Good sport award goes to…


Gov. Bill Walker is the sporting subject of a comedy night to raise funds for the United Way of Tanana Valley in Fairbanks. A panel of local celebrities will be in attendance to roast the former governor on behalf of a good cause on Feb. 1 at the Westmark Hotel.

Alyeska Pipeline Service Company is the title sponsor, but organizations as big as Alaska Airlines and as small as the Fairbanks Funny Festival are also sponsoring.

“We’re ready for some side-splitting laughter!” the announcement reads at the organization’s website.

There’s plenty of material to work with. Things like, “If you like your full dividend, you can keep your full dividend.” We’re thinking out loud here.

But seriously, kudos to Gov. Walker for being such a good sport for a worthy cause.


  1. A thrill a minute. Craig Compeau is Master of Ceremonies. Wear your MAGA hat. Come dressed up in costume (I’m coming as Byron Mallott in full Native regallia. My 16-year old granddaughter is coming as my girlfriend).
    Pick up your PFD at front door (give it back to Bill at finale). Door prize includes two round trip tickets to Bill’s favorite beach in Hawaii. Get autographed copy of Walker’s new book, “How I Fu*cked Alaskans for Four Years and Survived.”

  2. Hopefully, Roland Maw will be there to help roast Walker. Just think, that without his good friend Walker giving him celebrity status by appointing him to the Board of Fisheries, Maw probably would not have had the opportunity to spend tens of thousands of dollars on attorneys fees defending himself against those pesky felony charges of PFD fraud. But that’s what friends are for, right?

  3. Is the former Gov. actually going to be in attendance? He’s being roasted…can we assume he’s attending in person? If so, good on him! What else are you going to do at this point? I voted for Sean when this whole thing started, and when Walker was elected I wasn’t happy but thought maybe, just maybe he’d get something going. I tried to support the Governor (I could have thrashed around with pitchforks and torches, wore p*ssy hats (already knew all about Byron’s history), filed lawsuits, marched in the streets, beat on the doors of the capitol building, professed racism…oh that’s right, I’m not a lib)….. I behaved and supported the elected official, hoping he’d succeed. It’s like when you get on the airplane. You might not like the looks of the pilot or agree with them, but you sure in the hell want him or her to get from point A to point B successfully! So, here’s to you Bill Walker! If people can have some fun at your expense, and raise some money for a good cause – get out of the house on a cold night in Fairbanks and have some laughs! At least the administration was good for something.

    • …..and bring his appointed daughter Lisa with him, so we can get a three for one weenie roast…..

  4. When I see United Way of the Tanana Valley and the Fairbanks Funny Festival involved, should I assume that this is another Glenner and Jerry production? Yes, I do have to ask. I don’t listen to those radio stations anymore because my musical tastes evolved beyond Alice in Chains and Stone Temple Pilots quite a long time ago. It seems to be a plague on radio in general. Some months back when Suzanne posted the link to the Vince Beltrami interview on KWHL, I clicked on the link. When I got to their website, before I clicked on the interview link, I first clicked on the live streaming link. When the stream came on, I heard “Black” by Pearl Jam. I thought to myself “Wait a minute. I was listening to this same song on this same radio station 25 years ago. Really”?

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