Dave Bronson announces candidacy for mayor of Anchorage to ‘turn this city around’


Longtime Anchorage resident Dave Bronson declared his candidacy for mayor of Anchorage today. He made the announcement in the rain outside the Assembly Chambers at the Loussac Library in Midtown, where a crowd had gathered to protest illegal meetings of the Assembly and to support police officers.

Bronson was introduced to the crowd by Assembly member Jamie Allard, who endorsed him and called him a “true leader.”

“He will be vocal, fierce and strong; we the people will be his backbone and in turn he will defend the voice of the people, support the people and fight for the people. He will make decisions to better help the people and turn this city around,” Allard said.

“I have a lot of pride in this guy and I’m so glad he stepped up,” Allard said. “As an assembly woman I can tell you that there is no one that will be a stronger ally for us in the Mayor’s office than Dave Bronson.”

Bronson said he has been attending numerous rallies and assembly meetings, and has testified at on several occasions. He has seen firsthand people’s frustration and desire to take the city in a new direction. 

“As your Mayor, I will never lock the doors to your assembly. I will never lock the doors to your business. And I will never lock the doors to your church. When federal relief money is given for COVID, that money should be used for COVID relief,” he said.

“As hard as this Mayor has worked to buy these buildings in Midtown, I would twice as hard to sell them,” Bronson said.

Bronson was joined by key supporters who have also given their endorsement, including former Lt. Govs. Craig Campbell and and Loren Leman.

‘Anchorage is facing an economic crisis caused by failed leadership. I am endorsing Dave Bronson to be our next Mayor. He has the vision to return Anchorage back to a vibrant, economically strong community by handling the homeless issue, streamlining government, and supporting law enforcement to ensure we have a safe and prosperous city,” said Campbell, who is the senior campaign adviser.

Born June 26, 1958 in Superior, Wisconsin, Dave earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Wisconsin.

After graduation, he was an Active Duty Air Force Pilot from 1981 to 1990, USAF Reserves Plans Officer from 1992 to 1993, and an Alaska Air National Guard maintenance officer and pilot from 1993 to 2005, and has had a commercial airline pilot career since 1990.

While flying military aircraft, he met and married Debra. They have been married for 35 years and have raised two children, Katie and Zach.


  1. We have been begging for change, someone to set right the wrongs that our mayor has done, now we have that person. Dave Bronson for mayor 2020!

  2. It is so refreshing to see a grassroots candidate for mayor! I’m looking forward to seeing more from Dave Bronson!

  3. A very hopeful event for Anchorage. Dave Bronson’s the antithesis of Ethan Berkowitz, which is just what we need.

    • You are right about that! #BronsonForMayor … PRO Anchorage, PRO small businesses, PRO education, PRO military… the list goes on!

  4. After reading Dave’s impressive c.v., it seems reasonable to ask whether, as Mayor, he’ll:
    commission a forensic audit of city finances and management practices, identify funded positions versus filled positions; identify “slush funds”, terminate executive employees and consultants hired during the Berkowitz administration;
    veto upcoming sales-tax ordinances;
    sponsor ordinances to repeal alcohol and sales taxes, stop collection of same, and ditch or refuse to enforce the plastic-bag ban;
    propose payment-in-lieu-of-taxes for non-profit organizations over a certain valuation;
    restructure building-code permit and building-code enforcement processes to make them less expensive, less adversarial, less vulnerable to habitual, spurious complaints;
    audit and purge city voter rolls;
    sponsor an ordinance to repeal mail-in voting, remove mail-in vote machinery, and restore traditional polling-place balloting;
    withdraw Anchorage from the Alaska Municipal League, withdraw Anchorage’s share of money from the $600M+ Alaska Municipal League Investment Pool and return it to taxpayers;
    divest the Municipality from buying or administering housing for bums, clean up and sell city property occupied by bum camps;
    withdraw all China flu “mandates”, cancel “emergency powers”, demand factual, verifiable China-flu reporting statistics, rebate property taxes paid for in-school services which school-district officials did not provide;
    share his post-Eaglexit vision for Anchorage, what municipal policies will be changed to persuade other groups not to secede, what policies will be changed to prevent a repeat of the 1980’s exodus.
    veto budgets which clearly “rubber stamp” school-district or public-employee union demands;
    veto ordinances which undermine Anchorage Police Department arrest and enforcement processes;
    refuse to attend, and direct executive staff not to attend, Assembly meetings conducted in violation of Alaska’s Open Meetings Act (AS 44.62.310-.312);
    enforce private-property rights;
    make time for weekly call-in radio “fireside chats” on the state of the city;
    and study Art Chance’s “Red on Blue: Establishing Republican Governance” as if it were an aircraft instruction manual.
    What do you think, Dave?

    • Morrigan~ I would suggest reaching out to Dave on his Facebook public page and submitting your email. He will get in touch with you. He is straightforward and WILLING to discuss issues and find solutions. Help us be part of this change!

      • Surely Facebook is not a requirement for reading what Dave has to say for himself.
        Several takeaways there, none of them good…

  5. Seems a better fit than the one Mead and the Re-stablishment put up the other day. Maybe more up to the task of reform instead trading the old boss for the new boss..

  6. 3rd cut and paste of the same thing there, Morry. Have any of them ever responded? Maybe a new tack for Mr. Majestyk?

    • Stick around… 4th and 5th c&p’s might be coming if straight answers aren’t.
      Vince Majestyk didn’t quit… neither will we.

  7. Glad we finally have a true conservative running for mayor. Dave will get the job done. Can’t want to see for sale signs on The 4 buildings Berkys buying. #BronsonForMayor

  8. Prediction:

    The Assembly will extend the Mayor’s Emergency Authority right up until Election Day. Then refuse to extend it a second longer if Dave Bronson wins.

  9. I wish Dave good luck, but his major obstacle will be the assembly. They’re going to go from being the tiny tyrant’s rubber stamp to obstructing all of Dave’s efforts should he win the election.

  10. The assembly members can be and should be (save for 2) replaced, they are just as big a problem as little Ethan.

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