COVID-19 update: 2 cases


Two cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in Alaska in the past 24 hours for a total of 337 cases of the coronavirus. Some 209 of those cases are now recovered.

Both of the new cases were in Anchorage. No new hospitalizations or deaths are reported.

The total case count, including both those recovered and those who died:

  • Anchorage: 166
  • Kenai Peninsula: 19
  • Fairbanks/North Star Borough: 79
  • Southeast Fairbanks Census Area: 1
  • Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area: 1
  • Kodiak: 1
  • Mat-Su Borough: 20
  • Nome Area 1
  • Juneau: 27
  • Ketchikan: 16
  • Petersburg: 3
  • Craig: 2
  • Bethel: 1


  1. Relatives flew to Petersburg from Palm Springs recently. They had to over night in Seattle. While in Seattle they noticed face masks we far and few between. Much different than Palm Springs where they were in full lock down.
    From their hotel room they watched a take out restaurant, one out of 31 people was wearing a mask.
    My relatives in their eighty’s While traveling were masked and gloved up. Mentally ready for the two week lock down upon returning to Petersburg.
    Tough to understand how the State of Washington where all this crap started does not have procedures in place, public awareness, and a general lock down mentality. This is the same State whose Governor is throwing out statements on the incompetence of the Federal Government, Go figure.

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