Dunleavy says he’s onboard with Trump border plan


Gov. Michael Dunleavy released a short statement today, saying he notified the White House that Alaska and the Alaska National Guard – if called upon – stand ready to support the national security crisis on the U.S. border with Mexico:


  1. Yes, and Trump is onboard with moving Alaska’s Capitol out of Juneau. Get this done, Governor. It will be your legacy.

  2. Thank you Governor Dunleavy for backing the President on securing our border. It is the only rational position in light of Alaska’s drug crisis that is fed by the drugs that flood across our open border.

  3. Gov Dunleavy…..Way to go and Support the Border Wall. Good to hear that you are supporting this project for security of our country and the drug epidemic. We have a lot of illegals here and have in the past. We have the best National Guard units in the US and they are the best trained in the US.

  4. Frankly, this hardly qualifies as the best use of Alaska’s resources at this time. I support the President on border security but think the Donald can probably get the job done without Alaska guardsmen.

  5. I have lived in the border area since a kid. I think the wall would be of better use built on our northern border to keep the cold weather from getting down and slowing the unfettered illegal migration of frostbacks.

    It’s my understanding that you folks gave us Pailin. Perhaps you should chill a bit, spend a little time away from Fox et al, and research the reality of the situation.

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