Charlie Pierce hires Jake Thompson as campaign manager for gubernatorial race


Candidate for Alaska governor Charlie Pierce, now serving his second term as the mayor of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, has hired Jake Thompson as his campaign manager. Thompson was a member of the Pierce campaign for borough mayor, and has a career in broadcasting at KSRM Radio in Kenai, where he hosted the “Tall, Dark, and Handsome” Show and “Sound Off With Jake Thompson.”

“Jake is a welcome addition to Team Pierce and will be overseeing campaign operations. I look forward to his leadership as we move forward. Please join me in welcoming Jake to Team Pierce,” Pierce said in a statement on Tuesday.

The campaign has also launched its website at

Pierce, a Republican, is the third GOP member to challenge sitting Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy. From the Wasilla area, Rep. Chris Kurka has also filed a letter of intent to run for governor, although he cannot actively fund-raise during the legislative session, which is usually at least 120 days. Pierce has no such restriction on campaigning.

Bruce “Roger” Walden, also a Republican, has filed as a gubernatorial candidate. For the Democrats and undeclared candidates, Former Gov. Bill Walker and former Rep. Leslie Gara are in the running. Billy Toien is a Libertarian Party candidate on file with the Division of Elections as a candidate.

Only Walker and Toien have announced running mates so far. Under the new scheme of voting, candidates for governor must have running mates for the primary election. The last day to file as a candidate for the primary election is on or before 5 pm, June 1, 2022. The top four vote getters in the primary election will be placed on the general election ballot, where voters will rank them in the order of their preference. It’s a voting method used in Maine and places like San Francisco, and it was approved by Alaska voters via a ballot initiative pushed by Outside dark money in 2020.


  1. It would be nice if Charlie Pierce and Chris Kurka could somehow join forces to keep the votes as one so Walker doesn’t slip in

  2. It’s Walker or Dunleavy. None of these other guys are anything but noise. Natasha gets in, she’ll get Gieselled. She just about lost to a loon in her own district.

    Walker is as corrupt as he is feckless, and that is saying a lot because not too many people have come along and looked deeply out of his depth, have sold out to special interests quicker, and have been so patently driven by power and greed as to sacrifice virtually every single principle they ran on.

    Dunleavy needs to sound off more, that is a valid complaint, however, it’s hard to imagine anyone having the sort of first term headwinds he’s had. Two legislatures on paper that were republican, actively fighting against him 3 years and counting. A petulant and partisan judiciary, allowing any games under the Sun the left wants to play (Recall, etc) to pass muster. The strongest earthquake in 50 years, the worst fire season in almost as long, the pandemic and all its issues including a Chief Medical Officer who is hauling water for big Pharma and the left, right in front of him but behind his back. And most recently, the blatantly antagonistic Biden admin. With all that he still polls in the high 50s, which is really equivalent to a 70+ rating from 10 years ago, due to the partisanship and current rigid divide.

    That said, Trump got 55 in 20 and that’s probably 60+ If you asked today, and a lot of that should favor Dunleavy. Endorsements don’t typically mean much, but the data shows Trumps do. Alaska is it’s own animal, but that trend should be similar here, as it is nationally.

    I think this is the incumbent’s to lose, but certainly the other candidates are not substantial; it’s him or Walker. That’s the choice. We can pick what we pick and we deserve what we get.

    • Lawrence,
      I guess you don’t know or know about Charlie Pierce. Desantis reminds me of Charlie and his MO for politics. Charlie has kept the Kenai Borough out of the covid insanity, and the people love him for it. Kenai borough businesses have survived when other boroughs and cities’ have not. He’s a straight shooter, unlike most familiar politicians. He certainly has what it takes to bring Alaska back out of the leftist cesspool if anyone does. With real Alaskans’ support, Charlie may be the long shot but he’s the best. I am sure that a person of Charlie’s caliber would step aside for the good of Alaska, if need be, even though he would be ‘the one’ that Alaska wants and desperately needs. Alaska needs Charlie Pierce.

      • Anything is possible. Walker came along and with the democrats helped knocked off Parnell, who at the time I believe was polling close to Dunleavy. It’s been a long time since Alaska re elected a governor to a second term (Parnell was elected finishing Palin’s term; he did not win his actual re-election), however, and I think this time the odds favor the incumbent. It’s hard to see that much support (mid to high 50s) going away or collapsing so quickly, and essentially all of it would need to go to Pierce for him to have a chance. If any amount of it went to Walker over Pierce, Walker wins. I also don’t see the valley abandoning its candidate, or moderate conservatives and centrist independents. There are definitely some unhappy among the base, but I don’t think enough to make this a race about 4 candidates, just enough to make it about whether or not one base sabotages the general because the left will vote with solidarity.

  3. If Mayor Pierce can come up with the money he is a real contender. I have no idea what he has for resources. Time is actually short, so short that the bulk of the money needs to already be in place even if it’s not yet counted.

    • If he makes it through the primary, I’d put Pierce as my #1 choice, Dunleavy would be 2 or 3 (depending on how Kurka does).

  4. I’m glad to see Charlie in the race, Dunleavy is not aggresive and hasn’t investigated the election system and the machines. The election results are questionable at best.

  5. I like Charlie Pierce for governor. I just wonder who would replace him as mayor.
    I nominate Jesse Bjorkman who currently sits on the assembly.

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