Before the Lincoln Day Dinner at Pike’s in Fairbanks, a crowd of about 200 protesters showed up with signs, as they have been doing across the state.
But the Republicans in Fairbanks were ready for them: They posted a 4×8 sign in front of the venue that said, “Welcome Peaceful Protesters We Respect Your First Amendment Rights.”
The sign instructed them to respect private property boundaries. Several “property boundary” signs were installed along the property line.

Inside, the annual Lincoln Day Dinner, a fundraiser for area Republican committees, proceeded. US Sen. Dan Sullivan was the keynote speaker, and many auction items being bid on by those attending, including a lynx pelt by none other than Sen. Mike Cronk, a legendary hunter and trapper.
Two local Republicans appeared in masks depicting Donald Trump and Elon Musk:

Sen. Sullivan’s speech was fiery, and at one point he took a copy of the 70 executive orders that President Joe Biden has made against Alaska and tore it up, tossing the pieces to the crowd like confetti.
The sold-out event brought people from across the state: Bernadette Wilson from Anchorage, Pam Melin and CJ Koan came from the Mat-Su Valley, and Commissioner of Revenue Adam Crum flew in for the event. Party Chairwoman Carmela Warfield served as the emcee. Patty Weissel received the Ruth Burnett Republican Woman of the Year award for his distinguished service.
And all smiling and reflecting happiness, unlike the liberals. I repeat, looking at Democrat female protesters brings to mind their appearances making “freight trains take dirt roads!!!.”
Cheers, Johnson-Ketchikan
Democrat protesters generally are derailed.
I protest Trump all the time, and I’m not even a Democrat.
And that accomplishes what, exactly?
Of course you are a democrat. Just admit it.
If you’re not a Democrat, what are you? Lonely?
If you are not a Democrat you are a very happy person. I had voted Dem in past but never will again I just cannot support so much corruption .
“Sen. Sullivan’s speech was fiery, and at one point he took a copy of the 70 executive orders that President Joe Biden has made against Alaska and tore it up, tossing the pieces to the crowd like confetti.”
I would have loved to see that!
Trump and MAGA supporters:
Dob’t forget to attend the Democrat protest rallies as your constitutional duty to:
There is no need to give petulant children any attention. Just a spanking and back to their room with them.
The response to their outrage is not outrage on our part.
It is apathy.
There is nothing they are doing that deserves the respect of a counter protest.
The more the left screams and cries the more I realize how right Trump is. Who in their right mind doesn’t want honesty and efficiency.
The Democrat leaders appear to be all crooks.
It will be interesting to see in whose coffers all this NGO money ends up. Perhaps that is why so many Congress critters increase their net worth by many millions while in office. That will come out eventually and it will be shocking. Neither party will be immune.
Good to see a publicly displayed reminders by republicans by that peaceful protests are protected constitutionally. Leftists who ‘protest’ by destroying property like Teslas are anarchists and should spend lengthy time in prison.
Very good Wayne . Those who live in glass houses should throw no rocks . In my simple mind it looks like DJT is going to deliver on his promise of term limits . It slowly coming out about how filthy rich the members of Congress are getting living in DC . It appears on both sides of the isle , highly compromised . As Sourdough Sam used to say “ you need a politician and a prostitute for the same thing “ . I am starting to believe it .
There will be fewer complaining as the revaluations continue coming out.
GO TRUMP, drain the swamp.
What a wonderful gesture for Fairbanks residents (whether republican, democrat, or whatever political affiliation) to erect a sign welcoming Trump administration protestors to their hometown. Defending first rights is essential. Respecting private property is essential. I see this action as a giant step in every party affiliations to find a common ground and somehow find a peaceful way for every American to join hands despite our differences, to regain our democracy.
Whether the sign erected n Fairbanks was sincere or meant to be sarcastic, I believe that it was sincere.
As an example – America has always been known as a melting pot. A country that welcomed residents of multiple races, creeds, beliefs, sizes, shapes, colors, languages, lifestyles, and more. We have the opportunity to learn about lifestyles different from our personal beliefs and the liberty to live the lifestyle we are happy with.
That’s not to say that law breakers and groups who promote hatred , racism, and other evil deeds should be allowed free run. We all live in what is supposed to be a democracy which allows all of us liberty and justice for all. Liberty is the important word. We’ve forgotten the difference between freedom and liberty.
Freedom cannot survive in an organized society because freedom has no boundaries.
Liberty, on the other hand, is a form of freedom that has very necessary restrictions. Liberty allows us the harnessed freedom to act within the social morays and ethical constraints of a society in order to maintain a modicum of self control over what we, as individuals, must live by to maintain order and understanding of our fellow Americans.
Freedom, on the other hand, has no boundaries. It gives those who feel independently, self-entitled to live their lives in whatever way they choose with no concern for the law, regulations, ethical actions, or even how they speak about and treat others who are “different”.
Mentioned before was a reference to America being known as a “melting pot” of varied peoples. Sadly, we are well into losing that cherished title and we’ve become a pressure cooker. The sole solution for all of us to return to a democracy and a melting pot of acceptance is for all of us to put aside our differences and join together as a whole. We must no longer be divided by the news of this or that new regulation. We are all falling for the very clever maneuver of “divide and conquer”.
We must stop chasing numerous scattered crisis’, hoping to resolve the smaller issues (as important as they are) and join together now to resolve the largest issue. That is the issue of our administration. Once we can get a new administration in power, we can all separate into all the private groups that we’re in right now and pick up the pieces to repair and rebuild.
We are very close to a third world war. We must gather together.
Keep in mind that it takes more courage to respect those who have different beliefs than we do than to toss words of hatred and anger at each other. Together we can accomplish everything for the good of us all.
Randi said: “We must stop chasing numerous scattered crisis’, hoping to resolve the smaller issues (as important as they are) and join together now to resolve the largest issue. That is the issue of our administration. Once we can get a new administration in power, we can all separate into all the private groups that we’re in right now and pick up the pieces to repair and rebuild.”
We literally have just done this with the last Federal election. To your point, the new administration is in power but is being fought at every turn with the other 2 branches of government. Give this administration the time needed to root out the evils that both sides have put upon the American citizens and then yes, we can rebuild.
I need to add this –
Most Alaskans are well acquainted with pressure cookers. For those who aren’t, it’s a great kitchen tool in the form of a cookpot that has a tight lid with a small vent at the top upon which is placed a weight. This weight keeps the pot from evaporating its’ fluids until a certain internal pressure is reached. Then, the weight begins to rock to release some pressure and we are able to can foods or cook very tough cuts of meat in short order. So, how can we lower the pressure on this pot which I am using as a metaphor to the American situation? We lower the heat!! How do we lower the heat on a pressure cooker of population? We join hands despite our differences and refuse to be divided by any type of input. We think, and do what is right for democracy.