Dunleavy to introduce SB 91 repeal and replace legislation


(1-minute read) LAW AND ORDER GOVERNOR

Gov. Michael J. Dunleavy will unveil a package of crime-fighting bills to repeal and replace SB 91 on Wednesday, January 23 at an 11:30 am press conference.

Crime was one of the major thrusts of his State of the State Address on Tuesday night, and he reiterated a promise he made during his campaign for governor that he would introduce legislation to repeal the bill that many Alaskans believe led to a surge in crime.

Along with Dunleavy, Attorney General Kevin Clarkson, and Corrections Commissioner Nancy Dahlstrom will attend, as well as other members of his public safety team, his office said.

Although the Legislature has rolled back some of the more egregious aspects of SB 91, public perception is that the bill has created a soft-on-crime cultural norm.


  1. Instead of many of us calling him the “tall one”, after that speech, “strong one”!
    I called Shelley Hughes and Delana Johnson after the speech. To put a hard stop on rape we need a life without parole for rape and pedophiles, first offense. No alternative by any judge, period!

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