Emma Pokon is governor’s new DEC commissioner


Governor Mike Dunleavy appointed Emma Pokon as commissioner-designee for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Pokon was named acting commissioner in August.

“I have full confidence in Acting Commissioner Pokon and her ability to lead the department,” said Governor Mike Dunleavy. “She has shown an immense amount of knowledge and prioritizes common-sense solutions that balance environmental protection with economic considerations.”

Emma Pokon joined DEC in February 2020 from the Alaska Department of Law where she most recently served as a Senior Assistant Attorney General assigned to support DEC.

Previously, Pokon represented the North Slope Borough in natural resource and environmental matters and was a law clerk for the Fairbanks Superior Court. She earned a bachelor’s degree in history with a minor in chemistry from Hamilton College. She also achieved a JD and a Master of Studies in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School.

“In my almost four years with the agency, I’ve witnessed the value of DEC’s work to our state and residents,” said Commissioner-designee Pokon. “I’m honored to continue working with the many dedicated public servants at DEC to protect human health and the wellbeing of Alaskans.”

Commissioner-designee Pokon’s name will be forwarded to the Alaska Legislature for confirmation.


  1. “She has shown an immense amount of knowledge and prioritizes common-sense solutions that balance environmental protection with economic considerations.” Whenever the word “balance” is used by resource extractors, you know it’s hollow.

    • How much “balance” should be weighed against sustaining a functioning durable economy.
      I say thank goodness for the miners for building access into our now national parks. They were the original conservationists in a sense.

      • I welcome Emma Pokon to keep Alaska’s resource extraction American and of course no on the foreign owned and fraudulent pebble.

      • Avenger, look at how politician’s use language. Remember, there are facts and alternative facts–facts for everybody! Check out S. I. Hayakawa’s “Language in Thought and Action,” it’s is a good read. Remember, Chomsky for some and “Baby Huey” for others: read on and please yourself. Here at Lucifer’s we have all the funnies and hot facts for the beguiled of every persuasion. Come on by, you’ll never leave!

  2. Well good thing there are at least a majority of mature legislators to respectively confirm the Govenors choice. Unlike the immature Anchorage Assembly.

  3. Getting real tired of childess spreadsheet compilers being put in positions of power. This is an imaginary position with real world consequences created to make netflix enjoyers feel good about themselves.

    • 100% this is an example of incrementalism at work you are being conditioned to except a slow stripping of sovereignty to be replaced by government over reach and nothing will change until it gets bad enough for people to vote and vote different WAKE UP ALASKA your economy is being destroyed at the hands of these politicians who not only don’t care but are also don’t have the ability to understand the damage they inflict

  4. This is a worrisome statement: “DEC to protect human health and the wellbeing of Alaskans.” Another three letter agency protecting human health and the wellbeing of Alaskans. Is there really any government three letter agency that is doing this? Or is she gearing up (as a lawyer) to slam us all into our little re-education camps?

  5. Anyone who has had to deal with the DEC knows that the boots on the ground are anything but balanced, they are wet behind the ears direct from college indoctrination centers and have no understanding of what it takes to balance the real world with the academy book learning that was poured into their cranium.

  6. DEC has failed to protect the health of Alaskans and even given advice as on how to cheat on standards for the coal plants in Fairbanks, look up FEDCO recording. Are children in Fairbanks are drinking sofa Lean from the refinery, P floss from firefighting foam. and unsafe levels of PM2.5 in the air. AND now we get acid waste upstream of drinking water from a mining operation that the public is paying for the hall road. May be i am just Werry After seeing us pay oil companies to take oil to market.

  7. Show me in the US Constitution an expressed delegation of authority to protect human health and the well-being of Alaskans. If you don’t expressly have that delegated authority in English where did you get the authority. You may not usurp American expressed rights (all of them) nor may you pause them. Any who creatively by defacto, illegal group activity may answer to tribunals vis a vis treason. If you will not secure the US Constitution you can no longer be paid, at least.

  8. Hopefully she is not the leader of the discount property rights values gang so en vogue in liberal society today. Making equal countrymen discount the literal financial values of their property rights is antithetical to the spirit of the US Constitution and is the definition of the conduct of a tyrant whether male or female. It is our constitutional duty to maintain process due to enable the tossing off of tyranny even in Alaska. so far communist not constitutional rights are being exaggerated instead I believe.

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