The snow is only going to get heavier with the warm front that is coming this way, so you may as well get on it now.
And to encourage you, Anchorage Police Department issued a unusually chipper message on the Nixle app this afternoon. Take note of the personable tone, which might almost make you want to shovel snow:
Mother Nature, bless her heart, has decided we should get all of last year’s snow AND this year’s snow. All at once. Fabulous. So you know all of that white stuff you’ve been repeatedly shoveling out of your driveway? The plows need to remove it from our streets. But they can’t do it without your help.
Please remove your vehicles from the roadway so the plows can make it easier for all of us to drive. Not only is it difficult for our amazing plow operators to navigate those big machines around cars, but in some places, there is so much snow build-up and so many cars on the street that the plows simply don’t fit. They have to drive on past the neighborhood.
I know you know where your shovel is because you’ve been using it non-stop the past three days. So please take it out to your car, unbury your vehicle, and move it to the driveway. Thank you so much for your help. The plow drivers thank you too!!
Municipal Code 9.30.150 – Parking for longer than 24 hours – No person may park a vehicle on any street, vehicular way or area, or municipally owned parking lot for a period of time longer than 24 hours, except from Friday noon until Monday noon.
To receive alerts from the Anchorage Police Department (and they can be helpful, especially regarding emergencies and road closures) text your ZIP code to 888777, or walk through the process at https://local.nixle.com.
A word to the wise: Not all of the Nixle warnings are so insufferably cheerful.