Bronson takes lead on Day 2 of counting


With 76,022 ballots counted, Dave Bronson has taken the lead in the runoff for Anchorage Mayor. Bronson has 38,150 votes to Dunbar’s 37,872. Bronson has a 278 vote lead on Wednesday after being behind by 114 votes on Tuesday night.

The percentage difference is 50.18% to 49.82%, still within the margin that would require an automatic recount.

On Tuesday night, 72,000 ballots had been counted by the time the Anchorage Municipal Clerk stopped work for the night. Uncounted then were ballots cast on Tuesday.

Political analysts believe another 20,000 votes remain to be counted over the next several days.

Read: Fire alarm goes off at Election Office on key counting day


  1. Be very wary of the Liberals on the Assembly they will try and bring manufactured votes in for Dunbar especially Constapated Constant

  2. The Bronson lead will only grow as the counting continues. If we had a police department and fire department that was doing their jobs we would know how the fire alarm was set off and by who…!!! and at some point we will know the truth about what the folks were doing between 9:30 and 11:30 election night after the observers were told the work was over for the day at 9:30…and left the building…

  3. Get you earplugs/hearing protection ready. There is going to be a long incessant whine coming from every leftist in Anchorage if Bronson wins.

    And, the betting pool is still open. $1 gets you in, closest without going over wins. Single answer to two questions:
    If Bronson wins, how many days before the Assembly votes to end the Declaration of Emergency?
    If Dunbar wins, how many days before the Assembly extends the Declaration of Emergency?

  4. Don’t worry. The ballot trucks will show up tonight around 3 or 4 AM. It take a long time for ballots to get here from California.

  5. Today I drove all the way to the Tesoro Hilltop station in Sutton, just to buy gas, get a free cup of coffee, and chat with some conservative people. Their gas prices are cheaper than in Anchorage, almost enough to break even for the trip. Had I something more efficient than my Challenger, I might have actually come out ahead by a few pennies, if you included the cost of a cup of coffee.
    Something is wrong with Anchorage, when someone will drive a hundred miles out of their way, just to buy gas elsewhere.
    I haven’t used my Costco or Freddy gas discount cards in Anchorage, for so long, that I can’t remember exactly since when.

  6. Watch for the stealing of this election. If we keep them honest so they can’t Cheat we win.
    Go Bronson

  7. I’m going to say that residents of Anchorage do have a little bit of common Sense remaining and Bronson will pull through. The alternative is he loses and a firestorm of Left Coast politics overwhelms Anchorage and it turns into even more of a ghost town than it currently is. I don’t think anybody wants that other than Goodbar and other members of the cesspool.

  8. So many questions! We need our intrepid reporter to address the questions we all have–at least to list the issues with commitment to get us the details.
    -How was the chain of custody managed with the fire alarm? Is there a procedure for such an event?
    -Who was the woman with the box who “tried” to enter the building at 10:58pm? Did she succeed? Did anyone ask her what she was doing?
    -What about the two people exiting the building well after the others had evacuated due to the alarm?
    -What would be the source of 20,000 more ballots? It appears all of the drop box ballots have been counted and I cannot imagine that number coming from late mailings.

  9. Don’t hold your breath on this one. If its like Georgia, Dunbar will squeak by at the last minute.

  10. Only 4k ballots counted yesterday, this is beginning to look a lot like the 2020 Presidential election.

  11. This is for the PFD..I sent a vote for the 50/50 ballot to [email protected] and got it back
    Undelivered .
    I do not understand why
    How can Alaskans such as my self vote for our deserved PFD if we Cannot get the correct way to send our voices . [email protected]…..907 315 1049 willow Alaska 99688
    Thank you l would only hope Dunleavy also appoints a legal board to over see the legal appointment of a
    Person/or persons to stop the theft of Alaskans rightful money that was promised them from their land rights years ago ,not from money hungry legislators who claim they are the law and they will do as they please .
    It is way past time to do a bank search of just how much they have stollen.

  12. After sunset is when the blood suckers usually come out! The blood suckers that come out to suck out the internal resolve and spirit of this nation.

  13. Anchorage came out and gave Dunbar a good race. They made up for that no one from East Anchorage challenged him for his second assembly term.
    Keep the prayers going Anchorage people get a fair outcome and pray that tricks are somehow not successful, and that Constant’s stinging remark saying, ‘your prayers are worthless’ is a false statement. You know what is funny Constant will never say that to a Muslim and they pray 6 times a day. But he disrespects the Jews, and Christian Gentiles.

  14. We all worry about post election day misuse of the mail in ballot process. Anchorage should immediately stop the non requested mail in ballot model. Commission after commission starting with President Carter’s group have warned of the potential of fraud and abuse. Supporters of mailing out ballots to every address call these warnings “the big lie”. What is wrong with Anchorage voters that they can’t or refuse to see the problems with this. Maybe the State government needs to put a stop to this now, and save us from ourselves.

  15. This ridiculous after-the-election-day-vote-count-wait must teach us to abandon mail-in voting from now on out.

  16. Simple solution!!
    “Mail in ballots ”
    Postmarked to precede election day!
    Received and counted prior to election day! No ” adjustments” needed

  17. This is sick and I have pit in my stomach. As soon as the fire alarm went off I realized the left is going to steal this election and I’m thinking that tomorrow we will be informed that Dunbar wins be a narrow margin just like in 2020 with the potus.

  18. So many questions! We need our intrepid reporter to address the questions we all have–at least to list the issues with commitment to get us the details.
    -How was the chain of custody managed with the fire alarm? Is there a procedure for such an event?
    -Who was the woman with the box who “tried” to enter the building at 10:58pm? Did she succeed? Did anyone ask her what she was doing?
    -What about the two people exiting the building well after the others had evacuated due to the alarm?
    -Did the fire department investigate to the extent possible?
    -What would be the source of 20,000 more ballots? It appears all of the drop box ballots have been counted and I cannot imagine that number coming from late mailings.

  19. No one can predict the outcome, I can only say how happy I am that the conservatives finally decided to be heard at the polls. Dave Bronson mobilized the “silent majority” in a big way. To say nothing about how the current state of our city also brought people back to the polls.

  20. Robert Williams I thought the same thing – but looks like Dave is pulling further ahead this morning.

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