Building that houses Republicans in Fairbanks vandalized over weekend, windows broken


Either rocks or a BB gun were used to break windows of a commercial building in Fairbanks that is being rented by the Interior Republicans group, as they work to advance Republican candidates this election.

The vandalism occurred over the weekend, said Seth Church, owner of the building. Damage to the three windows directly beneath the offices that had Republicans posters in the windows will cost between $15,000 and $20,000 to replace, he said.

Church, who rented the rooms upstairs to the Republicans, has made a report to police. He said it’s never happened before and he suspects it is a politically motivated attack.

In Anchorage, a home that had Trump signs on it was vandalized with spray paint and the homeowner’s car was painted with a Swastika symbol last week.


  1. So much for the Democratic Party be the party of peace. Looks like the elements inside the Democratic Party are lashing out because they know their brand is not highly liked.

  2. Not surprising at all. This is how tyrants operate, through fear and intimidating their opponents. Today’s democrap party is nothing but a crime syndicate.
    Buckleup your lederhosen folks, after tomorrow night it’s going to get ugly for awhile…

  3. Multiple other buildings in downtown fairbanks had their windows smashed. Probably just some hooligan on a vandalism spree.

  4. And, the leftists on MRAK will swoop in and claim these are obviously false flag operations committed by the homeowner, or the Interior Republicans group. Happening in 3… 2…. and, there it is.

  5. The left-wing dimlibbys party of “peace & joy” at it AGAIN!
    Shouting, burning, shooting, spray painting, what’s is a woman? etc…

    (Individuals having two X chromosomes (XX) are female; individuals having one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY) are male.) Science is hard when you’re a dimlibby!

    They are unhinged, irresponsible & just plain crazy!

  6. With the “ red flag” laws taking place all over in our country. Being a democrat alone by itself should be enough to bar their 2nd amendment rights. Tell me it’s not a mental disorder.

  7. This is just a little foreplay.
    Wait till all the rioting burning and looting of the bright blue democrat cities takes place.
    It is time for Democrats to display their full potential.
    And we thought the summer of love in 2020 was bad…that will look “mostly peaceful” compared to what is in store after they lose.

  8. The derangement syndrome is real. These people are sick lunatics. It is no joke! Sign waving in Fairbanks proves how nutz they are. They thrash around in their vehicles like they are possessed! They hang out car windows and scream like banshies, they flip you off, they throw up the L looser signs and they try but are unsuccessful at trying to smoke you out with their diesel exhaust. If these wackO’s candidates get into office it will be more unruly and people will get hurt! We are praying and hoping that God will heal our land and return us back to some form of sanity. Bulletproof vest & sign waving must go on!

  9. Democrats are truly mentally off, just listen to their nonsense. As a woman in Wisconsin said recently, “l’d rather be called garbage than be called a Democrat.” Vote Republican! Vote NO on 1. Vote YES on 2. God bless America! ??

  10. I wonder how many democrat offices or homes were vandalized? Leftists are the most intolerant people on earth. I’m gonna say it right now: Leftists are exactly like NAZIS! No wonder they keep painting their symbol all over other people’s property.

  11. The algorithms are getting busted by the record voting… That means the darkside is going to go next level down… When they lose it they’re going to lose it… ^^^

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