COVID-19 update: 2 cases, one in Goose Creek prison


A person who contracted COVID-19 coronavirus at a longterm care facility in Sitka was one of two Alaskans diagnosed with the illness through in the 24-hour period that ended at midnight Saturday.

The other person is in the Fairbanks / North Pole area.

Also, an inmate at the Goose Creek Correctional Center, making it almost certain that there will be similar cases. Inmates are being tested as epidemiologists determine who they may have been in close contact with, and the inmate who contracted the virus has been in isolation for the past week.

There have been a total of 341 cases of the coronavirus in Alaska since the outbreak of the contagion, with 217 of them recovered.

In the past several days, no more hospitalizations or deaths were reported. A total of 36 people have been hospitalized and 9 Alaskans died from the illness, with two of those dying out of state.


  1. 750,000 people in the state and we had 2 cases this weekend. One hopes the data is such that the powers that be will continue to return trust and liberty to the people..

    • If the “powers” had not done what they did, there would be more corpse than we currently have. No? Things are turning around because people did what they were advised to do. Stay home, stay apart, stay safe. That is what did the trick. But yes, it may be time to open up stripper bars as long as social distancing and/or face coverings remain in place.

      • Social distancing at a stripper bar but not at a tattoo parlor or a hair salon where there is direct contact? Why? The inconsistency of the rules and the picking of winners and losers is what frustrates so many business owners. My bartender can’t serve you a drink from across the bar while wearing a mask but a tattoo guy can dig into your skin and my haircutter can be all over your head. We are all going to get exposed sooner or later and we are at the point where the medical facilities can handle the load. How many people were actually sent to the Alaska Airlines emergency bed center? I believe the answer is none. Time to open up and if you want to stay home, do so.

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