Campbell: It took only one week for nanny mayor to go after Anchorage businesses?



It only took one week for our new leftist acting mayor to proclaim her totalitarian control over we plebiscites. Many of us predicted she would be a far worse mayor than was Berkowitz, but she sure showed her stripes early.  

It’s unbelievable how quickly Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson announced she was hiring three new code enforcement officers to aggressively go after all you renegade business owners trying to earn a living and make our anemic economy stay viable.  

Enforcement and punishment if she found you defying her pompous mandates in protecting society from that deadly COVID-19.  Shame on you.  Shame, shame, shame.

She’s just what Anchorage needs, bigger government with more gestapo code enforcement agents busting the private sector for trying to make a living and employing Alaskans.  In the nanny state that Quinn-Davidson lives, only the intelligentsia know what’s best for society, and you’ll comply, or else. 

It is interesting that she finds COVID enforcement more of a problem than the rampant vagrancy epidemic we have in Anchorage. Maybe instead of going after legitimate businesses, she could turn her attention to reducing the exploding homeless problem.  Why would she do that when crushing legitimate taxpaying businesses over a virus meets the Socialist objective of making us all more subservient to government?  Silly me. 

Frankly, I’m tired of this crap.  Call it COVID fatigue, or call it being fed up with our idiot local elected officials, and I mean those uber-liberal Assembly members and their accomplice, Comrade Quinn-Davidson.  

This out-of-control government power grab has got to stop.  COVID-19 is a virus, not the plague, and Quinn-Davidson is only the acting mayor, a caretaker until a real mayor is elected by the people. She was not elected to that seat. She does not represent the people of Anchorage, only the people of District 3E, and if that is what they want for their district, so be it. I’ll wager it is not what the people of Anchorage want. So long as her Majesty is allowed to reign, our city will experience greater hardship and more economic decay. 

Now before you claim I’m being a bit too harsh, remember, I didn’t pick this fight, she did when she unilaterally decided to punish our businesses and population with more government enforcement action, to include fines and possible jail time for “violators.”   

Here is the job solicitation purpose taken directly from the Muni Job Opportunities web site on Sunday, Nov. 1, 2020:  “This position was created to enforce Emergency Orders issued to address the COVID-19 Emergency and may not extend beyond this emergency.”  

You can’t make this stuff up.

The Anchorage Assembly has only one option to bring Anchorage back into compliance with the Municipal Charter and allow the people of Anchorage to determine who should represent all of us in the mayor’s office.  They must set a special election to fill the mayor’s seat, and it must be set for 90 days from the vacancy created by former Mayor Ethan Berkowitz.  

We need no excuses that it may cost money; liberty and democratic representation are more important than the bill that will be created by a special election.  

I even have a budget solution to pay for the special election – use the funds designated to hire the code enforcement officers.  If the Assembly fails to set a special election at their next meeting, Nov. 4, they are subverting the will of the people in order to retain despotic control of our city.  Any delay only gives this looney acting mayor more time to inflict more damage on our community.   

In the meantime, I am saddened that Anchorage businesses will suffer.  I really like eating at the Little Dipper Diner, Kriner’s Diner, Campobello (sorry, that’s already gone), La Mex, Piccolino’s, Garcia’s and many other Anchorage and Eagle River restaurants.  

But if Quinn-Davidson forces more closures of these venues than there are other options.  Just up the road in the Mat-Su there are some really great restaurants not under the thumb of Quinn-Davidson’s rule. Turkey Red, Noisy Goose, Evangelo’s, Basil Ginger, Everett’s, Windbreak Café, and a host of others I would recommend to my Anchorage friends.  

This is not a drill.  Anchorage is in a serious leadership crisis. Our former mayor resigns in disgrace and is replaced by a radical Leftist. Far left elitists have taken control of the city and are doing extensive damage to our economy and our freedoms. 

We must have a special election to correct our course. It must be held in early February. If Acting Mayor Quinn-Davidson wins, I’ll shut up, but I suspect she doesn’t have a chance in hell of convincing us that her vision for Anchorage is the vision the majority of us want.  

Craig E. Campbell served on the Anchorage Assembly between 1986 and 1995 and later as Alaska’s Tenth Lieutenant Governor.  He was the previous Chief Executive Officer and President for Alaska Aerospace Corporation.  He retired from the Alaska National Guard as Lieutenant General (AKNG) and holds the concurrent retired Federal rank of Major General (USAF).


  1. Senator Mike Showers for Governor in 2022.
    Senator Shelly Hughes for governor in 2022.

    Both are intelligent, put their money where their mouth is at do what they say they’ll do.

    Above all else, they both have backbones.

  2. Fantastic article. Remember….there are more of us than them. When the people stand up for freedom and fight back is when we take our city back. V for Vendetta!

    • If that’s true, Sheryl, how do these leftist retards keep getting elected? Are conservatives in Anchorage too lazy, or preoccupied to vote?

  3. General, thank you for speaking out. You are absolutely correct regarding the stark contrast between the current Anchorage Assembly and their “acting” mayor’s system of enforced totalitarian government and the representative Republic our nation’s founders established. From Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 11th edition:

    Republic. A government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president. A government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.

    Totalitarian. Of or relating to centralized control by an autocratic leader or hierarchy. Relating to a political regime based on subordination of the individual to the state and strict control of all aspects of the life and productive capacity of the nation especially by coercive measures (as censorship or terrorism).

  4. I wonder if the new code enforcers will be looking into any of the businesses the former mayor, assembly, and their family and friends own? Or will they only investigate businesses that are in direct competition with the former mayor et al.?

    • Those who do not work shall not eat… biblical, 2 Thessalonians 3:10 etc
      Those who do not obey shall not eat… Joseph Stalin

  5. It may not extend past the “emergency” but you can bet the Marxists will try and extend the “emergency” as long as possible through fear-mongering and lies.

  6. We must stand up and insist “We the people shall not be fringed”. Either you like a totalitarian rule or you don’t. Mayor A**hole obviously takes great delight in making business owners suffer, just as the previous mayor. Everyone has a right to earn an income and support their family. Let costumers decide if they choose to patronize businesses or not. I’m sick and tired of city zealots trying to restrict our freedoms. “Give me liberty or give me death”.

  7. Getting that special election, which everyone I know wants, How is that going to happen when the assembly only has two conservatives ? The Assembly could also end the Emergency, which doesn’t exist, and the Mandates along with it… Yes, this is a power grab, and the Agenda is to inflict damage on the small business community, along with every other aspect of society they can get away with… We live in unprecedented times. How can we respond to this movement to tear down America ? One might hope for a legal solution, since the whole Emergency is based on the false science of a deadly epidemic, that does not exist. So What the hell ? You wrote about a coup against the President in your last article. What we are seeing, Is it anything less than a pernicious plot to bring down America ? Unconstitutional Mandates with “code enforcers” … Starts my kettle boiling…

  8. Just finished reading Orwell’s 1984 – again. Sounds like these actons are the deployment of the “Thought Police” from her new “Ministry of Love”.

  9. Agreed… this is not a drill.
    What are our options, General?
    Productive Anchorage residents are surrounded, Bastogne-like, by a hostile mayor, a hostile Assembly, a hostile unelected bureaucracy, an indifferent legislature, sycophantic mainstream news media, judges obssessed with impeaching Governor Dunleavy and releasing violent sex offenders,
    and productive Anchorage residents are further cut off by an easily corruptible mail-in ballot system which their hostile Assembly forced on them to keep things this way.
    So, what do we have to lose that we haven’t lost already, General?
    Are we talking about: gently yet firmly escorting code enforcers off private premises until they return with police and we send the camera footage to Fox News?
    … persistently insisting our Governor and our president –stop– revenue-sharing with Anchorage until the bast… (whoops, cant say that!) leave us the hell alone?
    … a Kriner’s Diner operation on steroids, clogging the court system with demands for jury trials… for the next ten years?
    … passing the hat to buy back-up generators for businesses whose power is cut off by the Municipality because they dared rebel against the Peoples Code Enforcement Bureau?
    … doing everything possible to facilitate Eaglexit, which’ll break the cartel’s grip by choking its income stream?
    … asking Eaglexit sponsors very, very nicely to take certain other parts of Anchorage with them when they go?
    … suing Anchorage School District to recover taxes paid for services not rendered?
    … federal civil rights complaints against specific Municipality officials for exceeding the scope of their authority?
    You ever lead a counterinsurgency, General, or commanded anyone who has? With respect, it’s time to get off the damned soap box and lead the counterinsurgency to defeat this coup d’etat against productive Anchorage residents. See the Trump rallies lately? There’s your troops.
    And that’s not all of them, … not by a long shot!
    Ready to lead us, General?

  10. Totally agree with Craig Campbell’s comments. This Assembly simply will not listen to Anchorage residents.

    This is one response to my repeated messages to the Anchorage Assembly:

    “I am not sure his words say what you think they do and I also am not so sure people who think we need a special election are in the majority.”

    Christopher Constant
    Anchorage Municipal Assembly, District 1

  11. It defies logic that Anchorage should be strapped down to a Renaissance logic when thousands upon thousands of cars roll into Anchorage from The Valley 5 days a week and there’s no mandate amongst those vehicle occupants for 16 hours a day… and no greater death rate nor even infection rate. Go to just about any store in Wasilla and count the number of maskers and it’s low; very near none.

    Whatever the solution might be, anecdotal evidence would indicate that it’s not a mask.

    I had hoped that the substitute mayor might be a little smarter than to assume she could discipline her way to respect; that worked out poorly for the stub.

    Should masks be mandatory? The voice of the people will say no and no one respects the shrimp or the lesbian’s medical mandates.

  12. Vote Democrat (communist) and oppression is what happens. They are all like this. And the voters are getting wise, so they now try to claim they are “Independents” … lol… always cheat and lie to win.

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