Dunleavy breaks up DHSS into two departments, with focus on health for one, families for the other


Gov. Mike Dunleavy today said that the state’s largest bureaucracy, the Department of Health and Social Services, will be split into two.

Dunleavy will make an executive order reorganizing it into the Alaska Department of Health, and the Alaska Department of Family and Community Services.

The reorganization will streamline and improve the delivery of critical programs and services while creating more flexibility and responsiveness in both departments, which should result in improved outcomes, he said.

“In order to obtain a keen focus on each crucial division and achieve the outcomes of each program that Alaskans expect and deserve, I will exercise my constitutional authority and reorganize the department to meet the needs of Alaskans into the 21st century,” Dunleavy said. “The bottom line is Alaskans will be the ultimate beneficiaries of this reorganization, particularly children, the elderly and other vulnerable populations.”

Department of Family and Community Services

The Alaska Department of Family and Community Services will take on early intervention and prevention to strengthen Alaska families and provide a focused approach to services for individual Alaskans. The department will consist of :

  1. Division of Juvenile Justice
  2. Office of Children’s Services
  3. Alaska Psychiatric Institute
  4. Alaska Pioneer Homes

Department of Health

The Alaska Department of Health will promote and protect the health and wellbeing of Alaskans and serve as the eligibility, payment, and data department that will focus on whole person care. In addition to housing the state’s Chief Medical Officer, the department will consist of:

  1. Division of Senior & Disabilities Services
  2. Division of Behavioral Health
  3. Division of Public Health
  4. Division of Public Assistance
  5. Division of Health Care Services

Each department will include a division for Finance & Management Services.

“The Alaskans served by the Department of Health and Social Services, as well as the employees who provide those services deserve to see this process begin today,” said Adam Crum, Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. 

The governor said reorganization will not reduce programs or services to Alaskans who are currently served. The reorganization is intended to establish a firm foundation for each department that will lead to increased focus on services and outcomes for the Alaskans that are served. Governor Dunleavy and Commissioner Crum will engage with stakeholders, tribal health organizations, DHSS employees, and legislators about the executive order and will welcome their feedback as this process moves forward.


  1. “Reorganization will not reduce programs or services to Alaskans who are currently served.”

    Of course not. But, just watch those departments grow! In five years or less, they’ll be half again as big as the are now!

    Nice job reducing the size of government there “Standing Tall!”

    • Yep. With every new Division comes a Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Director and Deputy Director. Lots of high paid positions with very little value.

  2. How does a person become a “stakeholder”? Is that an elected position? Are some people just inherently more important than others? Are “stakeholders” mentioned in the Alaska Constitution? What is the definition of “stakeholder”?

    (If answers as to any of these questions can be provided, it will go a long way toward figuring out where, when and how government became dysfunctional.)

    • In government jargon, the term “stakeholder” almost always refers to the businesses with the potential to profit from the government agency’s functional purpose. For example: DHSS is supposed to “regulate” medical practices throughout the state. Do you see Drs. Zink and McLaughlin critically evaluating the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines? Nope. Only promoting them. Pfizer and Moderna are “stakeholders” and you are a piece of human capital (i.e.: profit harvesting potential). Get the picture?

  3. Unless this announcement is accompanied by a budget amendment that reduces Medicaid funding it is deeply disappointing. In general there needs to be a consolidation of government rather than growth in the number of agencies. Also, there should be a forthright announcement that one of the two departments will be nonunion! An obvious alternative to a department becoming too large is simply reduce the size of the department; a split seems entirely likely to grow the aggregate size of government. Each department has one commissioner, one or more deputies, a legislative liaison, from one to several press people, plus directors and deputies, I.T., and administrative services division. State government consolidates and then splits up human resources every three to five years; neither works very well. Each departmental administrative services division has its own accountants, supply officers, vehicles, etc. Likewise, each department has its own legislative finance subcommittees (one for the House, one for the Senate), which requires designated staffing on the legislative side. Every department has a base level travel budget including travel to national events. Departments prefer their own buildings, and those departments that don’t yet have their own building work toward achieving that. Each department has its own vacancy factor subterfuge and unique budget smoke screens. This is a real Rubicon for a Republican administration to cross, quite a surprise.

  4. My thoughts Exactly!!!! How is this reorganization supposed to reduce the size of DHSS? I miss Gov. Frank Murkowski! when he merged and reduced some departments and divisions for some costing less and better efficiencies for others.

    By the way Gov. Dunleavy I think you never accepted the blood covering of Jesus Christ to not realize the Truth: the only resource who can break the bondages bondaging adults and children away from a lifetime of misery living thru abuse, addictions, depressions, and lack of mental health care is Jesus not some stupid department or program! Even those I talk to on Anchorage’s streets all tell me the same thing the state and city programs are useless! Good for nothing except free bus passes, housing vouches, free food, and free socks!

  5. 2020 added a necklace assessory to Gov. Dunleavy apparel. If it wasnt Gov Dunleavy. Who else does Alaska Republican or Democrats, Independents, Non Partisans, Green,
    Libertarians have better to replace its leaders. All who is next in line for governor will only grow Alaskas government because Alaska has a bad case of enabling! I like to see DHSS eliminated! People perish the they perish. Todays Alaskans need to accept eating solid foods and get off the government breast milk.

  6. My thoughts Exactly!!!! How is this reorganization supposed to reduce the size of DHSS? I miss Gov. Frank Murkowski! when he merged and reduced some departments and divisions for some costing less and better efficiencies for others.
    By the way Gov. Dunleavy I think you never accepted the blood covering of Jesus Christ to not realize the Truth: the only resource who can break the bondages bondaging adults and children away from a lifetime of misery living thru abuse, addictions, depressions, and lack of mental health care is Jesus not some stupid department or program! Even those I talk to on Anchorage’s streets all tell me the same thing the state and city programs are useless! Good for nothing except free bus passes, housing vouches, free food, and free socks!

  7. Come on you nababs of negativism. The family structure within the split puts Dunleavy in a positive light. That is, unless a cohabitating transexual couple adopts two lesbian girls and homosexual boy and calls themselves a family. Good plot for a tv sitcom in 2021.

  8. “This is a real Rubicon for a Republican administration to cross, quite a surprise”. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  9. All you nay-sayers above need to get with the program. We are rich. Rich, I say. Filthy stinking rich. Rich beyond belief to the point where we can spend, spend, spend and Daddy will never take the T-Bird away.

    Face it: There is plenty of revenue rolling into the Alaska treasury that will allow us to set up a new department. The cost of another Commissioner, a Deputy Commissioner or two for the new department, not to mention the additional administrative services director, a public information officer, a “legislative liasion and other employees tasked with overhead functions are peanuts. We are rolling in dough in old Alaska and can afford more folks on the payroll.
    When in doubt, reorganize instead of concentrating on delivery of essential services.
    These kinds of moves are evidence that Governor Dunleavy is headed in the direction of being a one and done kind of guy.

    Nice guy but hasn’t yet figured out how to deliver.

    Oh well ……………………..

    We Alaskans get what we deserve in this little democracy up here in the increasingly Lost Frontier.

    • Come on , Joe. Dunleavy is breaking up the biggest monopoly and drain hole in Alaska government. He should have broken it up further into about six mini agencies, then put them all on the auction block for privitization. Social services packaged into one gigantic department is the leaky hole in the hull.

  10. Please, Please fire Zink and Mclaughlin next!! Those two are underpaid pHarma pushers who “Strongly encourage” reporting Covid vaccine adverse reactions (which happens to be Federal Law), but demand under penalty of reckless endangerment (AK statute) that you report your mild or nonexistent COVID symptoms (not a law in any jurisdiction).

    Upside-down world is the result of this medical tyranny, and the tyrants who were granted absolute power over our lives: Zink and McLaughlin. The best thing Dunleavey could do for his sinking reputation is to figuratively decapitate those two (not advocating actual decapitation, but removal of their power).

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