Congressman Young statement on release of oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve: ‘Sad day for our country’


Alaska Congressman Don Young released the following statement in response to President Biden’s decision to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve:

“Across Alaska and the rest of our nation, hardworking American families are feeling the impacts of rising fuel prices. These costs touch every part of daily life. Whether it is increased heating expenses, more expensive groceries, or essential goods and services being out of reach, there is no doubt that oil prices and our dependence on OPEC are causing unnecessary stress on parents and their children. Today’s move by President Biden to tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is historical, but not the kind of headline news that should be celebrated. Very frankly, we did not need to get to this point, and we are only here because the Administration has stifled American resource exploration and hamstrung our hardworking energy labor force at every turn. Congress created the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a security strategy to protect our nation from oil shortages during natural and economic disasters. Let me be very clear: this is not a crisis necessitating a dip into our strategic oil reserves; rather, this is an emergency created purely by political malfeasance and broken promises. Anybody paying attention to this Administration’s energy policies is not surprised.

“There is no reason for President Biden to release the reserves when so much domestic energy is readily available. Alaska is home to rich oil reserves, which we can extract with far higher environmental standards than Russia, Venezuela, or any OPEC member country. The tiny sliver of land on ANWR’s Coastal Plain stands ready to both alleviate this oil crisis and prevent us from opening our oil reserves. In 1980, then-Senator Joe Biden voted for the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, which allowed for oil extraction on ANWR’s Coastal Plain in the first place. Unfortunately, President Biden refuses to remember his vote as Senator Biden, because this Administration has acted to stop extraction on the Coastal Plain, snuffing out the potential for well-paying jobs and Alaskan-driven energy independence. The Biden Administration has repeatedly blocked American energy projects under the guise of preventing carbon emissions. I hate to break it to them, but fossil fuels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve are still indeed carbon-emitting energy sources. Why then would we want to cut into our national safety net when we can get what American families truly need right from our own 49th state?

“This is a sad day for our country, and it should have never gotten to this point. Higher gas prices hurt families, threaten jobs, stifle our economic recovery, and only make us more beholden to foreign interests. I strongly oppose withdrawing from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, especially at a time where the holidays and the harshest winter nights are yet to come. This is reckless; we must ensure the reserve is fully stocked and ready for true emergencies. In the meantime, I call on President Biden to come visit Alaska’s North Slope with me. Meet with the hardworking men and women who keep our country moving and learn how they take care to balance energy exploration with the protection of our ecosystems. Alaska is a model for the nation, and I ask President Biden to allow us to do our part to lower gas prices and secure American energy independence.”

On November 19, 2021, Congressman Young sent a letter to President Biden and Energy Secretary Granholm expressing opposition to withdrawing from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Click here for the letter.


  1. But, but, I thought you were best buds with Biden, Mr. (Not)Young? I mean, didn’t your vote for the (so-called) infrastructure bill demonstrate exactly that?
    OK, you’ve made your obligatory statement here. Now, you may return to the back of the fridge with the other forgotten, moldy and long-expired containers of cottage cheese.

    • Saw the news clip of Young, front and center, right beside Biden, laughing and ingratiating himself at something stupid Biden said as he signs the “infrastructure” bill.

      Murkowski, Sullivan and Young are all suckers! They take whatever handouts Biden and his communist handlers give out while they scrape the State of Alaska off the bottom of their heels.

      when will they understand the only goal of this administration is to choke Alaska into government submission. In their minds, our State represents a conceivable battlefront against forcing the rest of the country going green with zero emissions by 2050.

      Alaska is not a renewable energy State! Not yet… It will happen when solar batteries are much more advanced.
      Until then, they will squeeze Alaska dry.

      • “the only goal of this administration is to choke Alaska into government submission” . Surely the federal government has other goals and priorities. Exaggeration is the go-to strategy of MRAKers.

      • Rick and fellow Alaskans- It’s time to vote 3rd party. Even if replaced by Kelly T or Begiech, you are only adjusting the window dressing. Lipstick on a swamp pig.
        Be brave. Have courage. Think of the debt both parties approve of that has become burdensome for us and countless future generations.
        It’s time to demand better representation.
        Miccichi, Bishop, et al- Less Dividend to pay for special interests
        Dean Young, Murkycowski, Dan- terrible debt along with unbelievable special interest spending
        No longer should we choose the lesser of two evils. This November 2022 you won’t have to.
        Vote 3rd party.

        • I’d rather give votes to the second or fist most popular to get rid of these culls. And with Kelly we have a very good shot of someone that probably will actually be a constitutional conservative.

    • Free citizen calls “Coco Beach” Don’s support of the PedoJo Infrastructure bill – a sad for this country.

    • Washington isn’t for the faint of heart.everyone has to give in to get along. The problem is when greedy man hating witches like Finstein and
      Pelosi don’t play nice. Then we spank them for misbehaving and that just makes them madder. Old school give and take is almost a thing of the past. I remember Reagan working across the aisle with Tip.

  2. You voted for his policies, you twit. You endorsed his plans. Get off your high horse. I voted for you for years. I’m done.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty,
    the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom,
    go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms.
    Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
    May your chains set lightly upon you,
    and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
    -Samuel Adams

    • Don. I highly doubt that you have the intellectual smarts to write than press release. Give it up Don. When you dance with the devil, don’t be surprised when he shows up for dinner. Set a place, you have company

  3. Young, too little too late! You voted to pass the pseudo-Infrastructure bill. Professional politician that backstabbed America. This is their plan, to bankrupt oil and gas companies, which will raise the price of fuel exorbitantly, so that people can’t afford to drive cars. Save us from a made up CLIMATE CRISIS! They want the US to FAIL! Don Young you will not be reelected. Anyone that’s been in government for more than 10 years, will you please resign! Alaska GOP- this means you too! You caused these problems, JUST QUIT, so the rest of us can take over and fix it.

      • If you are talking about Canadian pipeleines like Keystone, that oil is now being trucked or railed creating hundreds more American jobs than managing a pipeline.

        • So more expensive oil, more sold to the Chi-coms, and at much more of a threat to the environment are all better? Thanks. I learned something today.
          And no. In the short and the long run with better energy policy – not more jobs.
          Nice try.

        • Oh, and it’s not only a Canadian pipeline (clearly!) or the Senile in Chief would not have been able to shut it down.
          (A hint for F Rast, it goes through America also.)

    • No doubt. However the Biden Administration do nothing when they came in to help correct the problem. In fact, they grossly exasperated it. To acknowledge as if this withdrawal is anything other than pandering and smoke & mirrors simply means you approve of the withdrawal.

    • Oh, is that why Biden decided to release millions of emergency oil barrels?

      Is it because we no longer are energy independent?

      Maybe cause Biden’s handlers have scared Oil companies from investing by creating a wildly uncertain market with zero incentives.

      You don’t think these have ANY effect on gas prices across the U.S.!?

      It’s all connected! Every awful decision Biden has made has led to inflation.

      Biden only cares when he’s told to care. Most worthless puppet of a President ever

    • Yep. Market forces drove the price of crude down, so everyone cut back on production.
      Biden’s EO’s effectively drove the stake into the heart of American oil exploration and production, which artificially reduces native supply, and increases price.
      Biden’s EO’s signaled the oil companies that America was no longer a viable place to explore and develop. They’re now merely running down legacy wells, until they’re empty. Neither are they even considering building new refineries in America. There’s many new refineries being designed, getting permitted, and built in other countries.
      Biden has guaranteed that American oil exploration and production will steadily trend downward. This is not easily reversed. Once the oil companies decide to move their centers of production and refining, drilling new wells elsewhere, it will not be cost effective to return to America.

      • Quite sure Trump was President when no oil majors bid on ANWR leases and reduced production when oil prices dropped. Larry Persily on Channel 2 stated the drop in oil production is due to lack of investment by oil companies. The ADN reported recently the oil jobs on the slope have not come back despite higher prices.

        • It was not all worked out yet, and big oil saw possibly that if a senile, jackass Demoncrat got into power, it would be a bad gamble.
          Awe shucks!
          Who knew?

  4. Must be something important on th horizon. Seems like every 18 months Uncle Don Young comes out to hang with us Alaskans. He promotes his spending debt record and states the obvious. Wouldn’t it be awesome if he and the other three proactively protected Alaska jobs and well being?
    Blindly we vote for the lesser of two evils.
    Not next November. I won’t settle for the status quo. The Dean of DC deserves his retirement. It’s time Alaska for new representation. It’s time to vote 3rd party.

  5. What an idiot of a president. He shuts down domestic oil and gas production and now wants to dip into our reserves. Truly he is an idiot, a first class moron. I wouldn’t be surprised if he put his shoes on the wrong feet each day.

    • Biden is wanting us to “buy” his pansy scheme of supporting China and their “gang” while all the time Biden scalped us by shutting down the US production of oil production and the Alaskan oil fields that could supply us.

  6. Oh there’s Don, I was wondering where he was. Don just recently figuring this out? We don’t have his luxury of being right in the forefront of the heath and welfare of our country. Yet this was obviously coming for months now. All this was avoidable. HELLO any Washington representative out there? This isn’t the only issue that’s falling apart.
    These politicians are predictable, always visible during fund raising and running for another term.

  7. Actions have consequences Don!!! Don Young needs to go! Instead of leveraging his position to opening up the oil and gas industry and working to gain energy independence for America he sides with democrats and allows a 1.7B infrastructure bill that advocates for green energy to pass. This guy has no foresight and complete embarrassment to Alaskans.

  8. And our RINO Congressperson tries to wiggle out from under what he did to himself……..
    Words, RINO Don. Words your actions prove hollow.

  9. Typical gop behavior.

    Dems: We want X.
    Reps: Nope, we’ll give you 75% of X.
    Dems: Make it 95% and you got a deal.
    Reps: DEAL!
    Next day fundraising email: We stopped the radical democrat policies! Send money!

  10. It was also a sad for Alaska and America, Congressman Young, when you joined a few other feckless Republicans and supported Biden’s “Infrastructure Bill”. Massive spending for democrat special interests. Don’t hold your breath that Alaska will get anything tangible out of that bill. Just another huge uptick in the national debt. It was particularly disturbing seeing that photo op of Congressman Young grinning like a goon at the signing with Biden.

    Time to go, Don. Thank you for your service. Be sure and pick up your gold watch on the way out.

  11. OKAY! Are you going to do anything about it Don? I would surmise that a “senior” US Congressman, with 40+ years greasing the skids in DC, would posses enough cought to make a significant and meaningful difference? Maybe not?
    On another note, what exactly are you doing to get O&G development back in full swing here in Alaska on the North Slope? Do you think you can do more to help these great projects just sitting the cue? What should we expect the progress on this front to look like? Is there a plan of action to get these projects fully permitted and underway?
    Quite honestly, it appears like you should be able to get more done but, we continue to hear the same old war chant without any success. And, many of us believe that you’ve outlived your usefulness. How do you see finishing out your career, a winner or a dud?

  12. OKAY! Are you going to do anything about it Don? I would surmise that a “senior” US Congressman, with 40+ years greasing the skids in DC, would posses enough clout to make a significant and meaningful difference? Maybe not?
    On another note, what exactly are you doing to get O&G development back in full swing here in Alaska on the North Slope? Do you think you can do more to help these great projects just sitting the cue? What should we expect the progress on this front to look like? Is there a plan of action to get these projects fully permitted and underway?
    Quite honestly, it appears like you should be able to get more done but, we continue to hear the same old war chant without any success. And, many of us believe that you’ve outlived your usefulness. How do you see finishing out your career, a winner or a dud?

  13. First Don Young was one of the traiters who helped vote in the $1.+ Trillion Dollar bill. Then Don Young was mad after Congress passes the other 2ns $1.7 Trillion Dollar Bill that Don Young helped by voting for the 1st one. One of only a small group of Traiters on the R name who voted for the 1st bill.
    Then Don Young comes on to complain about the 2nd bill passes but it was HIS VOTE that helped create the 2nd Bill. Confusing I know but true and here is in complaining and now he complains about the release of the oil reserve. I bet OPEC is SCARED and SHAKING! To little to late! Nice try Don

  14. Don Young has gone over to the Dark Side. His heart is no longer in Alaska. How can Don espouse such fawning support of Deb Haaland, for the Secretary of the Interior, a woman who thinks that Alaska should be a huge national park. He is helping the radical leftist Biden administration and the rest of the wacko Democrats achieve their goals to change our country into a socialist disaster by feeling good about accepting a pittance in funding coming to Alaska within the “Infrastructure” Act. So now it seems that “earmarks” have taken on a new form, but much more costly.

  15. Don :
    Go back and read the comments made about you, then you will have an accurate picture in your head that you can use to paint a self portrait of the ugly, demonic, self serving —- that you and the other two have been their in dc

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