Cannabis cafes: Yes or no? Anchorage debates


The Anchorage Assembly is considering on-site consumption of marijuana, places where people can buy pot and use it on the premises. Two work sessions are planned and then a public hearing.

The Anchorage Assembly has provided the following information to assist the public’s participation in the decision making process:

Assembly Memorandum (AM 344-2019) regarding amending the Title 21 Land Use ordinance.

Assembly Ordinance (AO No. 2019-67) amending the Title 21 Land Use ordinance.

Assembly Memorandum (AM 343-2019) regarding making technical corrections to Municipal Code regarding marijuana.

Assembly Ordinance (AO No. 2019-66) amending making technical corrections to Municipal Code regarding marijuana.

“Municipal Marijuana Establishment Map Basics.”

Municipal web page on marijuana licensing.


1) Assembly Work session on the two On-Site Ordinances:

(Public participation will not happen at all of these meetings.)

  • Friday, May 10, 2 to 3 p.m., City Hall, 632 W 6th Ave, 1st Floor Conference Room
  • Friday, May 17, 2 to 3 p.m., City Hall, 632 W 6th Ave, 1st Floor Conference Room

2) Presentation  to the Federation of Community Councils about the On-Site Ordinances:

  • Wednesday, May 15, 6 to 8 p.m., 1057 W. Fireweed Lane, 1st Floor Conference Room

3) Public Hearing before the Assembly:

  • Tuesday, May 21, 5 to 11 p.m., Loussac Library, 3600 Denali St, Assembly Chambers


  1. I would vote no on this. I have no problem with legalization but I’m not interested in this state becoming a travel destination for a bunch of marijuana smokers to come up here and party. down the road, once it is legal in all states then I can see opening it up to specialty stores selling rare strains. but right now people just want to cash in on the rush and to hell with what it does to the rest of the community.

  2. I don’t have any skin in the game, but I completely support this. Although not a user myself, who am I to tell you what you can or cannot do? I drink alcohol and wouldn’t want that right to be taken away from me. Both can be used responsibly with some common sense and control.
    Impose a fair “sin” tax, don’t kill the chances of success, and let free enterprise go to work. There are both downfalls and positives, with more and more evidence showing that it can be very beneficial to some ailments. Plus, it beats ignoring the black market that’s been out there for decades. The consumer can get a safer, more tightly regulated commodity that they obviously want. Don’t ignore the fact that the people already voted to legalize marijuana.

  3. The Assembly can’t seem to clean up bum camps, fix the Port, fix SAP, control bears, repair roads, get the education industry under control, wipe out gangbangers, bust the dope trade, defend private-property rights, or do much of anything else that really matters to productive residents…
    but they can “consider on-site consumption of marijuana”.
    Oh well, we got we voted for…

  4. I am puzzled by the lack of consistency. The assembly does not allow tobacco to be used in public places but now is considering marijuana use in public. It seems to be what is the favorite flavor of the month with no steady application of “alleged concerns”. Smoke is smoke! If it is unhealthy to consume in bars then it is unhealthy to consume in marijuana cafes. I should be forthcoming in the fact I believe marijuana to be a gateway drug. I am also against alcohol abuse but our society has lost it’s collective mind with communities consider making magic mushrooms legal. How about people stay in touch with the world and stop trying to disconnect?

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