Dunleavy, Sloan, and No on 1



After months of raucous political cacophony, it is time for Alaskans to cast their ballots, and, while we would not presume to tell you how to vote, we would like to share with you a few of our picks for the gubernatorial race, the congressional contest, the House District 15 election and Ballot Measure 1.

For governor, there is no better choice than Republican Mike Dunleavy, a conservative who in the past, despite outlandish claims from the political Left, has defended the Permanent Fund dividend and voted against the notorious Senate Bill 91, which left Alaska awash in crime and criminals.

He has a vision for Alaska that includes resource development and protecting the environment and he does not support Ballot Measure 1, which would undo all of that, and he does not support an economy-busting income tax.

His main opponent, former Sen. Mark Begich, has a vision, too, It centers on bigger government. Just his record as mayor of Anchorage would seem to make him likely the worst thing that could happen to this state.

As mayor, he went through money quicker than it could be printed. The approved city budget was $289.2 million when he was elected. The next year, $309.3 million; the next, $332.8 million. In 2006, it jumped to $367.2 million; in 2007, $399.4 million; and in 2008, the revised budget topped $431 million.

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