In the weekly “Question of the Week” poll that is a feature of the Must Read Alaska newsletter, Alaskans are favorable toward the idea of Greenland becoming a new United States territory.
78% of the nearly 600 respondents so far are supportive of President Donald Trump’s idea of purchasing the island of Greenland from Denmark.

Must Read Alaska’s newsletter is published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The question of the week always ends Thursday mornings and results are published in each Friday’s edition.
You can subscribe to the newsletter at this link.
Greenlanders are also in favor of joining the United States, according to a recent poll by Patriot Polling.

Patriot Polling surveyed 416 people in Greenland, which has an adult population of only around 32,000. It’s the first poll to ask Greenlanders what they think.
Trump has for months floated the idea of buying Greenland from Denmark. His idea has gotten traction in recent days.
Not everyone is onboard. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski is on record saying the idea is “offensive.” She is in the never-Trump, anti-Trump camp. Congressman Nick Begich III called it “history defining.”
Americans hired Trump to be president because he has big ideas and is a change agent. Buying more territory for the USA is something a change agent would do. Why would Americans hire a change agent and then tell him he can’t be a change agent?
Americans may be ready for some big ideas after the Biden years. According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans give a negative assessment of President Joe Biden’s time in office,
“Majorities of Americans think the U.S. has lost ground in six areas over the past four years, including the federal debt (67%), immigration (64%), the gap between the wealthy and less well-off (60%), the economy (59%), the United States’ position in the world (58%) and crime (51%). Pluralities also say the nation has fallen behind in six other areas: education, terrorism, trade relations with other countries, race relations, the nation’s infrastructure and energy,” according to Gallup.
Trump would not be the first to try to add Greenland to US territory. Secretary of State William Seward wanted to buy Greenland in 1867 and President Andrew Johnson considered it, as did President William Taft in 1910.
Greenland is especially rich in minerals and has been a mining province since the 1700s. First populated by Vikings, it went into Danish control and in 1953 Denmark formally added it as part of its kingdom.
Congressman Nick Begich III of Alaska seems open to the idea of a Greenland, USA territory:
“In 1868 US Secretary William H. Seward, the architect of the Alaska Purchase, identified Greenland as an acquisition target that could stabilize our nascent supply chain w/critical minerals like cryolite, while bolstering US naval reach. Today, we know that Arctic routes in the waters off Greenland are more crucial than ever and that a strengthened US presence in the region enhances global security. Further, an inclusion of Greenland as a U.S. territory would substantially expand the national portfolio of critical minerals and other important resources while enhancing the way of life for local Greenlanders. Concepts like these are history defining, and despite being ridiculed at the time, Alaskans are thankful for the vision of William Seward in architecting the Alaska Purchase,” Begich wrote on X last week.
So how about a poll asking how they feel about Russia buying Alaska? The list of reasons given applies pretty much equally well.
More predictable than Pavlov’s dogs…
“………So how about a poll asking how they feel about Russia buying Alaska?……..”
I must admit being perfectly baffled at the thought process of this question. From what intellectual region this could originate? Would Thedog like to see Russian (or any other Eurasian) political power on North American soil? Who would want such a thing? Is this thought just a tantrum being enacted? Maybe such a poll is necessary just so we all get a better idea of our problems?
“More predictable than Pavlov’s does” No, but you seem to be
You are more predictable than Pavlov’s dogs.
Visualize Whidbey’s keyboard covered with foamy saliva as he races to be the first commenter.
Europe is in a free fall whidbey. The Chinese are and have been exploring the heck out of it. So either we take it or they do what’s your game ?? You seem to be a know it all .
Couldn’t we just move all the CA Democrats to Greenland and have a huge Habitat For Humanity home building project? Biggest welfare program in history. Could even have Trump build another world class golf course for them. Give them something to do as they age out, get dementia, and fertilize the soil for future generations of Democrats.
Seems to me that Lisa Murkowski, who thinks the idea of buying Greenland is “offensive,” would be totally on board with you, Whidbey. She probably thinks we should sell Alaska back to Russia because it was “offensive” to have bought it in the first place. Why don’t you make a call to her office and suggest it? She’ll think you’re an absolute genius.
Chances are pretty high that she already does…
Like your way of thinking,shrek!?
Well, since Greenland is not for sale, and is part of the Kingdom of Denmark- a NATO ally, this is all pure silliness, the kind of nonsense that takes focus away from our $36 trillion dollar debt, and the one trillion per year annual interest payments on the debt.
But if the US did invade- our NATO obligations would be in force. That is, an armed attack against one NATO member is considered an attack against all, and all members are obligated to assist the attacked country, including through the use of armed force if necessary; this principle is enshrined in Article 5 of the treaty.
Since the aggression would be coming from Trump, we’d be obligated to take him out militarily under our treaty obligations.
For those of us that are Reagan Republicans- fiscal conservatives- the sometimes clown show antics of Trump are stomach churning.
We need to be focused on the massive failures at home, the open borders, the massive deficits, the pending failure of Social Security, etc. Will Trump grow the deficit by another $8 billipon like he did last time? Trump, a former Democrat, with multiple bankruptcies on his record, doesn’t inspire confidence.
Clown show.
“…….Clown show………”
Maybe. It sure seems silly, especially with all the real domestic and international problems we face. This is for sure; this silliness sure has the clowns up, dancing, bouncing off the deck, and ripping their garments. Even if it’s all diversionary bait, I’m fine with it. Pour more fuel on the heads of those with their hair already on fire.
On the other hand, the Louisiana and Alaska Purchases were huge for the U.S. This could be, too, especially with the current focus on Arctic shipping. It might be good to keep the issue alive and in the minds of the movers and shakers.
Or the idiots………..
And going to get very much worse very, very soon.
If “an armed attack against one NATO member is considered an attack against all” how should the NATO vassal states respond to our use of the American military to blow up critical German infrastructure?
Blowing up Nordstream is an overt act of terrorism and undeclared war against an ally and was fatal to the entire German economy, the engine of Europe. Not to mention the massive ecological damage it caused.
To be our enemy is dangerous, to be our friend is fatal.
It is not in the Greenlanders’ best interest to be “purchased” and then exploited by the US.
The real acts of terror are coming from the gangster Putin regime. Over 600,000 dead and injured Russians… missile attacks on children in Ukraine… and Russia now shooting down Azerbaijan airplane…
Yep… all of that wouldn’t have happened if 0bama, Nuland and the rest hadn’t used a CIA color revolution to overthrow the elected president and turn Ukraine into a Piggy Bank. That broke the deal we had to not interfere in Ukranian politics. Russia is spinning down population wise and in 30 years couldn’t prop up anyone. Expand NATO? We promised not to. It’s such a mess now that the history of this has gotten lost.
Robert, don’t forget the treaty obligation we have with Ukraine. After the cold war ended our national security depended on securing all the nuclear weapons in the countries that were invaded by the communist Soviet Union. In exchange for Ukraine giving up its nukes, we promised them protection.
Not unfair for us to honor our word.
M – You almost had it right! Flip the antagonists around and it’s a bullseye!
I’m fully on board with a new territory.
This might be just enough of a distraction. Then they/thems can treat Greenland as a national park. Allow Alaska and Alaskans to conduct safe, clean and needed commerce.
First of all I highly doubt ANY true Alaskan gives a hoot what Murkowski thinks, Second Anyone not on board are the people who think the US is safe from Russia and China WAKE UP PEOPLE The new leader has our backs and if you don’t like it Please leave
Let’s welcome Greenland into the American family and fly our flag there. Senator Lisa Murkowski can pound sand.
The sad fact is that most Alaskans have no idea of what the costs of “buying” Greenland would entail. We already have a huge military presence on the island that represents a substantial drain on the Pentagon budget, but what the hell, let’s double down!
With the exception of oil and gas, Alaska will continue to be a fish & game habitat and park, with limited mining and Greenland will become the next resource frontier.
Lisa wouldn’t know what an opportunity looks like even if delivered on a silver platter. She is, and always will be, inflicted with TDS, at the peril and disregard for Americans and Alaskans.
What they’re saying is trump is no different than putin Trying to take ukraine.
Huh! I missed the purchase offer Putin forwarded to Kiev. Maybe I forgot it after the invasion?
Greg old chap. China is going to take Greenland if we don’t. They have been exploring it non stop for the last 15 years. So it’s us or them. Denmark as well as most of Europe lacks testicles to fight anyone as demonstrated with Ukraine.
Trump says he may take it by military force. That’s not what we do, not since Custer. Europe is already turning against us on his remarks. He’s not Teddy Roosevelt and this isn’t the early 20th century. Trump thrown these remarks around to see if they will stick, much like his dirty underwear. It’s embarrassing.
The sale of Russia interests (stores, docks and churches with everything other acre remaining squarely in the hands of the natives of Alaska as a stated in English in the signed by both nations deed “The Treaty of Cession” to the United States was heralded at the time by the Aleuts. Time does not now permit me to say the many other determinate facts but includes a net positive future for the people of the land of Greenland.
I am travelling with an invalid. I am aware of the typos but cannot repair them. Please bear with me.
Have the Greenlanders, who currently have an autonomous territory and hold both Danish and EU citizenship, been “granted” the either/or option to vote for independence, or being purchased?
If their people and lands are to be purchased, do they get the compensation, or their colonial masters in Copenhagen?
The Kalaallit, closely related to Iñupiats, who comprise 90% of Greenlanders, must not let themselves be treated like subjects, as our ancestors were here.
If they vote to join the union, it must have pre conditions:
1 Incorporate into the US as a state, 2 Senators and 1 Representative, with full US citizenship while retaining rights to dual Danish citizenship, that passes generationally. No immediate statehood, no deal.
2 Design a state constitution that guarantees the citizens vote for their judges, state and local police, retain full sovereignty to the people. Insure education monies belong to the children, not controlled by the state. The Alaska model illustrates what not to do.
3 Other than privately owned lands, the State of Greenland, would own all the public lands, surface, subsurface and off shore and the resources therein. Absolutely no lands for federal agencies like Park Service, BLM, ect. Retain state rights to lease lands for all mineral extraction, oil and gas, commercial fishing, ect.
4 Define in their constitution the rights to preserve any critical traditional resources like fish levels, for locals first, to avoid what has happened here in Alaska.
5 The US will militarize the island more than it has already. Greenlanders would be moving themselves into a rapidly waning empire in the period of accelerating decline from the completely failed EU project. They better make the best of it.
Lisa was a full on supporter of “purchasing” Ukraine with all the cash they have rounded up and handed over.
Her and Joe obviously have a close relationship with the penis playing pianist the way they welcome him with open arm whenever he needs more cash.
The sad part of the deal we dont have a deed to the property but on the other hand there are a lot of “special” individuals getting extremely rich off the war.
Lisa must be heavily invested in the weapons suppliers like the Pelosi”s.
Let’s go get it. I’m all in. How about norther Canada too.
China gets Greenland or America gets Greenland that’s the 2 choices. What’s your game people.??
“Not everyone is onboard. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski is on record saying the idea is “offensive.” She is in the never-Trump, anti-Trump camp. Congressman Nick Begich III called it “history defining.””
If Lisa thinks buying Greenland is offensive, then is she also offended about buying Alaska? She makes no sense. It would be a very similar purchase: Strategically located for Arctic defense, shipping, and Greenland, like Alaska, holds a lot of valuable resources.
Offensive to Denmark and China. Right o Lisa.
If there is anyone who would truly know what it means to be offensive, it would be Princess Lisa Murkowski, Her Highness of Nepotism and Deep State heiress.
My contempt and loathing for this despicable pro-establishment globalist shill and opportunist is literally unbounded.
Reminds me that MAYBE(?), it’s time for us to be …
“Unburdened by what we’ve been burdened with.”
The sooner the better too!!!
Well, Murkowski’s behavior has been increasingly offensive, the longer she stays in office. However, to get back to the question, let Greenland have a vote, and decide what the people want to do. If they want to join us, I’m open to it. I think the idea of a federal territory makes more sense than state, a la Guam.
1) Will Greenland attain statehood or territorital status?
2) Will Greenlanders be granted citizenship (as in Puerto Rico, Guam, the United States Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands) or nationality (American Samoa)?
3) If Greenland is absorbed into the USA, are the natural resources and attendent profits there going to belong to the residents?
Greenland to the USA in current form, it a massive real-estate heist: Trump, Musk, and Thiel are planning to seize the deed to the lands as a cash-grab to funnel the mineral rights and profits to the Trump, Musk, and Thiel bank accounts. Its gun-barrel diplomacy: they are using military force to claim resources for private gain. But certain Alaskan bootlickers want this. Good luck dummies: They’ll shoot your white Hillside, Soldotna or Douglas Island ass the second your yard is profitable for them.
They are going to anyway with the FBX to Seward trail”. Democrats completely spearheading this including Anch Assembly and Mayor. Private property rights are the main laughing place for unionized voters. “You vill have nothink ond be hoppy’. Sorry about northern Europe accent of ever lasting boundary changes. Only the US Constitution recognizes property rights for anyone but kings and princes; which you are not and never will be union Democrat voters.
China gets Greenland or America gets Greenland. Our call. Europe is in collapse and isn’t a player.
You are so wrong. An isolationist.
Wait, I’m confused. Isn’t the incoming administration committed to the Department of Government Efficiency and cutting the federal budget? Then why would they even think about spending billions (trillions?) our tax dollars on a purchase like this? There must be some mistake, that would go against everything this administration campaigned on.
They won’t buy it. Trump says he will take it by force. Stalin style.
YOU! We keep the cash and “take” the land with sweet-nothings or a heavy hand: the rest can be dismissed with propaganda and public relations. What do you think conquest is all about–consent? We crush the opposition; if need be, we apologize for our indiscretions later!
Lisa: Many Greenlanders are relatives of Alaskans. Why would you be offended if our family members were able to join the US? Think much before speaking?
Very, very distant cousins. I have relatives who are Mayan but I don’t insult them claiming so.
Seward’s Icebox has shown itself to be a very serious contributor to the US economy. Even better, it is in its infancy as a major haven of naturals resources. No one knows more about buying property for future use than Donald J. Trump.
It’s so funny to watch Trump set the MRAK rabbits running. In a few weeks, he’ll for get all about Greenland. But you are all, of course, so entertained in the meantime.
I’m all for making Greenland a first-strike target over AK.
If the People of Greenland want to join the Union they better get smart fast if they want to be Free with Liberty. If they join as a Territory with no clear binding timeline agreement to becoming a State they are screwed like Guam and Puerto Rico. Without a guarantee of Statehood and a binding timeline, and EQUAL FOOTING as the 13 Original States with US federal government “ENCLAVE” limited to 10 miles square that SHALL be used for enumerated purposes in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17- Greenlanders will become exactly what the Founding Fathers and James Madison warned about on September 5th, 1787- the people will become enslaved to the government with no Liberty- just like +60% of Alaska that is unlawfully claimed and controlled by the Fn dirty AF Feds. Greenland will be used and abused with subjections and whims of corrupt WA DC that is corrupt AF! F the Feds??
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