Donald Trump Jr. minced no words on X/Twitter about Republicans who jump ship and put Democrats in power. He wasn’t talking about Alaska’s Legislature, but Texas’:
“It’s unbelievable what is happening in Texas right now. There is a group of so-called Republicans cutting a deal with liberal Democrats to elect a speaker instead of uniting behind the Republican nominee, @DavidCookTexas! Unbelievable! Republicans have a mandate!” Trump Jr. said.
Texas’ legislative organization does somewhat mirror Alaska’s, where a majority of Republicans were elected but a few of them cut deals and put Democrats in power in both the House and Senate. Now in the Alaska House, there’s a Republican minority of 19, after Chuck Kopp and Louise Stutes crossed over; in the Alaska Senate, the crossovers include Gary Stevens, Cathy Giessel, Kelly Merrick, Jesse Bjorkman, and Bert Stedman, who are the Republicans in the Senate Democrat majority, all rewarded with prime seats on committees.
In Texas, the GOP caucus voted for Rep. David Cook for speaker, but Rep. Dustin Burrows said he has the votes from Democrats and enough Republicans to take over the gavel.
The message from Don Trump Jr. is that he may call out other legislators, perhaps even from Alaska, who betray their team and put tax-and-spend Democrats in charge.
Most excellent and welcome news!
Sick’em Boy … !!!
The election ballot should show the party they caucus with, not the one they identify membership with.
Excellent suggestion.
That would be a great idea. They are cowards, and liars, hiding behind a party name to get elected and sadly too many constituents pay no attention to what goes on in Juneau and have no idea.
President Trump! President Trump! Over here! (Me waving frantically from Alaska … )
I look forward to DJT and his son coming up here for a rally to defeat The Princess.
Our state level so called Republican politicians sure need scolding, since our voters aren’t able to coalesce behind conservatives, and they take advantage of this.
It won’t solve the problem, as the majority Alaska population is not conservative, and far too lazy to hold state bureaucrats to account. But at least its’ entertaining, better to laugh than cry when looking at the rat infested sewer we call Juneau.
Excellent, the state GOP has been neutered and is absolutely useless. We should be able to sue any politician who campaigns as a republican then switches to the democrats or joins the democrats after being elected.
You can file that complaint in superior court today! You don’t even need an attorney to file and prosecute that lawsuit. A good attorney might help you win however.
Far as I’m concerned, that’s lying under oath.
State makes you fill out a candidate form that requires your political affiliation and residency. This form is filled out under oath.
Yet, liars and turncoat politicians ignore the paperwork they filed to run for office.
Edgmon and Hoffman, live in South Anchorage.
We have a handful of Rinos living all across the State,with Kodiak being the current liars haven..
Go after Lisa, she’s a disgrace and sold us out long ago. She’ going to miss those Biden millions paying people to not work.
Good news but he won’t dissuade Merrick and Stutes. It is time for the state GOP apparatus to eject them and Murkowski at the first hint of not voting for Trump’s appointees.
Ironic, I had sent the Texas article to a close political discussing acquaintance yesterday wondering if the Texas situation didn’t in fact, mirror Alaska’s legislator and the habits of allowing the Democrats to gain leadership in a Republican majority state. Wonders of wonders!
Texas still has the residue of the Bush Dynasty of globalist squish RINOs.. Princess would feel right at home with them.
He can start right HERE!
Don Jr. a bigger blow hard than his father. When the party your father has created doesn’t even want to work with the MAGA extremists. Elon will fund primary candidates because buying elections is easy when you have multi-billion subsidies from the federal government. Can anybody show me any job Don Jr. has held that wasn’t given to him by his father?
Are you talking about Hunter?
Obviously you can’t think of any job Don Jr has had that didn’t involve his father. It has nothing to do with Hunter.
That’s not possible. Rocket boy needs to stop being butt hurt and get out of politics, and get us to Mars. Apartheid Clyde.
Dark MAGA is a little busy helping save America. You should worry whether or not they slipped your meds in your tapioca pudding.
No rocket boy needs to help straighten this mess you democrats created.
I’m not a Democrat.
I beg to differ. DEMOCRAT/RINO are one in the same.
And Don Jr. excelled at these jobs Alaskans for Freedom!
How would any one know? They have kept the books closed to avoid showing how much debt the Trump organization has.
Well we inherited $37 trillion in debt from you friggin democrats. Even my 2 month old granddaughter owes $240.000. Thanks you liberal ——-.
Better get her busy with her kool-aid stand. Start em early.
Have you?
Remember, it’s now the party of Trump, ao we should expect the lawsuit that establishes that to differentiate the real Republicans.
Hey!! Over here!! Her name is Lisa Murkowski But you probably already knew that.
Schemes, scams are not elections. Who delegated this jurisdiction workaround. No one has that authority to impound election effects. Show me in writing in compliance pursuant to US Constitution where you got authority to rebel against the will of the people.
Traitors are worse than known enemies.
These RINOs are in it purely for power and self gain.
Mr Trump, what in the f¥€k are you waiting for???
Unfortunately, he can’t do anything about it. Calling them out only makes them feel bolder.
“about Republicans who jump ship and put Democrats in power.”
You mean like Sarah Palin helping Mark Begich getting elected by publicly calling, one week before their election, for Ted Stevens to resign….”for the good of the state” she said, or when she backed CCP candidate Bill Walker over Sean Parnell…… That type of jumping ship?
Binding Caucus and quid pro quo committee assignments should be if not illegal at least an ethics violation.
This is the way. In case Don Jr. hasn’t seen the names, here they are: Kopp, Stutes, Stevens, Giessel, Merrick, Bjorkman and Stedman. Primary these RINOs, Don Jr., primary each and every one of these turncoats. Outside influences in Alaska elections? Tough. The (D)ems to it every single election and the spineless Rs in this state don’t call them on it. Send these RINOs back so embarrassed that they won’t even show their faces at the gas station or grocery store. They get what they deserve.
Who cares what Junior thinks, this scion of the Party of Values. Ditched his first wife and kids for the Guilfoyle gal, and is now tossing her aside for the current “it” girl. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
He’s nothing without Daddy.
That would be Lisa Murkowski……..another one of your heros.
Now Kimberly is the Greek ambassador. Lol. Yeah, Greek sounds about right. Lol.
Nothing really new, family and friends are generally picks for ambassadors. Only the tds crowd finds wrong doings in these situations. Surprised the sky isn’t falling over Huckabee to Israel.
No, Greek is perfect for her. Fits her.
Just imagine what all that sun will do for her already-beautiful visage…
She better than either of you two.
Ya think he’ll throw his A.R. in the dumpster, to help validate your weak attempt at moral equivalency?
Thank you Donald Trump JR.! You did leave out Lisa Murkowski! Her choices are bad for the USA and Alaska!
She does not represent us.
All Rinos must be primaried out! Come on man!
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