Florida legislature passes 15-week abortion ban, as Murkowski seeks to codify abortion in federal law


Abortion is in the news again: The Florida State Senate on Thursday evening passed a bill that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with some exceptions. Gov. Ron DeSantis has signaled he intends to support it. The Senate passed the bill 23-15, after the Florida House passed it last month.

“The bill … is part of a sweeping push by Republicans to put the state at the forefront of the nation’s culture wars,” the New York Times wrote.

Meanwhile, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski co-introduced a bill in the Senate that would codify Roe vs. Wade into federal law, permitting widespread ability for mothers to destroy their pre-born children.

The Murkowski legislation, offered along with Maine Sen. Susan Collins, would prevent laws like the one DeSantis appears to be ready to sign.

“IN GENERAL. — A State ….may not impose an undue burden on the ability of a woman to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy before fetal viability; may restrict the ability of a woman to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy after fetal viability, unless such a termination is necessary to preserve the life or health of the woman; and may enact regulations to further the health or safety of a woman seeking to terminate a pregnancy…”


  1. Alaska’s law used to stop abortions after 4 months, which is 1 month longer than Florida’s current one. I have no idea what Alaska’s law regarding abortions is now.

    • I donated to Lisa for many years, never again. I just donated to Kelly. I believe strongly that if us pro lifers put our money where our mouth is we can defeat this evil.

    • Senator Murkowski was refused communion at St Elizabeth Seton Church, the priest was relocated to Kenai the next week.

  2. IDK what fan of ending potential human life princess murkowski is on about with this bill. three months is plenty of time to destroy your potential offspring

  3. It may not be according to our law(s), but when Murky comes before her Creator, she is going to learn the true meaning and consequences of moral turpitude. It is anticipated that for her place in violating the safety and security of God’s children, she will pay an eternally steep price.

  4. A human fetus is just that, a human. Abortion is the taking the life of a human and that is wrong.

  5. Law would never stand up in court. Federalism trumps Princess. The Constitution has no express right to either privacy or abortion.

  6. lisa the loser, just shows how little she gives a crap about any of us Alaskans, especially we women.
    She really hates us, she proves it every day with every vote, with every democrat she sucks up to
    And kissing up to Susan Collins! Shows she has not changed!
    Still voting against we the people
    She is willing to push the worst policies on us, abortion up til birth
    Wrap your head around it, she chooses killing babies.
    She is writing legislation to force everyone in our nation to follow her lead, killing babies.

    Face it, Lisa hates us all.

  7. Some people think the Murkowski brand is associated with royalty. But Alaskans know the truth: dimwitted morons running around in their underwear, thinking no one notices.
    And actually, no one cares …… because …..they are dimwitted morons.

  8. “Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski co-introduced a bill in the Senate that would codify Roe vs. Wade into federal law, permitting widespread ability for mothers to destroy their pre-born children.”

    Brandon, Murkowski and Pelosi, all good Catholics…

  9. God’s wrath depicted in the Bible was terrifying, floods, destruction, famines, war, and it seems in our present time people are more wicked. We have a great nation I know was made great by God, it is being defiled by the actions of a few. Prayers for good to intercede are needed, prayers for forgiveness. May God have mercy on us all.

  10. Only good Catholic Lisa Murkowski would draft a bill to codify abortion on the Federal Level. Since Roe VS Wade was first passed, millions of babies have been murdered. Grieve for them especially those 0f Dr. Kermit Gosnell of Philadelphia who were full turn and he murdered them after delivery by cutting their spinal cords with a scissors. He is serving 3 lifetimes for this. In my opinion he deserved the death penalty However, how many others are guilty of these crimes.
    I suggest if Lisa approves of these abortions she should resign along with Pelosi and Biden from the Catholic
    Church as she is a poor example of Catholic teachings.

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