Ghislaine Maxwell, consort of Epstein, associate of Alice Rogoff arrested for sex trafficking young girls



The late Jeffrey Epstein’s confidante and alleged accomplice was arrested today by the FBI in New Hampshire and charged with conspiracy and enticing minors to engage in sex and more.

Epstein, a millionaire, socialite, and convicted sex offender, reportedly hanged himself in his cell last August at a federal facility after he was accused of abusing dozens of underage girls in his mansions in Florida and New York between 2002 and 2005.

The investigation into his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell indicates that she was helping to arrange for the underage girls — some as young as 14 — to be provided to Epstein for his sexual pleasure, and for the sexual exploitation of his friends.

Maxwell’s ties to the former owner and publisher of the Anchorage Daily News and Alaska Dispatch became known in 2014, when Maxwell came to Alaska to spend time with Rogoff during the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. How the two met and partied across Alaska was only referred to vaguely in the New York Post’s Page Six gossip column.

Maxwell is the youngest daughter of the late British publishing magnate Robert Maxwell, who was a member of Parliament, a suspected spy, and scandal-ridden fraudster, who stole millions of dollars from his companies’ pension plans, a fact only discovered after his death.

“In some instances, Maxwell was present for and participated in the sexual abuse of minor victims,” the indictment states.

FBI Assistant Director William Sweeney said she is “one of the villains of this investigation.”

Ghislaine Maxwell began the British-based charity TerraMar Project, and was a featured speaker at the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland and in Seattle, Washington.

The Arctic Circle Assembly was founded by Alice Rogoff,  former President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, and former Premier of Greenland Kuupik Kleist. Rogoff is still on the advisory board for the organization, but there’s no indiction the ladies have kept up their alliance, and Maxwell disbanded her nonprofit after Epstein was arrested and has been somewhat of a recluse in New England for the past year.

Meanwhile, Rogoff and her husband David Rubenstein had divorced and Rogoff drove the Alaska Dispatch (Anchorage Daily News) into bankruptcy. The paper was rescued by the Binkley family of Fairbanks, which has kept it alive since buying it for $1 million in 2017.


  1. Why wasn’t Miss Maxwell on suicide watch? She showed no warning signs of being suicidal. Thank you for the clarification.

  2. No one in the State of NY believes Epstein killed himself by the way. Somehow I cannot help but think of another Alaska connection (besides Rogoff). Federal prosecutors were able to convince Bill Allen to lie about his good friend Ted Stevens as they had the goods to put Allen away for life, take his company from his family, etc. etc. Those prosecutors transported girls as young as some of the Epstein girls in order to bring Allen to this point. Then one of the prosecutors may have committed suicide or he may have been murdered to keep the other prosecutors quiet. I think it’s fair to point out that Bill Allen wasn’t himself after that motorcycle accident, and that too may have helped those prosecutors commit felonies to try to wrongly convict Ted Stevens. It’s a seedy and violent world.

  3. Let’s hope she doesn’t get Epsteined.
    It’ll be the quickest case of Covid 19 related death ever.

  4. Bill Clinton invited Ghislane Maxwell to Chelsea’s wedding. People always invite sex traffickers and pimps to the weddings of their daughters, right?

  5. All these people are tied together. Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein were pals with Epstein and his cohorts. All took trips to Epstein’s private island for their escapades. Simply terrible. Hillary has a hand in this also, just follow the money. Epstein did not commit suicide, he was murdered.

  6. I wonder if Ms. Maxwell, aka the Defendant, did any “work” for Mr, Epstein, aka the Departed,” whilst in Alaska…

    • Now that’s interesting, JMark, because recruiting underage Native girls has been part of sex ring activity. Here’s the problem in trying to prosecute Maxwell: She knows too much about the powerful men who used Epstein’s underage luxury brothels. Maxwell has the “little black book.” Wouldn’t the public just love to see who the perps are? Stay tuned. This show will be better than SARS 2, BLM, and the reelection of the Trumpster.

      • Actually, Maxwell has the “little sex videos” that Epstein secretly kept while making movies of his buddies in action.

        • Wow. Who’d ever thought to blackmail Bill Clinton with a video of him having sex with underage girls? Ms. Maxwell should be afraid. Very afraid!

          • How does Lisa Murkowski fit into the Maxwell drama? Murk is good friends with Rogoff. Maxwell too?

  7. Suzanne’s reporting disclosed that during the 2014 Iditarod Race, Alice and Ghislaine partied across Alaska. But that is only part of the story. I heard that they stayed in a cabin near Anvik for several days with Lance Mackey. For years there have been rumors that photos taken by the cabin’s owner showed there was a white powder all over the place after they departed in a very expensive airplane. No surprise that Rogoff and the media kept quiet about this. It’s probably the reason Mr. Rubinstein finally decided to divorce her.

  8. Just wondering who that “John Roberts” on the travel list to Epstein’s island was? “A” John Roberts or “The” John Roberts?

    The “suicide” was a message to both friends and foes of Epstein that someone else has far more power. Seth Rich was unavailable for comment.

  9. Well I see trying Bluto to the woman gets your post deleted! Way to go, SD!

    “The same Times article told of a party the future president hosted at his Mar-a-Lago club in 1992. The guest list? Epstein, Trump, and 28 “calendar girl” competition contestants. Ten years later, Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.””

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