No more xe, zir, ziehir, thon, or thonself?
Federal workers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Department of Transportation have been informed they must remove any and all of the dozens of woke gender-signaling pronouns and other irrelevant information from their signature lines by 5 p.m. Friday, to be in compliance with President Donald Trump’s executive orders that reverse the gender ideology obsession of the former Biden Administration.
“Pronouns and any other information not permitted in the policy must be removed from CDC/ATSDR employee signatures by 5 p.m. ET on Friday,” the CDC memo stated.
One of Trump’s earliest executive orders was to state that it is the policy of the United States that there are two biological sexes — male and female.
Of course, those workers who don’t want to remove their woke pronouns can also quit. The president is offering federal workers eight months of severance pay if they will leave voluntarily.
At the Department of Transportation, a very specific memo from DOT Secretary Sean Duffy was issued, which said he had authorized a series of actions advancing Trump’s agenda to rescind woke policies, roll back burdensome and costly regulations, restore economic growth, and ensure agency policies align with the Administration’s priorities.
“These actions deliver on the President’s commitment to rescind harmful policies enacted under the Biden-Harris Administration and reaffirm USDOT’s focus on safety, efficiency, economic prosperity, and regulatory reform,” the statement said. It continued:
“The Secretary signed the ‘Woke Rescission’ Memorandum, directing Secretarial Officers and Heads of Operating Administrations to identify and eliminate all Biden-era programs, policies, activities, rules, and orders that promote climate change activism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, racial equity, gender identity policies, environmental justice, and other partisan objectives. This action aligns with several of President Trump’s executive orders, including Order 14148 Initial Rescissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions and Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing.”
Read the Memorandum here.
Duffy signed an order ensuring that all USDOT policies, grants, loans, and actions are based on sound economic principles, positive cost-benefit analyses, and pro-economic growth priorities. This order aligns USDOT operations with the President’s agenda to support economic development and strengthen American families by focusing on real, measurable benefits rather than ideological considerations.
Read that Memorandum here.
Duffy also approved submission of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to rescind the Biden-Harris Administration’s rule requiring state transportation departments to measure and establish declining targets for carbon dioxide emissions on federally supported highways.
“This rule had been rescinded during the first Trump Administration, only to be reinstated by the Biden Administration and later two federal judges ruled USDOT lacked authority to issue the rule. The rescission reflects the Administration’s commitment to unleashing American energy and eliminating unlawful regulatory burdens,” the department said.
“These actions mark a significant shift in USDOT’s approach to regulation, economic policy, and government oversight. By eliminating harmful and restrictive regulations and prioritizing economic growth, DOT is fully aligned with President Trump’s mission to return to merit-based opportunities, restore efficiency, and ensure economic prosperity for the American people,” it continued.
If Trump’s memo sounds petty or stupid, think again. Without resistance and pushback, these childish woke directives would leach ever-deeper into the culture. If the Democrats dare to cry “Freedom of speech!”, which they are sure to do, their memory is convenient, for they were trying to deny it themselves to the grown-ups. Communication is meant to be clear, concise and unmistakable. Inefficiency costs us taxpayers. Trying to reinvent a language is absurd.
I’m indifferent to this one. I like the idea of being able to spot unhinged leftists that easily.
But the pronoun crazy was 6 kinds of stupid.
I am violently opposed to “gender identity” insanity is a Marxist device that does actually undermine society. By allowing a word to be legally recognized, they/them can force legal changes on the legal definitions of words. Changing the legal definitions of words will change the rights and laws of everyone; mostly women in this case.
Run-on sentences should also be illegal; punishable by 12 lashes of the cat-o-nine-tails.
I’m guilty of that, I admit.
This move makes xzhe so sad.
How will anyone know xzhy gender now?
The “underground” they/them movement will keep it alive in their secret meetings I’m sure.
But if zhey keep the 56 different pronouns alive, will xzhey and vxzqwhem still be able to distinguish hwzhem from gwzhem?
Similar to Vegans, they/them will scream it at you…even if you did not ask.
PS, yes, that means they/them/zquilwvt/xir are not good at keeping scerets.
Finally SANITY! Now do private companies. I’m getting sign and tired of getting pronoun-shamed at work.
I am half terrified every day that a customer will come in and shriek at me that I “misgendered” them and instantly get me fired – all because they want to take away my freedom of speech.
Your loosing your freedom of speech though.
Greg, being forced by the government to acknowledge an unnatural insane falsehood is the definition of losing ones right of free speech.
The inevitable outcome of “politically correct” speech.
Greg; Under the “preferred pronouns” bull—-, my First Amendment right was taken away.
With this Executive Order, It is restored for everyone now.
PS, I know you’re a paid troll, but c’mon, man, ya gotta admit you’ve been proven wrong on every single issue.
I would relish such a situation, just to laugh in that person’s pathetic face.
You have no tact though.
Pot calling the kettle black.
If they were any good at being transgender, you would not misgender them.
Nothing worse than seeing one all made up, but forgot to get rid of their 5 o’clock shadow.
Blackface is apparently really, really bad. Doing it, even in a legitimate theater situation can ruin your career.
But, womanface is apparently something that should be praised and celebrated.
Make that make sense…
Five o’clock shadow? They dye their beards purple to match their tutus in the pride parades.
Jay; what pride event did you go to where they wore clothes?
FINALLY some common sense!!! I’m sick of seeing pronoun choices on forms. It’s a constant reminder that the world has lost its mind.
At the same time, another judge was telling trump NO on another EO. How much more can he take before coming off the rails?
Take a chill pill, dude. People might be more worried about you coming off the rails.
I got this. Do you?
Oops federal judge doesn’t seem to understand. He works in judiciary, which falls under the executive branch. Who his the head of the Executive Branch Greg? I know you have a hard time with math, but I think I pea brain like you can answer 1+1=47
Tough to say.
President Trump issued…what 200 EOs? And, two are getting challenged?
Well… that 99% success rate would certainly drive someone “off the rails.”
Unfortunately, this ticking time bomb is about to explode! First, Elon and Trump will have a “falling out”.
Next, our economy will slowly stall and numnuts will blame the Federal Reserve for everything. Mark My Words!
Finally some wisdom and sanity.
Suzanne, I am going to research this; but was wondering if you could research and report on this, also, if you have time? The US DOT’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) [] established the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary program with $5 billion in appropriated funds over 5 years, 2022-2026. The Safe Streets for All program would affect seven communities initially: Junuea, Sitka, Mekoryuk, St. Paul, Kenai Peninsula, Ketchikan, and Mat-Su Borough.
Mat-Su Borough plan contains verbiage to install cameras in multiple places to track speed, red light runners, and surveillance. These cameras will be installed at intersections or wherever there is a deemed need. The cameras would even be able to tract a person from point-to-point.
The plan, also, contains verbiage to reduce road width from 12 ft to 9 ft to force drivers to slow down. This is a huge problem, in my humble opinion, when it snows or we have heavy rain. The plans indicate walking paths or bike paths in the area on the sides after making the roads skinnier. How safe will that be when we have fog, snow, heavy rain, bright sunshine that makes it difficult to see? There is more that will be affected as is documented in their plan.
Their FAQs include questions, such as: How will the Bipartisian Infrastructure Law (BIL) address Climate Change? How will the BIL address Equity? How will the BIL Address Safety?
I believe that this Bipartisan Infrastructure Law fits the requirements for removal as Trump has ordered.
Yes I agree with Janice. Suzanne, please look into this. Thank you very much.
Narrowing the roads is an absolutely retarded plan. The engineers that promote the idea are most certainly not smarter than their predecessors, and they deserve to be ridiculed for promoting such idiocy.
You can include roundabouts and “diverging diamond” intersections as part of that insanity being pushed by divorced-from-reality egghead road engineers.
It might be worth rethinking this order, at least for a while. As the leftist bureaucrats’ internal “RESISTANCE!” starts to unfold over the next few months, I’d watch these peacocking pronouners to find the disruptors.
Nothing says “I am a whiny little child who is incapable of understanding people make mistakes.” like posting your preferred pronouns.
Seriously, in life people will make mistakes. People you work with will call you by the wrong name. Strangers will accidentally call a man with a ponytail “Miss.” Someone will assume you are older than you actually are.
You have two choices. Be an adult and accept that humans are imperfect, or be the child and throw a tantrum every time someone uses the wrong word in front of you.
They love throwing tanturms.
I wonder how many leftists who are part of the “resistance” (as if they understand what that means) will just leave their pronouns on the e-mail, but change them to white font on white background?
Resisting! Yea! to the resistance!
Let’s shutter the Peace Corps
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