Document: Air Force now recruiting based on racial quotas to cut white male population in officer corps

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman CQ Brown

Memos and documents first reported by the Daily Caller show that the Air Force is purposefully reducing the number o while males in its officer corps programs.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman CQ Brown’s 2022 memo in 2022 says that the new goal is diversity and inclusion to “better reflect our Nation’s highly talented, diverse, and eligible population.”

The memo lays out goals for quotas for various races of applicants.

White men and women will be limited to 67.5%, so that blacks, Asians, Native Americans, Hawaiians and latinos can make up the rest of the officer corps. Under the new plan, the Air Force will only promote 43% of white male applicants.

Documents obtained by the Daily Caller include slides from a presentation showing how to reduce the number of white males in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program.  

Read more about this racial quota program at The Daily Caller, which obtained the documents though public records requests.


  1. Wait a minute….aren’t we all created equal?? Should officers not be made officers on their basis of merit rather than color or race or quota? This is insane!

    • I’m with you, applicants and promotions based on merit. Discrimination based on race, gender, and other protected classes is against the law. We’re all equal under the law right? The Air Force is a little too high up in the wild blue yonder.

  2. I can just see the first B21 Raider hung up on some mountain because the Affirmative Action crew thought the bomber’s stealth system meant the mountain was invisible.
    Bombs away.

    • Commercial airlines have been dealing with AA on the flight deck for a couple decades. The training is rigid and some get weeded out. I ride left seat and keep my wits about me from pushback to park, regardless who sits next to me. AA might work great in the cabin with the FAs, but up front we all know what to do. I have yet to see a pilot who came out of the Air Force that wasn’t qualified to fly commercial.

  3. Complete and utter BS. Why would you ever join the Officer corps in the AF. No point. While less qualified minority officers get promoted based on the color of their skin. I believe that’s called discrimination. Why wouldn’t it be a merit based promotion system? Just pointing out the obvious.

  4. No more about who is the most qualified. Talk about lowering the bar. This is so wrong. Our military is headed down the wrong path. The United States will no longer have the strongest military in the world. Pass the baton to China. Sad. Really sad. I wish everybody was color blind.

  5. Absent draft conditions the military has always had a thicker layer of intellectually deficient individuals within their ranks. It has never mattered in that as soon as war conditions begin these stupid programs are cast aside, those that have benefited are cast aside at the same time and the machine moves forward based on merit.

    • Be that as it may I would still be a little bummed to be the lead photo in this article were I CQ Brown… whomever that is. Haha.

  6. Can anyone seriously say that they are surprised by any of this? This is exactly the Biden-Harris team at work. Want a lot more of this malignancy? Elect Harris and Walz.

  7. America must have a military that is lethal enough to deter any threat by an enemy who is relentless in trying to exploit any weakness of ours. The highest standards must be set to defeat this enemy who not be dazzled by any diversity, equity and inclusive policy claims made by our generals and admirals. Meritocracy must be the standards for promotions and not quotas based on gender, race or national origin. We live in a ‘come as you are’ war setting. The ‘firstest with the mostest’. There will be no time for getting our act together once attacked.

  8. At long last, the White Male’s heavy burden of leadership is being lifted! No longer shall this oppressive yoke crush their souls and tax their bodies. For their deliverance is at hand as the mighty winds of Justice blow in and right the horrible inequities of the past.

    Nunc tempus plus Netflix.

  9. At a time when recruit numbers are at an all time low for the military, further restrictions worsens the critical situation. This decision amplifies the incompetence within the leadership, let alone the bigotry.

  10. This is entirely due to the USAF Chief of Staff CQ Brown (pictured in the piece), 2020 – 2023. He was in the position long enough to elevate like minded people to GO ranks. He was rewarded for his racism by elevation to Chairman JCS by Biden – Harris. Here, he has been busily infesting the rest of DoD with the racial mind virus. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better. Cheers –

  11. Well, everyone knows that race should be the determining factors for what makes a good soldier!!! Good God society has lost their ever loving minds! I definitely want a 5’ 2” fireman to enter my burning home to save me even if he/she can’t carry me out?

  12. Browsing through the comments so far, I’d guess that at least 95% of them are written by white males. What a bunch of thin-skinned easily-triggered whiners, whose tender feelings are so easily bruised upon the slightest challenge to their privilege.

    Judging by the current state of the World, which they primarily have governed for millennia, it’s perhaps time to let someone else give it a try.

  13. Hey, Didn’t the Supreme Court rule that Affirmative Action is no longer allowed? What then is DEI? Quota for the Secret Service. Decisions based on quotas was cancelled by the U.S. Supreme Court. Quotas are a violation of the law.

  14. As a proud veteran, I am floored by this. Since our mighty USAF is choosing a path of blatant discrimination, I say let them. Tell young white men to forget about having ideals and a desire to serve their country as a military officer. You aren’t good enough to serve because you were born white. That is the message, loud and clear. The USAF just alienated their statistically largest recruiting pool, while suffering recruiting problems. Diversity if great. This is not the way to achieve it.

  15. Why would any Caucasian join the armed forces if the playing field is not level. I don’t play rigged games and wouldn’t expect others to either.

  16. This is the same anti-white government that is right now killing hundred of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians (mostly white men) in Europe. And instead of giving Ukraine enough weapons to actually win a quick, decisive victory, our military leaders like C.Q Brown and Loyd Austin, are giving Ukraine just enough for the slaughter to continue, and for more white males to get killed (to the tune of a thousand per day). And if Kamala Harris gets elected, it will be four more years of the same policy that has no objective to win, but rather fighting “to the last Ukrainian” or for “as long it takes.” Meaning, as long as they can kill as many whites in Europe while they just sit back and laugh.

    But hey, the weapons companies are making a profit. At least Trump has said he wants to end the war. I haven’t heard anything from the Democrats saying they want the war to end. Four more years of the Ukraine war and that a ton of dead white people. Think about it.

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