Hawaii governor enacts mask mandate


If you’re going to Hawaii, you will be wearing a mask in public. Hawaii Gov. David Ige issued a statewide mask mandate Monday.

Ige’s emergency proclamation requires everyone to “wear a face covering over their nose and mouth in public,” and this includes if driving in a car with people who are not immediate members of one’s household.

Children under the age of 5 and those with certain medical conditions are exempted.

Also exempt are for those outdoors when physical distance of six (6) feet from other individuals (who are not members of the same household/living unit/residence) can be maintained at all times. Theoretically, this means it you’re on an uncrowded beach or around a pool and there’s six feet between you and others, you’ll be in good shape without the mask.

Before this statewide order, it had been left to the counties, which are the islands.

Visitors to Hawaii also must test negative within 72 hours of traveling to the islands. If you don’t test, you must go into a 14-day quarantine that has very strict boundaries, according to the Alaska Airlines Blog:

  • No leaving your designated self-quarantine location for any reason—except for medical emergencies or to seek medical care.
  • Food must be delivered at your own expense, so no sit down dinners at local spots or trips to the grocery store.
  • Vacation rentals are not permitted as a quarantine location.
  • Failure to follow this order is a misdemeanor and punishable by a maximum fine of $5,000 and/or 1-year imprisonment.

“We all agreed it’s important to have a single message and consistent exceptions,” Gov. Ige said of his new mask mandate, which has no end date.

Hawaii has had 16,734 confirmed diagnoses of COVID-19, and 223 deaths.

To compare, Alaska has had 24,419 confirmed cases of the China virus and has had 99 deaths associated with the illness.

Alaska has no statewide mask mandate, but many liberal lawmakers are pressing Gov. Mike Dunleavy to order one under his current emergency powers, which expire Dec. 15.


  1. Check your facts. It’s a 14 day quarantine if not tested.

    The China virus? How rude and insensitive, not to mention racist.

    You’re an insult to Alaska.

    • I’m going to correct you. It’s not the China virus you were correct in that sense. It’s the Kung Flu. There, now that we got that out of the way how is associating an illness based on its origin racist? Do you even know what the term racist means? I doubt it. On the other hand, there’s been terminology used in the past against people who have been at war with the United States of America, like Japs, Nips, Kraughts, Gerry’s, etc. We’ve been at war with China since 1950. We were there ally uring world war II and save them from being overrun by the Japanese and later the Russians. They paid us back 5 years later by helping the Koreans. Since then they’ve been fearful of losing control over their country, so they have escalated a cold war using technology and navel boundaries as weapons. They’ve stolen more technology and business secrets than you will never know. I’m not a big fan of treating people that I’m at war with fairly or with a civil tounge

    • You’re an insult to free thinking Americans and Alaskans in particular. Please move to a state that aligns with your lunatic ideals, like Kalifornia or Oregon, you’re giving Alaskans a bad name.

    • Really just wildly inaccurate. Spanish flu did not, in fact, originate in Spain. Spain was neutral during WWI, and as such openly reported on the flu pandemic that in fact started in other parts of Europe; but, because other parts of Europe censored news about the flu — out of concern that the large death count would dampen motivation to fight the ongoing world war — the American media, in relaying uncensored news out of Spain — took to calling it Spanish flu.

  2. We just returned from a Hawaii. The process to go to Hawaii was easier than returning to Alaska. In prep to travel there, we filled out the online Hawaii Safe Travels forms. Scheduled testing with an ‘approved’ testing center, 20 days ago that was Walgreens, tested about 67 hours ahead of our last leg of travel from Seattle, and received the results back in about 36 hours. It really was easy.

    Our flights there were uneventful and arrival was a smooth process. Yes, masks in airports and on planes – probably the most difficult part of trip. In Hawaii, we only wore masks inside business establishments. Not outside. In restaurants masks worn until seated. We were on Oahu, north shore, and most people were pretty laid back albeit mindful. It was not a big deal. We surfed, hiked, snorkeled, hung out, shopped, went running, beach combed, and had a wonderful 13 day trip and all the Hawaiian residents we talked with while there were gracious, welcoming, thankful to have tourism starting again. The few that weren’t super excited were still gracious.

    As for the mandate, I have it on my phone just in case I encountered someone that really did t understand it. Never had to flash it. The mandate states masks worn inside public areas, or in tight outdoor areas where distancing is not possible. We never encounter a beach that crowded and no one needed to wear masks. Hiking on trails we all just stepped away from each other as we passed. No masks.

    As for our return, we had never been told we had to do Alaska Safe Travels paperwork ahead of time. The info was not clear. Hence upon arrival, at 2:30 am, we were stuck in airport trying to get all of that done. We were too tired to wait around for testing so are scheduled for testing today. I would recommend either getting tested prior to return or schedule ahead of time.

  3. 99 deaths in almost a year and we all know most of those were fudged for financial and political incentives.
    I haven’t known anyone who got Covid, however two people from my community were murdered and two more are missing, everyone is broke and misierable from this “lockdown”. “Lockdown” is a prison term.
    This entire Covid scam will be the fulcrum of global sweeping monetary /civil liberty reform, the World Economic Forum published their “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
    Never underestimate the Communists or Banks, they are mass murderers. Post nuclear war employs weapons of mass migration and social conditioning via partisan media and shock tactics. Sound familiar?
    Welcome to the world of “non linear fourth generation warfare” that’s what the DOD calls it.

  4. For some it’s the Kung Flu.
    For some it’s the “beer” virus, recently re-anointed the “whiskey” virus (one might kill you, the other, maybe not).
    For some it is the Wuhan virus, probably an accurate description if based on origin.
    For some it is “coronavirus,” my favorite, although there are many corona viruses out there, mostly common cold variants, with whom we all have familiarity, dangerous familiarity.
    For some it is Sars-Cov-2, which is the virus itself.
    For some it is COVID-19, the actual disease.
    For some of us it is, “not any worse than the flu.”
    For some of us it is not survivable.
    For some of us it is “non linear fourth generation warfare.”
    For all of us it is turning out to be “The Crucible.”
    Welcome to the world as we now know it. Buckle up. We may be going for a ride.

  5. Calling the China Virus is not racist, it may be nationalistic, but not racist. Chinese is not a race. Granted, most residents of China are Asian but no one has called this the Asian flu. If a person of any ethnicity leaves their country and becomes a Chinese citizen, they are Chinese. Same for us, “American” is not a race.

  6. Lots of opinions. Good. To me, opinions are good and should be given thought, instead of waging verbal war with an anonymously authored comment. It’s is a waste of time, thought and with few results. All one can do is offer their opinion and provide objective proof/reasoning to sustain it.
    Hawaii doesn’t want to provide constitutional rights, fine. Don’t go there. What?? They need money from the feds because their tourism economy disappeared? The communist/socialist way.
    I have never been there and probably never will visit. I am not fond of islands.

  7. The Constitution requires due process of law, which means the State needs to go to court for each and every person and prove they are a health risk and that a mask will prevent the spread. Then a court must order each person the State proves this is the case to wear a mask. Anything short of an actual court order with the persons name on it is unconstitutional. And for you mask commies out there, there is no emergency clause in the Constitution allow a despotic governor to issue emergency decrees invalidating the Constitution.

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