late!

  8. The influx was a well planned event and it continues as we hammer out our comments here. Biden isn’t in possession of his faculties as the “Others” are conducting business in his stead – as is done with Fetterman, McConnell and, until just recently, Feinstein. The establishment (Parliament of Whores as P.J. O’Rourke so aptly labeled them) is insulated from all this while we all deal with the results. Can’t wait to have my social security payments to be handed off to more people who’ve done nothing to earn it.

  9. What all are demonrats flipping on? The border walls, whether Kroger and Carrs/Safeway should merge, seems like I heard of something else, but cannot recall right now. Why are they all of a sudden changing their tunes? Aren’t there groups/people out on the internet doing the same thing? Pretending like they are agreeing – at least somewhat – with the right; BUT, giving the stories a little twist of their own to adapt it to their agenda. They try to sell a sweet story that is one big, fat lie. Just look at what happened with rank choice voting and that the group that wants it is gathering all sorts of sweet stories and lies to fool thousands of people into believing that rank choice voting is the best way to go to get honest and fair elections.
    Personally, I think that the evil is trying a new tactic to sweet talk and fool the people into believing that what they are trying to sell is the best for all of us. Look at all of the things going on right now and the lefty responses/reactions.

  10. This is a massive con job. Not one foot of wall will ever be built under brandon.

    The dims are counting on one or two leftist judges to step in with injunctions to stop them from bypassing of all those regulations.

    Then the dims will say they did try…

  11. According to Mark Levin, Biden is having to do this since Congress passed a law stating the funds they had earmarked for the wall HAD to be spent on the border wall. The Biden regime asked Congress to rescind this law and Congress refused. If Biden does NOT comply it will then be an impeachable offense and therefore his lawyers are telling him he has to do it. Biden has not woken up to anything regarding the destruction of America from his open border actions, but is now just trying to save his own a$$ . There are still plenty of other laws he has broken that he can be impeached on including the border, student loan forgiveness and corruption with our nations enemies, among others. Trump 2024!!

    • He must spend every single dollar He can get his greasy palms on. Like Mark said “whats a few more miles of wall going to do at this point? They have already cut holes in the existing wall”

  12. The hypocrisy of that old serial child fondler and sniffer (it’s been caught numerous times on camera folks) saying walls don’t work, all while living in walled compounds guarded by heavily armed staff. I guess the rest of us in the great unwashed masses can just go eat cake.

  13. I’ve seen reports indicating they want to do this specifically to shut up the complaints.

    25 miles, while better than nothing, is a publicity stunt.

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