Despicable #MeToo



If you were not already leery of the “MeToo’ movement’s penchant for condemning without evidence, consider what just transpired in a joint session of the Legislature convened to confirm Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s political appointments.

Dunleavy had tapped retired Superior Court Judge Karl Johnstone for a seat on the Board of Fish, but Johnstone’s appointment drew heavy opposition from the commercial fishing industry, ever fearful the panel might tilt toward sport fishing interests. Johnstone served on the board as a member and chairman from 2008 to 2015, when he resigned.

After the lawmakers completed their vetting process, and after debate, and before a vote, Rep. Ivy Spohnholz, D-Anchorage, stood and said:

“In the last 24-hours, more than two women have reached out to my office, people who worked for the Board of Fish when Johnstone was previously on the Board of Fish to share concerns about his behavior. They each described inappropriate sexual comments, which created a hostile work environment for them repeatedly.”

Read the rest of this editorial at Anchorage Daily Planet:


  1. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Warren (fauxihontas) was in the Alaska legislature, with Avenatti as a backstop. Same drivel, same tactics, same “anonymous sources”, right here in Alaska. Good thing we have a great Governor now.

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