Don Young, Dean of House, praised by Pelosi?


The U.S. House of Representatives took time today to recognize Rep. Don Young as Dean of the House. It is mostly an honorary position for the longest-serving member, which Young became in December at the sudden resignation of Rep. John Conyers of Michigan.

[Read: Breaking: Don Young now Dean of the House]

As speaker after speaker rose to gently both rib and compliment the new Dean, even Rep. Nancy Pelosi had accolades for him, including this one, which will come in handy as he campaigns for his 24th term: “As a former teacher, he is an advocate for quality education for all,” she said.

Such praise from a known staunch Democrat, who normally opposes anything Republican, might give pause to Young’s new opponent Alyse Galvin, who is one of the prime movers behind a small-but-vociferous group called Great Alaska Schools.

Watch the Pelosi speech in its entirety: