Donate: We’re burning the midnight oil


Must Read Alaska is donor-driven. To keep it going, we look to you. And you know what to do.

(But in case you don’t, the donation button is over at the right side of the page, or at the link just below.)

If you’re old-school, send a check. We’re cool with that:

Must Read Alaska
3201 C Street Suite 308
Anchorage, AK 99503

Our PayPal portal is at:

Thank you for doing that tonight.

Now we go back to our regularly scheduled midnight oil. – SD


  1. I tried the other day…. your donate setup is set up poorly… gave up

    Craig’s is set up nice and easy, he got some of my money…. maybe I will try again… but make it easier for us to give YOU MONEY…

    • Okay, okay, Mike, I’ll have my crack team get right on it…oh wait, that would be me… 😉

  2. Thanks for posting a snail mail address for those of us who are old school. Maybe you could have it permanently posted somewhere on the site here? I have been looking for it so I could donate and was glad to see it this morning. Will send something your way.

    Keep up the good work.

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