Health department adjusts schedule for vaccines for older Alaskans


KEY INFORMATION: Alaskans 65 and older can receive vaccinations starting Monday, Jan. 11. Scheduling for those appointments begins Wednesday, Jan. 6 

In an effort to more quickly vaccinate Alaskans, the Alaska COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force is opening up appointment scheduling and vaccination clinics for Phase 1b, Tier 1 –  Alaskans 65 years of age and older. Scheduling appointments can be done on Wednesday, Jan. 6 at noon, with appointments starting Monday, Jan. 11.

Initially, those in Phase 1b, Tier 1 (Alaskans 65 years of age and older) were set to begin vaccinations in late January. However, after assessing how much vaccine remains to be administered, the Vaccine Task Force has adjusted the timeline forward. The vaccine is not being administered to as many health care workers as it could be because some are not taking the vaccine.

“All clinics who have received COVID-19 vaccine should continue to vaccinate the remaining health care workers from Phase 1a who wish to be vaccinated, but we are also excited to open up appointments for Alaskans who are 65 years of age or older,” said Alaska Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink. 

NEW TIMELINE – Phase 1b, Tier 1 (Alaskans 65+) 

  •  Begin scheduling vaccinations at noon on Wednesday, Jan. 6 – Alaskans 65 years of age or older can schedule appointments starting noon on Jan. 6 by visiting Vaccinations for older Alaskans (age 65+) will now begin Jan. 11. 
  •  Choose an appointment for Monday, Jan. 11 or later – Alaskans 65 years of age and older can begin getting vaccinated starting Monday, Jan. 11. When scheduling an appointment, please choose a date on Jan. 11 or later. 

A group of state retirees were notified last week that they could make appointments for their vaccinations, and several of them were able to get appointments as early as Tuesday, Jan. 5. The state is saying that for those in 1B, Tier 1 do not need to cancel those appointments.

“If you are not in health care or 65 or older as defined by Phase 1A or Phase 1B, Tier 1, please cancel your appointment so Alaskans in the earlier tiers can make appointments. New appointments will be added regularly as more vaccine providers sign up and more vaccine is available,” the state reported in a press release. Additional information about the COVID-19 vaccine and Alaska’s distribution plans may be found at


  1. I see no legitimate basis for allowing a group of retirees to receive an early notice to obtain the vaccine. This is unlawful discrimination.

      • The point is that within the group of people 65 and over that are eligible for the vaccine, there are absolutely no grounds for allowing retired PERS employees to step to the front of the line. None. That kind if a preference is not contained in the retirement package. As far as I am concerned, all Alaskans 65 and older are equal. (BTW – I am retired tier 1 PERS. And I didn’t receive the email containing the link to the “cut-in-line” website. Nor do I want it.)

    • Tell you what, J. I am a retiree and, though I haven’t received any notice of “my turn” at the vaccine, I will make you a deal right now. You can have my turn, when and if it comes up. All I ask in return is for you to quit promoting the wonders of science, according to the vaccinators. Do you not wonder why hundreds of thousands of unmasked, non socially distanced Chinese gathered in the Wuhan center to celebrate New Years? New York and London centers looked like ghost towns. Not so for the Chinese. Could it all be a big Chinese scam to turn common sense and science on it’s ear? Questions aplenty. Answers scarce. It has been that way since the “pandemic” started. Now, a fools errand will send millions like you to be ‘vaccinated’.
      One more item. The leading cause of death in the world in 2020 was abortion. 42.6 million dead, just in 2020. Where is the distress, moaning and groaning and “vaccine” against abortion? Food for thought, wouldn’t you say?

      • Okay how are you going to go about giving up your spot in the line, are you going to sign something or get something notarized or how are you going to go around doing that? He can’t just hold up this blog post of yours and say this guy said I could go in his place it doesn’t work like that. Let’s make it official!

    • Seniors are by far and away the most vulnerable age demographic, making up a very disproportionate number of fatalities nationwide. So no, this is not discrimination, it’s prioritization due to limited resources. If we had plenty of vaccines, we wouldn’t need to do this.

  2. Maybe if the vaccine task force spent less time trying to figure out who gets it first, and spent more time actually administering vaccine there would not be tens of thousands of doses sitting in a freezer unused, aging, and going bad.
    Oh, and maybe lives might actually be saved.

  3. “Over 50% of health care workers and frontline workers are refusing the vaccine”
    Says a lot about this vaccine and this so called deadly pandemic that supposedly went on.

  4. Wow, the 65+ State retirees got an early invite to get the vaccine first!! The 65+ private citizens should not complain. They should be old enough to know how nepotism works by now.

  5. Only a hardened cynic would wonder whether the rush to shoot up old folks might have something to do with how much Vaccinators can overcharge Medicare
    … before somebody catches on and blows the whistle
    … or asks out loud why doctors prescribe hydroxychloroquine but pharmacies won’t fill the scrip!

  6. I am a Tier 1b person who wants to take the vaccine. I got on line at noon on the 6th only to find that for any one of the 6 sites I checked, there were no appointments available.. I got an e-mail back that said I would be notified by the last location I had tried when vaccine was available. I am still working and have several co-morbidities, so am concerned.

    They only tell you this after you have given all your information and sent copies of your insurance card. What a racket.

  7. Suzanne, I was quite excited about the opening of cat 1B tier 1 to seniors 65 and above until I tried to get an appt on 6 Jan at 12 noon when it supposedly “ opened up” to us. What I soone learned was 1) the phones were jammed with calls at 5he only 3 south Anchorage locations administering the inoculation. Sine I live in south Anchorage Inthoughtnit quicker to drive to the two locations very near my home. Since I had planned to depart for Hawaii on the 9th My plan was to try to get the shot before I left or as quickly as possible so it could leave right after. I first went to Dimond Urgent Care where I was only able to secure a Jan 20th appointment for the innoculation. I was informed the reason for this is because all the previous appointments were taken BY HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS. Next I went 5o Dimond Costco where they said the same thing but were so backlogged with HEALTH CARENPROVIDER APPOINTMENTS THAT 5HEY WERNT EVEN MAKING APPOINTMENTS FOR ANYMORE PEOPLE AT 5HIS TIME. AND LASTLY A CALL TO Dr DeSchweinitz office near Fred Meyer where I was tol to ck back in Feb or March!!

  8. I have been using the State Health Department link since non on the 6th. As both my wife and I are 74 with multiple risk factors. I have found the all the sites in the link have 0 appointments available. After 2 days of trying and finding nothing available in frustration I went to the Carr’s ER to the Pharmacy to request an appointment. The Pharmist at the register gave me a very aggravated prepared speech that they did not have any vaccine and were not giving anyone a vaccination. I explained that I had used the State link a several Carr’s including theirs was listed and a message I received asked me to use that site to schedule a vaccination. She said she had no idea why they were listed and had no idea when the State would send them the vaccine. Then I see in news the ASD HQS was giving walk-in seniors the vaccine without an appointment or requiring them to use the website. That is very charitable of them and I except they have lines standing outside the building without appointments today to get their shots. After my experience at Carr’s I chose not to go to ASD HQS because I expect they have a new volume of Seniors beyond their capacity to service. The link is worthless so I guess we will pick a different site each day and try to get our shots without any appointments. Maybe if the providers get tired of telling people to go away the State will get their act together and fix the worthless site!

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